Texila Educare Healthcare And Technology Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Bringing Education To Life

S. P. Saju Bhaskar & Chithra Lakshmi

S. P. Saju Bhaskar & Chithra Lakshmi

Founder & President

Co-Founder & Executive Vice President

Texila American University

There was a time when students had a limited number of courses to select from. It is not the case today; with major advancements in technology, there is a wide variety of professions and an even wider range of courses catering to them.

Although the career options today are immense, one field that remains popular even today is the medicinal field, with a wide range of specialities one can choose from.


However, just choosing a field of study is not enough; the educational institute one chooses to study plays a major role in shaping the career of students and, in turn, their futures.

It is imperative that a student choose an institute and their field of study wisely as it can shape their entire life.

Founded by Mr Saju Bhaskar in 2010, TEXILA EDUCARE HEALTHCARE AND TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED is one such organisation which has set the pace for a worldwide educational initiative through its brands and affiliates, namely Texila American University Guyana, Texila American University Zambia, Taksha Smartlabz and partnering with University of Central Nicaragua.

One of the premier institutions recognised for its quality of education, Texila American University remains at the forefront with its excellent performance in teaching, research and innovation.

Texila American University has its corporate office in India and campuses in Guyana and Zambia, with its administrative and sales offices in USA, Ivory coast & UAE with 600 + Full time and 200+ part-time employees.

Vision Of Texila American University

To be recognised as a leader committed to excellence in higher education, research and innovation that meets the aspirations of the global community.

Mission Of Texila American University

  • To redefine and revolutionise international education by offering updated, modern and excellent training in areas of Health Sciences, Information & Communication Technology, Management, Education, and Applied Sciences & all possible areas that a learner seeks to engage with TAU.

  • To observe the highest standards of ethics, integrity and compassionate care for students and the community at large.

  • To make Texila American University proud of being the most sustainable University in the world through creating, disseminating and applying actionable knowledge.

Courses Offered By Texila American University

Texila as a brand is in the Education Sector, delivering quality education to students not limited just to classrooms but actively bridging the gap between the industry and academia. Mr Saju proudly states, “We create doctors for the world.”

The TAU College of Medicine offers two flagship programs - the Doctor of Medicine 4 years program and the Pre-Med Program.

The TAU College of Public Health also offers two flagship programs - Bachelor of Public Health and Master of Public Health.

Apart from this, Texila American University also offers online and campus programs in the areas of Informational Technology, Business and other domains.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>S. P. Saju Bhaskar &amp; Chithra Lakshmi</p></div>
Polaris Market Research

Accreditation, Affiliations and Memberships

Texila Education Institutes has the most valuable Affiliation, Accreditation, and Membership from the World Directory of Medical Schools, the National Accreditation Council of Guyana, the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, the Medical Council of India, the Higher Education Authority of Zambia, Health Professions Council of Zambia, Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University of Central Nicaragua (UCN), International Association for Distance Learning, International Council for Open and Distance Education, International Centre for Integrity, The Global Compact.

The Visionaries Behind Texila American University

Mr S.P. Saju Bhaskar, Founder & President, Texila American University

Extremely passionate about education since the early years of his career, Mr Saju founded Texila American University and expanded the University’s verticals and enhanced its global reach over the years.

It is his tireless efforts, strong commitment and will which is steering the educational consortium that is spread over two continents and emerging as a sustainable model for multicultural learning.

Under his guidance, Texila is aiming for continued excellence in higher education in a wide range of specialities, such as medicine and non-medicine, through high-quality teaching and research. He shares, “All I did was work with true conviction, Sincerity and passion, and rest followed.”

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Chithra Lakshmi</p></div>

Chithra Lakshmi

Mrs Chithra Lakshmi, Co-Founder & Executive Vice President, Texila American University

Mrs Chithra has been equally instrumental in moulding Texila as the number 1 choice for students in the countries they operate in. Her vast experience in the field of Finance, HR, Strategic Planning, Team Leadership and Gap Analysis & Planning played a vital role in devising the University’s vision and strategy.

