Health and The CEO

Dr. Gurjot Marwah, Founder, Fibon App
Dr. Gurjot Marwah, Founder, Fibon App

Dr. Gurjot Marwah, Founder, Fibon App

Health and The CEO

Health and The CEO

TODAY, the CEO is driven by his work and his team, leaving him very little time for his personal life and less or no time for his health and fitness.

It’s his health, both mental and physical, which are responsible for his present and future progress.


In this fast world of success, health comes last on the to-do list. Unless the CEO or a person is faced with a health emergency or medical complication, the importance of health is not realized.

Now let’s get to the good part.

There are no big mantras or secrets to a healthy and fit body. Just listen to your body. Give it some ME time, good nourishment, less punishment, and a happy state of mind.

Remember, you care for your health. It takes care of you.

Stress, anxiety, and addictions are bi-products of the designation of a CEO. We have lost a lot of young men and women CEO to them. Many of them could have quickly been revived and survived if timely action had been taken about their health.

Fitness and health have to be made a habit, a way of life, and not a fad that changes with trends.

The genuinely successful CEO of today is the one who has understood that the essential thing in his life is a good and fit body, and he will have to achieve that all by himself. If he is healthy mentally and physically, only can he push his entire team to a healthy work environment.

Let us all, young and old, pledge on this world health day that health and fitness will be the first and the most important target to be achieved for our present and our future Fay to day activities.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Dr. Gurjot Marwah, Founder, Fibon App</p></div>
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