Value4Brand, Turning the Tables for Brands with their Strong Digital Game

Value4Brand, Turning the Tables for Brands with their Strong Digital Game

Value4Brand, Turning the Tables for Brands with their Strong Digital Game

Subhashis K Chakraborty, Director

"Online is where the customers are and it is where the modern buying process begins."

Subhashis K Chakraborty, Director, Value4Brand

The digital marketing scenario today has witnessed a radical transition from what where it stood five years before when a revolutionary brand Value4Brand's foundation was laid.

Today, owing to a global health crisis that forced people to socially distance and business to connect online, the industry is catering to diverse businesses.


Marketing has evolved and human behaviour has altered. With a mental compass that acknowledged the reality and could foresee the future on the same lines, Value4Brand was incepted in 2016.

Five years down the line from 2nd July 2016, Value4Brand has exploited the opportunity it recognized with the fact that Digital Marketing is the need of the hour in this digitalized era.

With the COVID-19 virus pandemic implied improved awareness and popularity among businesses, digital marketing has overpowered traditional marketing.

With the transition to seek solutions out of the bounds of traditional marketing, brands struggled to some extent.

Mr. Subshasis, Director of Value4Brand has reinforced, "Online is where customers are. We analyze the needs of our clients being it from any genre. It is basis the needs and requirements of our clients we provide them with tailor-made solutions."

In an exclusive conversation with PurnimaNarang, Editor, The CEO Magazine, Mr. Subhashis unveiled various aspects of his success story. Edited excerpts:

The CEO: Tell us about the challenges you surmounted in the journey. What is your role in the company today? How did you build a dynamic team?

Mr. Subhashis: Value4Brand has been through an audacious journey similar to various startups, with limited finance to start the business, good employees, lack of resources, and lack of business guidance. 

Being the director of the company, since the beginning, our focus has been on new learning(s), team bonding, creativity, innovation and flexible policies for employees. It is with this prime focus that we have built our efficient team.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Value4Brand, Turning the Tables for Brands with their Strong Digital Game</p></div>
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The CEO: From when you initiated your venture, what changes has your industry witnessed?

Subhashis: We started Value4Brand 5 years back in 2016. The industry has been rapidly evolving since then and it is very important to be at par with the race.

Especially during and post-COVID, the situations have altered drastically, it has indeed been a rollercoaster ride. However, now things are settling down and the digital marketing industry is on a boom.

The CEO: Enlighten our readers about your dynamic team and the core values imbibed in their DNA?

Subhashis:  The team at Value4Brand has been very cooperative in all ups & downs of our adventurous journey.

The core values flowing in their bloodstream and imbibed in value4Brand's team revolve around new learning(s), teamwork, honesty, accountability, integrity, customer satisfaction and other ethics to drive the force of our reputed brand.

The CEO: What are the challenges in the industry today?

Subhashis: Our dynamic technology-driven industry, digital marketing has numerous challenges which brands are facing these days. To name a few, there are various freelancers present in the industry creating challenges for digital marketing players.

In addition, there are varying price fluctuations, unstable client budgets, irrelevant expectations of clients, and rapid changes in the digital marketing world.

The CEO: Leadership wasn't easy during 2020. What has your approach been to ensure motivated teams?

Subhashis: Leadership in a time where we were physically distanced and quarantined at home, Value4Brand ensured constant mental and physical stress busters. 

We focused on introducing new things to motivate the team inclusive of various team activities, motivational sessions, flexible working hours, and flexible leave policies.

The CEO: During the COVID-19 pandemic, what were the ideas you implemented`?

Subhashis: Pandemic was indeed a transformative period for everyone and every business. We prioritized employee safety and offered work from home options to our team.

While at the same time, we created awareness around the precautions that were and are to be taken during COVID. We took an extra step to ensure life safety with the COVID insurance policy provided to employees.

The CEO: Tell me about your thoughts on success? Who would you credit to?

Subhashis: For a successful company, the most vital parameter is a supportive team. In the long term, as a brand scaled towards the global position, the goal cannot be achieved single-handedly. Value4Brand believes extends the credit to its employees for their hard work and dedication towards the company.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Value4Brand, Turning the Tables for Brands with their Strong Digital Game</p></div>
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The CEO: How do you remain relevant in a dynamic technology-driven industry?

Subhashis: Grasping new learning has been at the heart of Value4Brand's operations. Each day, we are creating a peerless position with relevancy with new experiences and continuous learning as our prime focus. As I have mentioned earlier, we kept ourselves flexible enough to match the market trends.

The CEO: What's on the cards for the company?

Subhashis: In our journey, we are taking forward each step to reach the final goal of boosting the status as one of the leaders in the Digital Marketing domain and delivering the best of our services to our clients.

Besides, we want to be recognized as an employee-friendly organization where people can work with all motivation and are free to explore their potentials.

The CEO: In 5 years from now, what do you believe the company would have accomplished?

Subhashis: We, the dynamic Value4Money team, have aimed high since the day we initiated the company. In the coming 5 years, we plan to raise the bar and associate with 500+ clients from major industries with more empowered employees and better execution.

The CEO: What advice can you give entrepreneurs who want to venture into the same domain in the future?

Subhashis: As a leader spearheading a successful brand in my own right, I would like to advise the aspiring entrepreneurs to be flexible with employees, keep learning, new experiments, maintain focus on customer's demands, and take calculated risks.

I have a fundamental belief that the late will help you to learn new things always.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Value4Brand, Turning the Tables for Brands with their Strong Digital Game</p></div>
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