Put Your Heart Into It - The Importance of Health for a Hearty Business

- Ankit Bhattacharyya, Director - Creatives & Communication, Squad Myndroot Private Limited
Put Your Heart Into It - The Importance of Health for a Hearty Business
Put Your Heart Into It - The Importance of Health for a Hearty Business

ankit Bhattacharyya, Director - Creatives & Communication, Squad Myndroot Private Limited

Put Your Heart Into It - The Importance of Health for a Hearty Business

'Health is Wealth' has probably been one of the most beat-up phrases, hammered to a point where even using it for a health marketing campaign felt like a bit of a stretch.

However, time did its trick and forced me to comprehend its truth genuinely.


Was it age taking a toll, or was it overwork? Before I could figure it out, I found myself lying in bed, jacked up on Paracetamols, trying to figure out how to compensate for the days of productivity lost.

Health taught me its importance in big, bold, giant serif fonts, and I realized that I need to be as fit as a fiddle to keep my business flying. No communication is ever fruitful without feedback.

Likewise, when our body signals to us that it is time we need to stop neglecting our health, we should listen. As much as we dread it, we need to make the necessary changes for a healthy lifestyle that our body approves of.

It's even more difficult for entrepreneurs. With no such thing called "fixed hours of work" and very little time left to have a separate life from business, keeping our physical and mental health in check becomes a challenge.

The biggest enemy of creativity is sickness, they say. No wonder. How can you expect your brain to come up with smashing hit campaigns when it's busy worrying about your degrading health and the losses that would consequently follow?

Constantly neglecting our physical and mental health can eventually lead to burnout, resulting in loss or, even worse, creative block.

Time is what entrepreneurs are the stingiest about, but it is essential to give your body and mind the rest that they deserve to seek inspiration to boost your business and find the motivation to keep taking on new challenges.

A sound mind with a good body helps you grab onto the muses and make the most out of them.

A few healthy habits a day keep the creative blocks at bay.

To us entrepreneurs, our business is our life. We sow the ideas, water them with hard work, and watch them grow. However, to grow along with your business, you need to make your physical and mental health a priority.

You are your biggest asset. So, eat healthy, work out, and take some time out to take care of yourself as if your life depends on it, literally.

Put Your Heart Into It - The Importance of Health for a Hearty Business
Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?
Put Your Heart Into It - The Importance of Health for a Hearty Business
Put Your Heart Into It - The Importance of Health for a Hearty Business
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