<div class="paragraphs"><p>Apps for Tracking and Improving Daily Habits at Work and Home</p></div>

Apps for Tracking and Improving Daily Habits at Work and Home


Apps for Tracking and Improving Daily Habits at Work and Home


Apps for Tracking and Improving Daily Habits at Work and Home

Kaushal Kumar

Apps for Tracking and Improving Daily Habits at Work and Home

Our habits govern our daily lives. People have unique routines for performing every task. Some patterns can be healthy, like taking breaks between tasks at work to feel refreshed. However, the same breaks could be less beneficial if you spend them scrolling through social media.

So, it is common for people to change their habits or attempt to do so. It's easier said than done since our habits are deeply entrenched in our personalities, and even though they control us, we don't quite realize it.

Fortunately, some very effective habit-tracking apps help you eliminate your bad habits by setting goals you need to meet every day.

Your journey of breaking free of your habits is made easier by these apps that help you keep track of the goals you set. You can keep an eye on the progress you make so you know how you are doing. In other cases, apps and other techniques can reinvent how you perform specific tasks.

Productive Habit Tracker

Time management has always been a challenge for all of us. Many people feel that there just isn't enough time these days. Despite this, you'll find most staying back in the office late into the evening. They forego spending time with family and friends to keep up with their busy schedules.

Productive Habit Tracker has a carefully designed yet simple interface that prioritizes ease of use. It’s so designed that you can start planning your habits the very second you use it.

While the design is simple, the app is loaded with features. As you start putting a lid on your impulsive habits, the app also helps you keep track of your progress. Your progress also motivates you.


What you’ll love about Habitica is how creative it is when helping you track and maintain the good habits you have. Taking inspiration from RPG video games, Habitat raises the level of the customized avatar of yours it creates.

As the level of your avatar rises, it acts as an incentive that motivates you as you keep making progress.

So, it uses app gamification to make it easier to adjust to new routines. Apart from tracking them, with Habitica, you can set missions with your friends and then make progress at getting done with those missions by completing quests.

That makes the app no less fun than a video game. However, if video games aren't your cup of tea, you should look for other options.


The Streaks app is designed to encourage you to maintain a streak of good habits for 12 days. That makes it a fantastic tool for staying motivated to improve your habits.

Its impressive design helped Streaks bag the Apple Design Award. You can easily customize the interface so it suits your taste and preferences.

Moreover, it’s easy to integrate Streaks with the Health App, one of iOS’s most popular apps. Developing healthy habits is a breeze when you use Streaks. In case you fail to meet any target, you are sent a reminder so you can pull up your socks and keep going.


Behavioral economists at the prestigious Yale University are behind the development of StickK. When you sign up, you enter a commitment contract involving you and the app that pushes you to reach your goals. You may even put some money on the probability of you meeting your targets.

This unique feature of getting into a contract of keeping your commitments does a great job of keeping you motivated. Insightful research has gone into the creation of StickK.

Thaler’s Nudge Theory is at the root of the creation of this app. The layout is exciting and very appealing to the eye.

Other Apps for Changing Your Routine

Besides habit or goal tracking, many applications can help you achieve specific resolutions.·        

Apps for reducing screen time. Such screen-time applications are excellent if you wish to spend less time scrolling social media. Most smartphones might have built-in features for achieving this. However, you can also use third-party options.·        

Ensure that your devices are secure. You might have many habits while using your PC or smartphone. The most important thing to remember is to run regular security checkups and remove unnecessary files.·        

Apps for reducing clutter on your device. Third-party apps or built-in features can help you remove old files or keep your desktop organized.·        

Guarantee that you use secure connections to the internet. You can ensure your internet traffic and data travel safely if you download VPN apps. These tools encrypt your data and reroute them through secure servers. Thus, you get to enjoy more security and anonymity online.


In our hectic day-to-day lives, we often fall prey to bad habits. We must think of strategies to fight them. Habit-tracking apps do a great job of weaning us away from habits that harm us.

We can set targets that we can achieve over time to stay motivated. Use the suggested apps and build a healthy lifestyle. Good luck!

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