<div class="paragraphs"><p>How Online Cricket Betting Is Growing In India</p></div>

How Online Cricket Betting Is Growing In India


How Online Cricket Betting Is Growing In India

Kaushal Kumar

How Online Cricket Betting Is Growing In India

India has the biggest national cricket fan base of anywhere in the world - It’s estimated that around 90% of the world's cricket fans are based there. With around 140 million Indians placing bets on cricket every single year, it’s no surprise online bets for cricket have been getting more and more popular.

So why is betting on cricket taking off in India and growing so much? Well, let's take a closer look.

People can make money from their knowledge

Knowledge is power and a valuable asset that you can use to make money from. People need to flex their creative muscles and find some ways of turning excess cash into some nice winnings.

Some Indians have turned to online betting to help this happen. There are a number of reasons why they might think of doing this, including:

*Their knowledge of the sport. With cricket being such a widely known and well-played sport, many Indians know cricket inside and out. This means that there isn’t a lot of subjectivity in the bets being made and all bets are made from a standpoint of a deeply ingrained love for the sport. 

*The amount of information that is now available. The internet could be considered the great equaliser with betting. It means almost everyone has access to the same information as anyone else. So with this unbridled access to information becoming more widespread around India, more Indians can combine this with the knowledge they already know to make sound bets.

*How affordable the online bookies are. Because of the low overheads of these online bookies that take cricket bets, Indian punters can find plenty of low minimum deposit bookies with free bets, bonuses and better odds.

Some Indians make a full-time living just from the bets they place on the cricket matches they were going to watch anyway!

Online betting sites have become easier to access

India is getting better and better coverage of the internet, which is obviously a vital component of betting on cricket online. Online bookies have also developed phone-friendly websites and apps so that Indian players can easily place their bets on any device they want. 

The sports betting apps that can be downloaded also allow Indians to watch the cricket games and place in-game bets easily, both great developments for any Indians who are really into cricket!

The sheer variety now on offer

Another big reason why online cricket betting is becoming so popular is the number of online bookies that are becoming available. Whilst betting in India is a huge grey area legally, more and more Indians keep betting online and facing no repercussions. 

Thanks to the lack of action from the government, many bookies have actually now started targeting Indians with cricket betting options. This influx means that Indians have a much wider range of choices when it comes to placing bets online.

All of these different platforms cater to Indians especially, meaning they can get their hands on incredibly competitive odds, more markets and odds to bet on, more bonuses to get hold of and different payment gateways to use.

It’s a way to have some fun and relax.

Let's get down to brass tacks - win or lose, one of the main reasons people bet on cricket is for the sheer thrill of it. Many people find placing bets fun - doing the research, actually placing your selections and then watching how these bets play out.

There are plenty of cricket tournaments to bet on

Some sports have a limited amount of games a year - cricket definitely not being one of them! There is pretty much always some sort of tournament going on - from test matches where the stakes are not that high, to the world cup with everything at stake! You’ve also got the IPL, the ODI, different qualifiers and even just friendly games.

The availability of all of these matches makes sure there's always something to bet on - There will never be a dull day when there are so many events going on!

Site safety is good

Making sure that any money you deposit into the casino is completely safe is paramount. Many of the online casinos that Indians can play on now are fully licensed and use reputable payment methods.

Many of the top online sports books will have full SSL-level security, meaning any data people enter is fully encrypted. Then you’ve also got Crypto casinos for full anonymity and fast payments with crypto like Bitcoin - anywhere in the world.

Allows people to shop off their knowledge

With cricket being the national sport, many Indians like to flex their knowledge and prove that their awareness or wisdom of the sport is top-notch. Online betting allows them to do that - not just for bragging rights to other people but it allows them to test themselves.

The legality of online gambling on cricket

As we mentioned before, there is a bit of a grey area when it comes to making bets on cricket online in India. There is a law from 1867 which prohibits gambling, but since it was written over 150 years ago, it doesn’t state anything about online gambling.

A few states have started imposing laws to prohibit online gambling, but India still has an annual gambling revenue of $60 billion!

What does the future of online betting on cricket hold for India?

All of the previous reasons are completely valid for why Indians love betting on cricket online - but what can we expect in the future?

With the internet coverage and speeds only getting better over time, we can expect more people to have access to online sportsbooks. This will undoubtedly bring with it more gamblers, which will bring more online sportsbooks that Indians can bet with.

With the revenue of these gambling activities going up and up, it’s only really a matter of time before the Indian government takes notice and changes regulations - following the likes of Canada and the different states in America.

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