What Makes Dynamics AX-Salesforce Integration That Important?
What Makes Dynamics AX-Salesforce Integration That Important? 

What Makes Dynamics AX-Salesforce Integration That Important?


What Makes Dynamics AX-Salesforce Integration That Important?

Kaushal Kumar

How Does Dynamics AX-Salesforce Integration Actually Work?

When people talk about data integration, they’re discussing a process in which disparate programs are synchronized in a way that allows them to pool their data into a single point of truth from which an organization’s team members can operate. \

Data integration eliminates double data entry (employees only have to enter information into Salesforce, for example, and it will automatically be updated accordingly in Dynamics AX).

How Can Dynamics AX-Salesforce Integration Change My Business for the Better?

When businesses opt to integrate their Dynamics AX legacy system with their CRM (Salesforce, for example), the end result is a 360-degree view of customers and optimized business intelligence leading to the most relevant and up-to-date analytics.

Most organizations don’t suffer from a lack of data–if anything, they’re drowning under piles of it–some of it relevant, some of it less so–and find themselves in dire need of organizational assistance.

Contemporary organizations now handle data streams coming in from their CRM, ERP, partner organizations, marketing operations, and web traffic, to name a small handful of sources.

The goal of data integration is efficiency and standardization–a lifesaver when it comes to managing all the incoming and outgoing streams of information.

Without quality data integration, employees may find themselves manually double-entering relevant customer information into both Dynamics AX and Salesforce, having to reformat data by hand–and perhaps even having to hand-analyze data! It’s a recipe for human error.

Eliminating these time-consuming (and costly!) steps and leaving the number-crunching to computers is an excellent way to increase operating speed and employee efficiency (and happiness!).

Data Integration Challenges

Data integration projects are not always the most straightforward. Every system has its unique quirks and integration needs, and that includes industry titans like Dynamics AX and Salesforce.

Some companies find themselves hindered from the get-go, unsure of what kinds of data they want to focus on, or what is crucial for them to collect and what can safely be ignored, and some may not even know what exactly certain data will be put to use for, or how it’s going to be analyzed.

These are all important questions to consider before embarking on your data integration project.

Not only that, but AX–being a legacy system–can be difficult for certain integration companies to work with, on account of such quirks as not making use of time-stamps, which have become a common feature of most contemporary ERP software (but are commonly missing from older ones).

Substantial Gains

Even when a data integration project is fully completed, your employees will bear partial responsibility for handling and maintaining the software to your organization’s standards, so that the software can work for you the way it is designed to.

All that said, with nearly thirty years of experience in the field of data integration and replication, Rapidi and its Microsoft-certified integration solution, RapidiOnline, are here to help your organization.

With Rapidi at your side, you can trust that your Dynamics AX-Salesforce integration project will be efficient, robust, and seamless–RapidiOnline can be deployed and your staff fully trained in just days!

Real-Life Success Stories

Rapidi also has a rich history of satisfied customer experiences and reviews. Allan Iskov, the director of business process for NetOp, is one of many people who have come away satisfied with Rapidi’s Dynamics AX-CRM integration services.

He reports that the Rapidi team was efficient, professional, and highly knowledgeable in their realm of expertise. Iskov says that deployment of Rapidi Online was quick, painless, and NetOp was back to business as usual–with staff fully trained–within a very short span of time.

He observes that his successful venture with Rapidi has resulted in streamlined and highly efficient work routines, and those highly coveted, invaluable, but rarely experienced 360-degree view of customer profiles.

RapidiOnline has saved NetOp countless hours of redundant updating manual sifting of data. Now, NetOp has all of its most relevant, up-to-date information at team members’ fingertips, meaning greater adaptability and optimized decision-making capacities.

RapidiOnline can help your organization maximize revenue. Implementation is painless, with the solution deployed and your staff fully trained in a matter of days.

RapidiOnline is also extremely secure–all data is packed, compressed, and encrypted beyond requisite standards, so you know your precious information is safe from beginning to end-point.

Are you really invested in your business’s growth potential and sustainability? Don’t wait–contact Rapidi today, and see how data integration can change your business for the best.

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