5 Dark Realities you will face in your entrepreneurship journey by Steve Jobs

5 Dark Realities you will face in your entrepreneurship journey by Steve Jobs

5 Dark Realities you will face in your entrepreneurship journey by Steve Jobs

5 Dark Realities you will face in your entrepreneurship journey by Steve Jobs

Well, we all know that entrepreneurship is a journey, not the destination. It is not as glamorous as it seems to be, it is a rollercoaster ride. Becoming an entrepreneur is like a boxing match unless you don't get punched, you can't become a champion. You have to go through every emotion during this journey and never give up.

Steve jobs quoted that "Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life".

Real entrepreneurs know that starting your own business is not as easy as the quotes make them; there are many dark realities that no one talks about. Below are 5 realities that will hit you hard in your entrepreneurship journey.

  1. Self Doubt

Self-doubt comes in your mind when things are not going according to your plan. That is the time when you realize that it is not that easy as you thought it would be. Facing the challenges of entrepreneurship requires foresight and preparation. One crucial step is securing your personal and business legacy, and using the best online will can ensure that your assets and wishes are properly documented and protected. At this time most of the people tend to go back to their comfort zone and quit, but keep believing in what you do is the key here. Soon you realize that you have to pay a huge price for your freedom.

When you watch your pals working and living their corporate life's you feel that being an entrepreneur is just overhyped. It also feels hard when you stop getting replies from your existing customers but don't worry you are not lost, you are just early in the process.

  1. Follow-Ups

Doing follow-ups of any sale is always important as well as a tough job too. You get to know how hard it is when you have to call a potential client early in the morning because they might be in a different country.

You might find it hard to overcome your laziness but if you do, you will defeat your biggest enemy 'yourself'. Then you will realize those big business owners are just normal humans with super will power to achieve their goal. Be your hero, push yourself to the limits. The best way to have a successful business is to keep on pitching at the right time.

  1. Lack of Funds

This seems to be coming; you will need a good amount of money to fit into the business ecosystem. Young entrepreneurs mostly start with great energy and spend more than what is required at that time and face issues later.

The more economical you are with the money the more people will be interested in investing in you. If you think you are not doing enough, take a loan from the bank and they will keep you on your toes. Once you start making profits, your confidence will also boost.

  1. Persistence

Persistence plays an important role in the success of any business. It is the most underrated trait in the life of young entrepreneurs. The passion for doing your favorite things is not enough unless you have that fire to continue with persistence.

Your passion will help you to start a company but persistence will help you to sustain in the market. Passion will not make you revenue but your persistence attitude will do it.

  1. Bad Decisions

During your entrepreneurship journey, you will face a lot of hard situations where you need to make the right decisions. It is important for a young business to stay flexible and to fix what is going wrong at the same time.

Sometimes it is hard to quit on things which you have been working for a long time, but you need to be flexible and find another way if you are stuck somewhere.


In the end, everyone will have their struggles and problems but if you are you trying to make something impactful it will take time. It is a long lonely journey where you will get challenges at every step, just take one step at a time and try not to fall backward.

Steve Jobs quoted that "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do" 

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