
Has been awarded brand of the year 2022 for taking a premium route in selling cocktail mixers.
Tarrisha Gupta

Tarrisha Gupta

Founder -  GetAMix

Although cocktails have been in the market since the 1800s, there has been a major rise in the popularity of these drinks in recent years. According to a report, the market size for global cocktail mixers was USD 8.6 billion in 2021.

The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2022 to 2030. In India, the youth are the dominating force behind the market’s 12% Y-o-Y growth rate.

The cocktail and mocktail market has been trending in the RTD direction since 2019 showing almost a 21% Y-o-Y compound growth. In India the youth are the dominating force behind the 12% growth rate in the market.

As popular as the drink is, not everyone can create the premium taste a seasoned bartender or mixologist can offer. With a vision to provide the necessary tools to make perfect cocktails every time, GetAMix was created. Capitalising on the increasing trend of cocktails, GetAMix is delivering premium quality cocktail premixes for cocktail lovers.

Teaming together, Tarrisha Gupta and Shashank Shekhar grabbed the opportunity and formed GetAMix. They crafted the finest cocktail premixes with a focus on making the preparation of Cocktails very easy and, at the same time, give drinking a worthwhile experience.

Inception Of GetAMix

Talking about the inception of GetAMix, Tarrisha shares, “For as long as we can remember, we’d struggled with creating our own cocktails. A professional bartender cannot be available every time and everywhere for an exotic taste, nor can we settle with the cocktail mixers on the market that are low quality, inconveniently sized and taste nothing near to the freshly made cocktail. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and become our own bartenders. And thus, GetAMix was created.”

Most of the cocktail premixes in the market are substandard, being either too sugary, inconveniently sized, or come with bizarre combinations. At GetAMix, each cocktail premix is curated by a bunch of the country’s leading mixologists after extensive research to deliver the perfect drinking experience, providing cocktail mix drinks that are convenient, pure, and of premium quality- making the finest and fancy cocktails of premium quality and exceptional taste by just using the dry blended premix sachets in less than a minute without taking the help of any professional bartending skills. This benefit is how GetAMix’s tagline - ‘Pocket Bartender’, came to fruition.

As a key contributor, Tarrisha takes care of the creative production, direction, marketing, branding, sales, product development and design. Recipes and research were done by teaming up with various mixologists, such as Santosh Kukreti, India’s top mixologist and lab food technology lab experts. Under their leadership, GetAMix is spearheading the cocktail and mocktail mixers category ushering in a new era of drinking.

They also provide cocktail recipes at home to make cocktail preparation seamless for customers. From cocktail recipes vodka based to cocktail recipes gum, Getaxmix’s got it all.

So whether it’s a house party, weekend picnic, or road trip, our cocktail premixes make the ideal companion. With GetAMix cocktail mixers, nobody ever has to struggle to craft cocktails from scratch again.

Tarrisha Gupta, Founder, GetAMix

Rarely do we meet personalities who have the ability to charm you with their impeccable will and creativity. Tarrisha, the brains behind GetAMix, is the youngest entrepreneur in the cocktail industry and the cocktail premixes business.

At the young age of 24, managing a team of 18-20 people, Tarrisha inadvertently proved that age is just a number if you have a vision and a winning idea.

Coming from a business-class family, with both of her parents successful business persons, their dining table conversations revolved around the business. As a result, business acumen developed in Tarrisha over the years.

She had her eyes set on entrepreneurship since she was in high school. She then completed her bachelor’s from SYMBIOSIS International University and post-graduation in MSc Business with Marketing from Warwick Business school.

While at university, she’d often visit flea markets to relish cocktail mix drinks and go for wine-tasting sessions. Her consistent experiments with cocktails during those days helped her envision GetAMix.

A proud owner of a distinctive brand and a multi-tasker, she brings a ton to the table - the foremost being her passion for premium-quality cocktails. Her mission from the onset has been simple: to deliver a supreme cocktail experience to people, one they’d cherish without fancy or complex equipment.

GetAMix: The Story Of Telling

Looking to position itself as a trendsetter within the drinks category, GetAMix is creating the finest exotic premixes for mocktails and cocktails. The goal is to give customers the pleasure of being at a high-class bar at home. 

