This Independence Day, Expert Recommended Tips to get freedom from an unhealthy lifestyle

Sakshi Mandhyan, Founder & Director at Mandhyan Care
This Independence Day, Expert Recommended Tips to get freedom from an unhealthy lifestyle

This Independence Day, Expert Recommended Tips to get freedom from an unhealthy lifestyle

Sakshi Mandhyan, Founder & Director at Mandhyan Care

Sakshi Mandhyan is a renowned Psychologist, an award-winning Happiness Coach, Keynote Speaker, Founder and director - Mandhyan Care. She is a serial entrepreneur and an eternal optimist with a quality experience of 15 years in the wellness industry.

She is a professional who decided to be a psychologist when she was just 11 years old. A self-made entrepreneur who funded her education since the age of 15. Clarity is the centre of her functioning. She believes in the methodology of preventive wellness.

Freedom from an unhealthy lifestyle is the state of not being subject to something that’s harmful to health, something that makes everyday living unbalanced. So, if we really want to free ourselves of undesirable wellness outcomes and be free-spirited this Independence Day, we implement the strategy “RUN”


Let’s RUN through them swiftly….

  1. RECOGNISE everyday indulgences that are hampering you. Identify the habits, events, people, traits, etc. that are bringing instability.

  2. UNCHAIN yourself from these patterns by setting small goals that are contrary to your vices and help you break free.

  3. NUDGE yourself every day in small quantities to practice consistency. 

We cannot sustain balance with extreme efforts. The philosophy that I personally function with is to put average inputs every day to be a long-term outlier.

If we want a lasting outcome, then we become process driven and work with the kaizen philosophy avoiding instant gratification. 

To tread the path of a durable lifestyle, begin with mindfulness. Check how you are spending your day after waking up and before sleeping. Watch out for the choices you are making.

For instance, are you choosing a restorative consistent sleep and waking time? Do you eat a balanced meal at a fixed time and interval? Are you working out? Are you practicing meditation?

These are the basics for physical well-being. Once you have ticked on them, move deeper and assess your thoughts and emotions. Unhealthy thoughts lead to unhealthy emotions and vice versa, triggering stress, anxiety, burnout, etc., and impacting your mental well-being.

Understand that the problem is never on the surface. For example, anxiety that you see on the surface has the underlying root cause in our over-thinking, faulty perception, controlling or resistant temperament. Lifestyle disorders like hypertension, thyroid, or diabetes, to name a few, are called lifestyle disorders because of malfunctioning day-to-day habits. 

While you work on altering your lifestyle you will experience feeble motivation. This happens because the neurons of old habits are stronger and established. Use neuroplasticity to make the changes. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience.

The more you practice the new habit consciously, the more you will establish the new behavioural pattern. The key is that you rehearse at least 5 days a week for a minimum of 6 months in my experience. 

​​We can achieve what we put our energy into. All we need is the inner push and a scheduled personal calendar.

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