Kavita Kané

Rediscovering Indian Mythology through Literature
Kavita Kané

Kavita Kané

Rediscovering Indian Mythology through Literature

Kavita Kané, an accomplished Indian author and former journalist, has carved a unique niche for herself in the world of literature with her compelling retellings of Indian mythology.

She is renowned for her mythological fiction, with all of her books delving into the rich and intricate tapestry of ancient Indian myths. Her storytelling prowess breathes new life into age-old tales, making them relevant for contemporary readers.

This article explores the life, career, and literary contributions of Kavita Kané.

Early Life and Education

Kavita Kané was born on August 5, 1966, in the vibrant city of Mumbai, India. Her early years were marked by her family's frequent relocations to cities like Patna, Delhi, and Pune. She is an alumna of Fergusson College, Pune, where she pursued her postgraduate studies in English Literature and Mass Communication at the University of Pune.

Her initial aspirations leaned towards a career in administrative services, but her passion for writing ultimately led her to journalism. She embarked on a two-decade-long journey in the world of media, working with esteemed organisations such as Magna Publications, Daily News and Analysis, and The Times of India.

Kavita Kané's background in journalism provided her with the perfect platform to express her love for the written word. However, her true calling as an author came to the forefront with the resounding success of her debut novel, "Karna's Wife: The Outcast's Queen." It was this literary triumph that paved the way for her to transition into a full-time writing career.

Personal Life

Kavita Kané's formative years were marked by her family's presence in Patna, Delhi, and Pune, along with her parents and two sisters. In a household filled with an insatiable love for books, her father's personal collection of over 10,000 books served as an unspoken testament to the family's reverence for literature.

Reading wasn't merely a pastime; it was a way of life. Kavita Kané's upbringing instilled a profound appreciation for storytelling and knowledge.

Her interests extend beyond the world of literature, embracing a deep-seated passion for cinema and theatre. However, her true sanctuary is the world of books, and it is within these pages that she discovers endless adventures and stories.

Kavita Kané's personal life is anchored by her family. She is married to Prakash Kane, a mariner, and together they have created a loving home in Pune.

Their family is complete with two daughters, Kimaya and Amiya, and their four-legged companions: Chic, the friendly Cocker Spaniel, and Cotton, the inquisitive white cat. Her domestic haven offers the ideal environment for a storyteller to continue her exploration of myths and legends.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Kavita Kané</p></div>
Krishna Udayasankar


Kavita Kané's bibliography is a treasure trove of mythological fiction, each book presenting an alternative perspective on well-known tales. Her works include:

  • "Karna's Wife: The Outcast's Queen" (2013): This bestselling novel offers an intriguing take on the life of Uruvi, Karna's wife, and her perspective on the epic Mahabharata.

  • "Sita's Sister" (2014): The book explores the life of Urmila, Sita's sister, and the lesser-known aspects of her character in the Ramayana.

  • "Menaka's Choice" (2015): This novel delves into the story of Menaka, a celestial nymph from Indian mythology, and her choices in a world where her destiny is largely preordained.

  • "Lanka's Princess" (2016): The book provides a fresh perspective on Surpanakha, the pivotal character in the Ramayana, and her journey.

  • "The Fisher Queen’s Dynasty" (2017): This book explores the life of Satyavati, the matriarch of the Kuru dynasty, and the complex relationships within her family.

  • "Ahalya's Awakening" (2019): The novel focuses on Ahalya, a character from Hindu mythology, and her transformation into a woman of strength and resilience.

  • "Saraswati's Gift" (2021): In her most recent work, Kavita Kané uncovers the life of Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, music, and art, delving into the aspects of her divine persona.

Kavita Kané's writings are characterised by her ability to reimagine the narratives of iconic female figures, shedding light on their untold stories and challenges.


Kavita Kané's literary journey has breathed new life into Indian mythology by providing fresh perspectives and voices to often marginalised or overlooked characters. Her ability to craft compelling narratives that resonate with contemporary readers while staying rooted in ancient lore is a testament to her storytelling prowess.

As she continues to weave her tales, Kavita Kané remains a noteworthy figure in the new era of mythological fiction. Her work invites readers to rediscover the richness of Indian mythology through a unique and engaging lens, making her a celebrated author in this genre.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Kavita Kané</p></div>
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Kavita Kané</p></div>
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