“The philosophy we live and design our products by makes our brand the perfect accompaniment to a house party, road trip or even music festival.”


GetAMix is designed to foster emotions of passion, inspiration and joy. It captures the essence of exciting new experiences, heart-thumping passions, and limitless joy and gives the ability to relive and make new amazing memories again and again.

“The name GetAMix appealed to us on a functional and straightforward level. Focusing on the main USP of the brand, the name leverages a CTA to make habituation easier. This naming philosophy makes the push into retail and e-commerce more approachable. It’s easy, catchy, identifiable and comprehensible,” adds Tarrisha.

The popularity of GetAMix is evident because 90% of the cocktail premixes stock has already sold out within days of launch. To take home and portable bartending to the next level, GetAMix plans on introducing stirrers, mixers, tongs and a peg measurer - everything needed to have a one-stop convenient, premium bar experience at home.

Mission Statement For GetAMix

GetAMix started with the goal of filling the void in the cocktail premix market. Since the onset, they’ve tried to craft the finest cocktail premixes to make drinking experiences worthwhile. Each cocktail premix from GetAMix is made with natural ingredients and much love.

GetAMix combines some genuinely exotic flavours - from the nutty and smooth Coffee Hazelnut Martini to the eccentric Strawberry Kissed Caprioska, they’ve it all. Each offering in their repertoire promises superior quality and a rich aroma.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tarrisha Gupta</p></div>
Artificial Intelligence What Lies Ahead?

Brand Values Of GetAMix

Versatile: Apart from drinks, premixes can be used for various things. In addition to drinks, it can be used in cakes, cookies and just about anything that could use a sumptuous flavour enhancement.

Deluxe: With the belief that customers deserve the best, GetAMix delivers the best. With the finest, exotic, aromatic ingredients for the formulation, developed by leading mixologists, put together in a premium package - ready to be enjoyed.

Persistence: Luxury experiences come from the dedication to sourcing the highest quality ingredients, team members and production process. Consistently and unapologetically pushing the boundaries of taste and quality helps deliver consumer experiences they can always look forward to.

Convenience: The primary goal of GetAMix is to make the bartending process more approachable for customers. Today, people are denied their favourite cocktails due to the difficulty of transporting all the necessary ingredients to a particular location. GetAMix eliminates that hassle by delivering perfectly delicious flavour in a package one can carry.

Obstacles Are Not What Define You

Talking about the challenges in her entrepreneurial journey, Tarrisha shares, “I started this when I was 23, relatively younger than most other entrepreneurs in the business. People generally didn’t take me or my ideas seriously. With the lack of years of work experience, proving my brand is worthwhile was intimidating and required more conviction than just mere words. On the battleground to get clients, the only thing that mattered was the product. Therefore, I invested and worked hard on the research and development of the product. The products are heroes in themselves, and they fight all the odds against the existing products.”

Instead of cribbing over the disadvantages of her young age and less work experience, Tarrisha used it as an asset to target her audience. Being from the generation, she knew exactly what young people were looking for. She says, “I just had to hit the right nails without wasting my resources on the trial-and-error method.”

Cocktail mixers in powdered form are new to the market; it requires a lot of effort and means to educate people and develop trust in them, especially in the minds of true cocktail lovers. Involving as many bartenders in this journey and giving them due credit for their contribution to the R&D of the product helped GetAMix get accepted by the community.

Why GetAMix?

‘Redefining the house party experience onestep at a time.’

Handcrafted by a country’s leading mixologists team, each of GetAMix cocktail premixes is prepared with natural and nature-identical ingredients. Every sip of cocktails made with GetAMix premixes ensures a blend of flavours, rich aroma, and good times.

Unlike other sugary cocktail mix packets in the market, GetAMix cocktail mixers are low on calories and high on taste! And that’s not all. Even teetotalers can enjoy our cocktail premixes to create refreshing mocktails.

GetAMix also offers an exquisite cocktail mix gift set. Whether one’s looking to upgrade pre-existing cocktail recipes or experiment with unique flavours, the GetAMix pocket bartender has them covered! A premium experience creator that opens customers up to new experiences in a convenient format.

