<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tecruitr’s rich experience in hiring skilled and zealous employees brings incredible growth for companies</p></div>

Tecruitr’s rich experience in hiring skilled and zealous employees brings incredible growth for companies


Tecruitr’s rich experience in hiring skilled and zealous employees brings incredible growth for companies


Tecruitr’s rich experience in hiring skilled and zealous employees brings incredible growth for companies

Kaushal Kumar

Tecruitr's rich experience in hiring skilled and zealous employees brings incredible growth for companies

Since the trend of skill analysis is evolving in hiring module for employers, companies are highly fascinated to hire employees through skill analysis companies.

With process to identify what skills the organization actually requires to meet its business objectives, Tecruitr Analytics has positioned itself as a noticeable name in the market. It is a Skill Analysis company that helps Technology companies to hire faster, better and cheaper using Artificial Intelligence.

While there are quite a number of startups using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics in the recruitment process, a vast majority of them rely on superficial data like University, work history, social media posts etc. to shortlist or identify candidates.

This kind of analysis does not necessarily say anything about the candidates' skills or their ability to perform in a given job. On the contrary, Tecruitr employs Artificial Intelligence with Deep Machine Learning to precisely assess candidates' skills and their suitability for the given Job Description. The AI platform is scheduled for release this Jun-2017.

In the meantime, to serve their early customers, Tecruitr conducts offline tests at engineering campuses, assess & grade the students before sharing their profiles with their clients.

This helps companies to hire top talented fresher without even going to multiple colleges for conducting campus interviews. They are releasing the first version of the online platform this Jan-2017, that will enable companies to post jobs, view candidates' performance and shortlist them for further selection processes.

Tecruitr believes that sharing the pre-assessed candidate profiles the employers will save significant amount of time for interviewers as they interview only the candidates who posses all the necessary skills for the job.

While speaking to The CEO Magazine, Mr. Gandhi Karuna, CTO of Tecruitr said, "We are the only company to assess all the technical facets of the candidate in a single platform and grade them based on their skill level. Our competitors, either source resumes from popular job portals and forward them or focus only on assessing the candidates but do not grade their skills and rank them.

Eg.: Coding Challenges conducted by our competitors, places nearly 60% of the candidates in Rank 1. This approach makes it very difficult for employers to identify the right candidate, but our process of assessing & grading the candidates precisely helps in finding the top talents and shares only the best fit candidates to our clients."

Tecruitr's experience with technology industries to provide them skilled and zealous employees translates into a differentiated value proposition and stimulates time-to-market for clients.

The company delivers comprehensive services to many businesses including Casperon, Evora IT Solutions, Flicq, Genome Life Sciences, GITS, RCK Techiees, Silicon 2 systems, Watchy Technology, Zarget, Zaikenn. The company is in talks with few more companies which are in final stage of sign-up.

Tecruitr's transparent, efficient and flexible world class skill development process zero downs risks of project failures and creates productive solutions that meet present as well as future demands. ,

Being asked by TCM about the business problem it hopes to solve with its solutions and offerings, Mr. Nataraj Pinakapani, CEO of Tecruitr said: "All companies, big or small need top talents to build their team. Today they have to rely on job portals or recruitment agencies to find their candidates. This process is like a ring toss. 

Neither the recruiter nor the Hiring Manager have any clue on candidates' skills while shortlisting them for an Interview. So, if the employer is lucky, they will get to interview the right candidate. Else the hiring manager will end up spending countless hours of interviews with no apparent result.

This process takes significant toll on company's resources. The situation is even worse for startups that cannot hire a full-fledged recruitment team and are expectedly understaffed. According to Forbes, 71% of the employers feel that they are unable to fill their vacancies.

To address this problem, we pre-assess and grade the candidates before their profile is shared.

This helps companies to shortlist and interview candidates who possess the required skill set, saving them huge amount of time and resources."

The Spirit behind the success

Nataraj Pinakapani- CEO

Nataraj Pinakapani has a decade long experience in semiconductor companies like Texas Instruments, Intersil, Cosmic Circuits, and Qualcomm. His experience in hiring the cream level candidates for the top notch semiconductor industry, is a major advantage for Tecruitr.

This experience has enabled him to win the trust of the several companies including an US based IoT company, who have signed-up with Tecruitr and made them a primary recruitment partner for filling entry and mid-level technical positions.

Nataraj also is running another successful startup, Watsinit Mobile Technologies, an educational research company and its flagship product RAIN automates Accreditation and enables E-Governance with Outcome Based Education. RAIN is deployed at the prestigious Anna University (MIT Campus), Chennai and Veltech Dr. RR & Dr.SR University, Chennai

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