<div class="paragraphs"><p>Palpitations </p></div>



Symptoms and Causes


Palpitations: Symptoms and Causes

Kaushal Kumar

Palpitations: Symptoms and Causes

An irregular heartbeat is referred to as an arrhythmia or palpitations definition. As a result, the electrical impulses that control the heart's beats malfunction, leading to cardiac rhythm abnormalities (heart arrhythmias).

The heart might beat excessively rapidly (tachycardia), too slowly (bradycardia), or irregularly as a result of the incorrect signals.

There are several types of cardiac arrhythmias, and some of them are completely innocuous. While most cardiac arrhythmias are harmless, there are those that may produce unpleasant or even life-threatening symptoms.

It's also typical for a person to have a rapid or sluggish heartbeat. While you exercise, for example, your heart rate may go up, while it goes down when you sleep.

It is possible to treat cardiac arrhythmias using drugs and treatments such as catheter procedures, implantable devices, or surgery. Preventing cardiac damage may help avoid certain types of heart arrhythmias.


All cardiac arrhythmias are categorised based on their pace. For instance:

● One of the most common symptoms of tachycardia is a rapid heartbeat. During a resting heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute.

● It's called Bradycardia (brad-ee-KAHR-dee-uh). Heartbeats are fewer than 60 per minute at rest.

Tachycardias may be divided into three categories:

Fibrillation of the heart (A-fib). Heart rate spikes and falls due to erratic heart signals. Some A-fib episodes will not end unless treated, even if the condition is transient. A-fib is linked to a variety of significant health issues, including stroke.

Atrial twitching. Heartbeats are more regulated in atrial flutter than in A-fib. In addition to stroke, atrial flutter is associated with it.

Supraventricular Tachycardia

Arrhythmias that originate above the lower chambers of the heart are referred to as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) (ventricles). Palpitations that begin and terminate suddenly are caused by supraventricular tachycardia.

Fibrillation of the heart's rhythm

An arrhythmia in which the lower heart chambers (ventricles) quiver instead of connecting in a coordinated manner to pump blood to the rest of the body happens when electrical impulses are fast and disorganised.

If a regular heartbeat isn't restored within a few minutes, the patient is at risk of death. Heart disease or trauma are the most common causes of sudden cardiac death in persons who have ventricular fibrillation.

Inflammatory sinusitis

The sinus node controls the heartbeat rate. A malfunctioning ventricular assist device may cause the heart rate to fluctuate between too slow and too rapid (bradycardia) (tachycardia).

Scarring at the sinus node may impede, alter, or block impulse travel, resulting in sick sinus syndrome. More and more often, people over the age of 60 suffer from sick sinus syndrome.


Arrhythmias of the heart may not create any symptoms or indications. When you see the doctor for another reason, he or she may catch your abnormal heartbeat.

Arrhythmias may cause a wide range of symptoms, including:

● The chest flutters a little.

● a pounding in the chest (tachycardia)

● Attenuated heartbeat (bradycardia)

● a tightness in the chest

● a feeling of being out of breath

Other signs and symptoms to look out for are:


● Fatigue

● Dizziness or a feeling of lightheadedness

● Sweating

● Syncope (or near-syncope)

Consult a physician

Make an appointment with a doctor if you notice that your heart is beating abnormally fast or sluggish, or if it skips a beat.

If you experience any of the following symptoms: shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting or near fainting, or chest pain or discomfort, you should get medical attention right once.

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