Tarrisha shares, “If I had to describe GetAMix in one word, it would be transcendent. Joyous, exciting, explorative, and indulgent would be some adjectives associated with our brand.” With its impeccable taste, GetAMix is positioning itself as a disruptor in the premix and beverage industry.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tarrisha Gupta</p></div>
Topaz Solar Pvt. Ltd.

An Amalgamation Of Wit And Intelligence: Tarrisha Gupta

Innovations run in some people’s blood, brainstorming winning ideas at a young age, which eventually unfold as winning stories. Achieving the status of the youngest entrepreneur in the cocktail industry has not been an easy feat, but with her zeal and perseverance, she changed every shortcoming into an opportunity and created a niche market for GetAMix.

During her entrepreneurial journey, Tarrisha made sure to follow some fundamental values and advised the same to her fellow entrepreneurs. Sharing her experience and values, Tarrisha says,

“Don’t be greedy. Never compromise quality to reduce the cost of the product. Good marketing and providing the best customer experience can help you establish your product while retaining customers and getting new ones through word of mouth, one of the best publicity you can get.

Always give due credit to the team and all the people and entities associated with you in the journey. Paying gratitude and respecting the contribution of each and every individual and entity is a must.

It is the best way to build the community for your business and brand. Corporate Social Responsibility is equally important. It is important to give some percentage of your earnings to a cause. At GetAMix, we are doing our bit to donate some percentage to animal welfare.

Make smaller goals in alignment with the major goals. This way, you can plan better and achieve them effectively and efficiently.

Welcome hurdles and successes as part and parcel of the journey. There are hurdles that can help you to make better decisions in future, while some successes can also blindside you to lose out on the way to the destination.

Be careful and smart enough to understand the difference between advice and opinions. They aren’t the same, and the latter can deviate you from the correct path.

Don’t be stringent and emotionally attached to your ideas, opinions or product; when it comes to business, only rational decisions make money in business. Smart work and hard work are equally important; just one is not enough.

Only smart work cannot lead you to an actual long-term goal or success; it can make you take decisions that are shortcuts which will not be fruitful in the long way ahead, and only hard work will not make you reach where you want effectively and efficiently.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tarrisha Gupta</p></div>
Spay Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Smart work can make you grow and expand the business, and hard work makes you build a business with the utmost strong foundation and strength.

Jack of all trades and king of none is a phrase that people use for those who lack any special skills, but I feel that being an entrepreneur, it is important to know everything and every function of your business. No expert you hire would treat it like theirs. To make people work, a true blood entrepreneur must understand what and how the work needs to be done.”

Coming from a business-class family, Tarrisha was no stranger to the business world tactics. However, the credit for building GetAMix from the ground up goes solely to her.

From brainstorming ideas to maintaining and improving every aspect of her business, it was Tarrisha’s determination, hard work and persistence which paid off. For her, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing her dreams unfold.

GetAMix is a company that specializes in producing premium quality cocktail premixes that are easy to prepare and consistent in taste. The premixes offered by GetAMix are designed to make the preparation of cocktails very easy and at the same time give drinking a worthwhile experience.

The advantage of these premixes is that they do not require refrigeration to maintain their freshness and aroma, unlike the ingredients typically used in traditional bartending methods.

They come in convenient sachets that can be easily opened and used to make a delicious cocktail in under a minute, making it easy to make a great cocktail, even if you’re not a professional bartender. GetAMix is delivering the perfect drinking experience, providing cocktail mix drinks that are convenient, pure, and of premium quality.

GetAMix offers an innovative solution to the problem of sourcing lemons and maintaining consistency in the taste of cocktails. Sourcing lemons and preparing them to the perfect quantity can be a tricky and time-consuming task, but GetAMix’s cocktail mixers eliminate these difficulties by providing a consistent and high-quality product.

Additionally, the cost of ingredients required to make cocktails can be quite high, whereas GetAMix’s cocktail mixers are more economical. This makes them an appealing option for bars, especially when handling large crowds at events or in situations where highly skilled bartenders may not be available.

GetAMix’s team of expert mixologists has been instrumental in developing the product and creating a premium brand, ensuring that customers are provided with a luxurious and enjoyable drinking experience.

