Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?

Bhagyashree Singh, Director & CEO, Merakii
Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?
Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?

Bhagyashree Singh, Director & CEO, Merakii

Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?

Bhagyashree Singh, Director & CEO, Merakii

'Health is Wealth'! The age-old adage puts forth the significance of health while disseminating a message that taking care of health means taking care of wealth.

Throughout the development period, every child in India is taught to prioritize health over anything else in life. Indeed, no one can perform any action or concentrate on anything in life without good health. At every stage of life, health plays a critical role in setting a course for success.


When it comes to entrepreneurs and business owners, it becomes even more important due to the enormous responsibility to execute and the necessity to make decisions almost every day. And, as everyone knows, only a healthy mind can facilitate good decision-making.

An alarming fact is that most entrepreneurs ignore their health issues, citing reasons like lack of time, too much work, working through odd hours, and what not. This very nature prevents them from seeking medical help even when they observe symptoms.

Entrepreneurs work for themselves and for all the stakeholders involved, including investors, employees, and consumers. Despite a number of executives for different roles, they need to monitor everything in the business daily.

Such a highly responsible person requires maintaining the highest level of mental and physical health to ensure the highest level of productivity.

Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?
Good Health is the Key to Building a Successful Startup

Entrepreneurs are leaders of their teams and show them the right path to follow. One can imagine the dilemma of the teams whose leaders don't connect with them due to other reasons. In the leader's absence, the teams don't get valuable suggestions, guidance, and direction.

It badly affects the entire business and consumers' expectations by reducing the output at every level. Overwork leading to ill health might be a reason for the absence; this situation can be avoided with proper healthcare.

A charismatic personality and confident demeanor help entrepreneurs make favorable decisions to closing business deals in multiple ways. And strong physical and mental health aids in developing such personality traits. On the other hand, it enhances motivation levels and encourages them to look for new opportunities to expand the business.

It is proven that positive energy flows for one who owns a healthy body; it is even more essential for entrepreneurs to lead the team from the front and stimulate them for action.

Entrepreneurs with ambitious goals cannot ignore the health of team members. They are idols for their team. With good health and a strong fitness level, they can set a benchmark for others in the organization to maintain strong health and encourage them for the same.

Good health of the team means a continuous rise in productivity which is essential for sustainable growth. For a productive workforce, entrepreneurs need to encourage their teams to pay adequate health attention.

The life of an entrepreneur is tough- they may experience deep cycles of profits and losses. At such a time, it is essential to maintain calm and not allow unfavorable circumstances to impact them on a personal level.

The worst enemy of entrepreneurs is depression which affects the business and their personal lives. It has been observed that the most seemingly successful business owners experience panic attacks, anxiety, and similar debilitating disorders.

A healthy body releases positive hormones that help deal with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and others.

An entrepreneur often has to go through such situations; they are unavoidable. But, one must work to mitigate the effect by adopting a healthy lifestyle and nurturing a positive mindset. As they say, tough times don't last; tough people do.

Businesses are extremely important for every economy to flourish, create employment opportunities, and meet consumers' needs and requirements. Entrepreneurs and their expertise in business and economics are what every country badly needs in this economic age.

The importance of good health for entrepreneurs cannot be undermined. While taking care of the economy, they must take care of themselves. Like a business plan, every entrepreneur must also have a health plan.

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