Good Health is the Key to Building a Successful Startup

By Founder Mandrake Mydia and 750AD Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, and Co-Founder of Gromacy
Good Health is the Key to Building a Successful Startup
Good Health is the Key to Building a Successful Startup

Good Health is the Key to Building a Successful Startup

By Founder Mandrake Mydia and 750AD Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, and Co-Founder of Gromacy

A company's health "footprint" is what defines its success trajectory. A healthy workforce can lead to a long-term, prosperous future for a company. According to research, chronic diseases such as low-back pain, mental health, and migraines can affect worker productivity by up to 5%. Therefore, increasing workplace health is critical.


How can good health boost your business?

Having a workforce with good health can help the economy and raise the productive capacity of a business. Companies would benefit greatly. Sickness absences would decrease; healthier workers would be less distracted by managing their (or their loved ones') problems, and fewer workers would retire prematurely due to health issues.

Lower health-care expenses would result from a healthier workforce. Furthermore, as fewer people die prematurely and healthy older consumers continue to fuel demand, better ageing would grow both the future workforce and consumption.

According to research by the McKinsey Global Institute, we spent the last year investigating what it would take to make the world's population healthy and calculating the potential social and economic advantages.

By implementing established treatments more extensively, such as adopting healthy behaviors, extending access to primary care, and improving medication adherence, the global disease burden might be lowered by 40% over the next two decades.

Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?

Health is the foundation for a good life and necessary for an entrepreneur to run a successful business. But how many business people today are aware of this theory? Entrepreneurs, it appears, rarely regard their health as a resource for company performance.

Because one spends so much time at work, it is critical to be conscious of the influence of the job itself on us. High levels of stress and pressure in everyday duties can lead to the development of chronic stress, which is one of the primary causes of more serious illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stomach issues, arthritis, and many others.

Like an unhealthy workforce, an unhealthy entrepreneur can be highly unproductive for the business. In such scenarios, the leadership is at risk, and so are the team and the company.

What are the probable drawbacks of poor physical health for an entrepreneur? For individuals who are in a less-than-optimal physical condition, time pressure increases the inclination to use mental shortcuts, and variables such as physical weariness or stress apply comparable demands in high-pressure circumstances. These can lead to adverse effects on the business. Hence, it is inevitable for an entrepreneur to focus on one's health.

How can you assess your employee's health?

It is essential to cultivate healthy communities for the success of a business. This may entail evaluating your company's health "footprint," or how activities contribute to the health outcomes of people, communities, and entire populations, and making health impact a focus within more extensive corporate social responsibility programs.

Certain major corporations, for example, have added pledges to provide clean water, hygiene, and sanitation to their employees and, in some cases, partners and suppliers in water-stressed parts of the world.

According to research, 70% of health-improvement measures occur before a sick patient seeks assistance. Half of it is attributed to living in better settings, society, and workplaces that promote healthy behaviors and mindsets. This not only helps minimize the pressure on the health system in the country but also helps develop a healthier India with better working abilities.

Good Health is the Key to Building a Successful Startup
Why is good health more critical for any entrepreneur?
Good Health is the Key to Building a Successful Startup
Why is good health necessary for an entrepreneur? How can good health boost your business?
Good Health is the Key to Building a Successful Startup
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