GetAMix presents a paradigm shift in the realm of cocktail mixers by providing an unparalleled level of beverage refinement at an economy of cost. Their mixers are incredibly effortless to store and requires an abstemious amount of space, they can be stored in the same fashion as other culinary spices and do not require refrigeration. Additionally, the cost of transportation is also relatively lower.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tarrisha Gupta</p></div>
Kalatmak Spatial Systems - True To Design

This also allows GetAMix to offer cocktails that are made with ephemeral ingredients such as mangoes, black plum, and peaches all year round, a feat that would have been impossible through traditional methods.

This unparalleled quality of the product is achieved through the use of natural and nature-identical ingredients sourced both domestically and internationally.

Moreover, the company abstains from the usage of any artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, which sets them apart from other cocktail mixer providers. GetAMix is a revolutionary option for those seeking to elevate their imbibing experience to new heights.

GetAMix boasts an extensive ingredient profile, surpassing that of any other cocktail mixer currently available in the market. This has led to a rapid increase in popularity in a relatively short period of time.

Additionally, the versatility of their product is unparalleled, as each SKU can be used to create a plethora of cocktails and mocktails, which is a significant advantage over their competitors.

Despite the premium quality of their products, GetAMix prioritizes the customer experience over profit margin. They are willing to accept a lower profit margin in order to maintain the high quality of their products and make them accessible to more customers. This approach exemplifies the company’s commitment to providing an unparalleled and superior experience to the consumer.

GetAMix is a company that specializes in producing premium quality cocktail premixes that are easy to prepare and consistent in taste. The premixes offered by GetAMix are designed to make the preparation of cocktails very easy and at the same time give drinking a worthwhile experience.

The advantage of these premixes is that they do not require refrigeration to maintain their freshness and aroma, unlike the ingredients typically used in traditional bartending methods.

They come in convenient sachets that can be easily opened and used to make a delicious cocktail in under a minute, making it easy to make a great cocktail, even if you’re not a professional bartender. GetAMix is delivering the perfect drinking experience, providing cocktail mix drinks that are convenient, pure, and of premium quality.

GetAMix offers an innovative solution to the problem of sourcing lemons and maintaining consistency in the taste of cocktails. Sourcing lemons and preparing them to the perfect quantity can be a tricky and time-consuming task, but GetAMix’s cocktail mixers eliminate these difficulties by providing a consistent and high-quality product.

Additionally, the cost of ingredients required to make cocktails can be quite high, whereas GetAMix’s cocktail mixers are more economical. This makes them an appealing option for bars, especially when handling large crowds at events or in situations where highly skilled bartenders may not be available.

GetAMix’s team of expert mixologists has been instrumental in developing the product and creating a premium brand, ensuring that customers are provided with a luxurious and enjoyable drinking experience.

GetAMix presents a paradigm shift in the realm of cocktail mixers by providing an unparalleled level of beverage refinement at an economy of cost.

Their mixers are incredibly effortless to store and requires an abstemious amount of space, they can be stored in the same fashion as other culinary spices and do not require refrigeration. Additionally, the cost of transportation is also relatively lower.

This also allows GetAMix to offer cocktails that are made with ephemeral ingredients such as mangoes, black plum, and peaches all year round, a feat that would have been impossible through traditional methods.

This unparalleled quality of the product is achieved through the use of natural and nature-identical ingredients sourced both domestically and internationally.

Moreover, the company abstains from the usage of any artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, which sets them apart from other cocktail mixer providers. GetAMix is a revolutionary option for those seeking to elevate their imbibing experience  to new heights.

GetAMix boasts an extensive ingredient profile, surpassing that of any other cocktail mixer currently available in the market. This has led to a rapid increase in popularity in a relatively short period of time.

Additionally, the versatility of their product is unparalleled, as each SKU can be used to create a plethora of cocktails and mocktails, which is a significant advantage over their competitors.

Despite the premium quality of their products, GetAMix prioritizes the customer experience over profit margin. They are willing to accept a lower profit margin in order to maintain the high quality of their products and make them accessible to more customers. This approach exemplifies the company’s commitment to providing an unparalleled and superior experience to the consumer.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tarrisha Gupta</p></div>
Judge India Solutions

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