With such esteemed leadership, Texila is on the path to achieving its goals with a strong commitment to ethics, integrity, creativity, and innovation.

How Texila Is Revolutionising The Field Of Education

Health education is essential and is one of the key elements in a country’s growth and economy. With the emergence of the pandemic, education across the globe struggled to find its potential customers and a means to provide the service. Online and Distance Education then become a trend in Health Care and Edu-care industry.

Texila being the institute providing services in the Health Education sector, explored its way and touched heights with the already existing Distant and Online learning programs. Getting exposure to healthcare and other Postgraduate programs with International standards has become more convenient and feasible for students in developing countries.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>S. P. Saju Bhaskar &amp; Chithra Lakshmi</p></div>
Mayannk: Spearheading Diverse Initiatives

Pioneers In Medical Education

Offering a High Quality of education within an affordable price range is the prime differentiator for Texila American University and what makes it the first choice for all its students from across the globe.

TAU aims to provide leadership in medical education and innovation through world-class teaching and training and state-of-the-art infrastructure.

At Texila American University, they combine scientific understanding with outstanding clinical and communication skills to nurture a caring, compassionate and professional doctor.

TAU meets global standards and is the best University for online learning. Its unique BRICS teaching-learning methodology incorporates block-based learning.

It’s convenient, affordable and offers work-life balance. BRICS is a uniquely designed teaching-learning methodology tailored for distance and online learning programs, where students will learn the subjects in blocks.

Block-based learning is the dedicated learning of one subject at a time, with each block specifically designed for a 2-month or 8-week period. The extensive usage of technology in the teaching and learning process is another prime differentiator for Texila American University.

Values & Cultures At Texila

Talking about the values, Mr Saju shares, “We achieve excellence by captivating our integral value system.

Customers: We Value our customers as they are the centre of our activities.

People: We value, engage, enthuse & reward

Leadership: We Value Leadership without the title.

Integrity: We value Integrity, Transparency, and Honesty & are Ethical

Innovation and creativity: We Value Innovation in Work & Creativity in Thought.

Responsibility: Our Actions Create Value for Stakeholders there by Benefiting Community at large.

Global Growth: We value Sustainable Growth that promotes profitability to Fuel our Global Aspirations.”

<div class="paragraphs"><p>S. P. Saju Bhaskar &amp; Chithra Lakshmi</p></div>
Team Everest

Challenges In The Journey

Bootstrapping an institution is not an easy feat, but Mr Saju and Mrs Chithra managed to do so. Talking about challenges in his entrepreneurial journey, Mr Saju shares, “I have always seen Challenges as stepping stones to higher achievements.

As human beings, we struggle from the moment we are born on this planet.” With TAU operating in different geographies, the cultural assimilation of their management team and ex-pat team was a challenge. They managed to overcome it through cultural integration programs.

The covid 19 pandemic was devastating for the world, with every industry facing its impact. It was a tough time for Texila too.

With all-rounders and an ever-supporting team of academics and practitioners, Texila paved its paths to success during the pandemic by introducing and promoting new courses in Online and Distance education programs to support students. Over its decade-long journey, Texila has overcome different Government policies and ups and downs in the Global economy.

Current Proceedings At Texila

At Present, the team at Texila is working on certain accreditations for their programs; once obtained, it will help fuel our global ambitions. Mr Saju shares, “We look at growth horizontally and vertically. All while keeping our agenda of ‘Providing Quality Education at affordable costs’.”

The future plan of Texila includes expanding to more markets, setting up new campuses, growing student numbers in existing programs and starting new programs in their existing campus.

Although investor-free, Texila is not averse to the idea of bringing in external investors. Mr Saju says, “We would welcome professional investment companies that want to invest with us and help us expand globally and further grow with us.”

Sharing his advice for young entrepreneurs, Mr Saju shares, “Speaking from My experience, I would say if you do anything with complete faith in yourself, belief in the idea of what you do, execute, work with conviction & sincerity, and if your actions create value for society and community at large then you’ll not fail.”

<div class="paragraphs"><p>S. P. Saju Bhaskar &amp; Chithra Lakshmi</p></div>
CyberSWIFT Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

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