What Drives People at Best Companies of 2021?
What Drives People at Best Companies of 2021? 

Best Emerging Companies To Watch in 2021 & 20 Most Valuable Logistics Companies in India 2021


Editor's Note: What Drives People at Best Companies of 2021?

Purnima Narang
“What is life without a little risk?”
J.K. Rowling

Editor's Note: What Drives People at Best Companies of 2021?

Such is the spirit of visionaries who make it to the goal post and beyond. With brewing passion, hunger for adventure, and spark for success in their eyes, many people dare to dream and envision a better future with their emerging brands, however, there are only some who make it to the summit.

Information technology, consultation, healthcare, logistics, each day, a new risk-taker emerges in these industries to take over and create something beyond the traditional realms. And each one of them passes through the cycle of risks, failures, lessons, success, and more risks to continue to the hustle.

There stand various examples all over the world. Most of the iconic personalities have previously faced serious failures in their life’s struggles. Yet, they continued on their ways to success and finally achieved massive success in their fields of expertise.

We exist in a world where a garage start-up became the billions of dollars worth Apple Inc. started by Steve Jobs, and Harry Potter, a book written by J.K. Rowling transformed from a rejected draft into a well-known brand of its own today. Behind each of these successful brands, is a personal success story of leaders.

We, at The CEO Magazine, in our Best emerging companies to watch in 2021 & 20 most valuable logistics companies in India 2021 issues, recognized such brands and the people behind the curtains who directed the bestseller shows for the world.

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