Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?
Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur? 

Rachel Gideons, Founder, Gideon Alliance


Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?

Pramod Singh

Health is a significant paradigm in today's world, be it for a doctor, lawyer, or entrepreneur. Having good health increases the longevity of one's life and enhances the quality of life.

I started my journey as an entrepreneur in 2016, and the first few years were overwhelming. Although I enjoyed and loved the rush, it was during this time that I faced significant health issues, which led to insomnia, weight gain, stress, and anxiety.

It was all work and no play for the next two years, which hindered my physical abilities to remain calm or rejuvenate, leading to mental exhaustion.

I believe that I am one of the blessed ones to have received the proper guidance on time, which made me change my perspective on health, primarily mental and spiritual health.

Like me, many entrepreneurs may very quickly experience burnout or exhaustion as they don't give themselves time off.

We shouldn't forget that good health for an entrepreneur is supremely important as 'You are your most powerful asset.' The whole business relies on the business owner's vision, as it is created and identified by them.

Falling sick or being ill for even a week can cost an entrepreneur an entire week of lost productivity, which will lead to more tremendous implications by the end of the financial year.

Not forgetting, health is different for every person. Some emphasize physical fitness, some on mental health, and others consider spiritual health the most important.

Understanding which area you are weak in and working on it can do wonders for one's mind, soul and body and is key to running a successful business.

Physical strength and mental health go hand-in-hand that can lead to a positive mindset, helping one achieve new productivity levels with more energy, greater focus, and a heightened level of discipline.

But spiritual health plays a more pivotal role as it becomes' your medicine for fighting off depression, anxiety or stress, when work may seem to take a toll on you.

It is not unknown that as we move forward into our entrepreneurial journey, many of our plans may succeed, and many of them fail too.

Work can cause stress and anxiety leading to sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, overwork, anxiety, and even depression, which are all factors that can perpetuate the stress response and ultimately birth illness or diseases. To maintain a proper work-life balance and keep your business and your health in check, one must focus on having a constructive and optimistic mindset towards a better future for the company and themselves as an individual.

Prevention of a disease requires attention to the person as a whole – body, mind, and soul. As an entrepreneur, I would want to say that don't take your health for granted.

Make a conscious commitment that you and your business are worth making your health a top priority.

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