Next-Gen Women Entrepreneur Yamini shares her journey towards becoming an entrepreneur from the perspective of a PR

Yamini Jain

Yamini Jain

Next-Gen Women Entrepreneur Yamini shares her journey towards becoming an entrepreneur from the perspective of a PR

Yamini Jain (Digital Content Creator & Founder at Neon Berry Media)

TCM: We would like to know your views as an inspiring digital influencer and your journey to create a bespoke PR & Marketing Agency?
In today's digital space, where everything is 'Just A Click Away!', maintaining a robust digital presence is essential for all business and personal identities. The amount of time we spend online has increased rapidly post the Pandemic.

Unlike earlier times, now, if we need anything, we reach out to technology and the digital tools that are easily accessible to us. So, the world was amidst a pandemic, and business was getting shut down. During this chaos, I found a ray of hope and thought of starting my own Digital Marketing agency.

TCM: Describe how you became a digital creator and the moment when you realized this was what you wanted to do?

As I believed that the future of brands is being digitally available, I myself, a well-known influencer, had a deep understanding of how social media works and what kind of content is being appreciated by the audience.

During the Pandemic, I explored the power of social media and digital presence and helped connect and create a big community. Then we came up with an idea to share the expertise and deep understanding with growing businesses. That's when Neon Berry came into existence.

TCM: Who was your inspiration, or instead, what inspired you to choose this creative profession?

It has been a tough time for everyone during the Pandemic. Nothing could control or make the situation a little better in any way. Only Social Media was a Go-to platform for everyone to stay connected to the world.

Eliminating sadness and stress is a significant factor in content creation, and that's the need of the hour! We understood it, and then there was no looking back. Now, when we are confident and have so much experience with us. We are on this journey of growing together with the help of Digital Media.

TCM: Being considered the most iconic Influencer in the industry, how do you feel?

Well, no words can explain the feeling.! All I can say is that I am pretty overwhelmed and feel gratitude that people have loved my work and have appreciated eradicating the sadness and spreading happiness while entertaining my audience with relatable content.

Be it bringing out the journey of Mom's Struggles or talking about Gender Biasness. I thank them for supporting me and making me the familiar face I am today.

TCM: How do you spend your day as a digital Mompreneur?

Being a Mom and an Entrepreneur, I have two superpowers that help me go through the day. Time slicing and Multitasking. They go hand in hand. It is difficult for me to manage the day, but I ensure that I don't waste any time sitting idle.

For instance, I utilize my travel time while talking to clients or meeting with them over the call. While doing all the mommy tasks, I brainstorm content ideas or communicate with my team. I make a To-Do List in the morning and make sure to complete it before the day ends.

TCM: As a new mom, what are some of the challenges you encounter balancing work, family, and baby?

Balance is the key! We all have heard this phase, Right? Being a strong woman myself, I take up all the challenges positively. The first one is dealing with stress. Be it work for stress, mom stress, or family. It's essential to be calm and take every decision. Second is the society.

That's a tough one! Being judged by the orthodox thinking of society hits hard. But I deal with it by concentrating on my work and not paying attention to it. Another one is No me time. Sometimes It does happen that I don't get time for myself. I feel it's essential, but that's okay because when I see that all the tasks are done by the day ends, satisfaction and sacrifice are worth it.

TCM: What's the most critical piece of advice you'd given to a woman thinking of starting her own business in a PR firm?

It is not a Piece of Cake! Marketing and PR are dynamic career options. One needs to know that it's not like a 9-5 job. It's a 24-hour activity wherein you need to work at any hour for your client. Being Updated is another vital aspect.

It would be best if you were thorough with everything happening around you. Regular Market research is fundamental. And you need to be excellent with your Communication Skills. It would be best if you were passionate enough to work 24/7 and achieve your goals.

TCM: Which issue do you find most challenging for women your age today?

There is a dilemma with women of my age. They have a lot of dreams and aspirations to fulfill. They want to take up a lot more responsibilities but cannot do so. The biggest reason is the lack of support from society or sometimes their families.

This is important for a woman to accomplish anything she wants to. But being a wife, a daughter, a mommy, every woman is perfect no matter what!

TCM: Tell us about your accomplishments and contributions towards becoming an Entrepreneur?

Growth is significant. Many prestigious moments came in the way during this journey, like being featured by SheThePeople and thehumansofbombay on social media, where they showcased my journey of being a Mompreneur.

It was a proud moment for me. My company has also grown by around 25% in just 1.5 years. I feel privileged to let you know that we are a team of 20 people, out of which 15 are women. The most significant achievement for me is inspiring and motivating so many women. I feel so blessed!

TCM: On International Women's Day, what is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their careers?

This Women's Day, I have an important message for all the women. 'Don't Let the Society Tell You What You Want in Life.' I have done a million things before, realizing what exactly I want to do. So, take your own sweet time to figure things out. Explore your magic, and then decide what you wish to achieve.

I am wishing all the readers, A very Happy Women's Day! Shine Bright!

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