Digital Marketing- An Alchemical Elixir for Startups to Scale Business Growth

Digital Marketing- An Alchemical Elixir for Startups to Scale Business Growth

Digital Marketing- An Alchemical Elixir for Startups to Scale Business Growth

Shubhra Sinha, VP-Marketing, Denave
3 min read

Digital Marketing- An Alchemical Elixir for Startups to Scale Business Growth.

We are living in an age of innovation and technology expansion, with new and futuristic brands making their market debut every day.

The startup culture has grown rapidly thanks to the easy technological access, high floating capital in the market along with constantly progressing customer behaviour.

However, the path to scaling business growth and maximizing sales success for startups is a continuous challenge. Even unicorn startups face bottlenecks when it comes to strategizing and executing their customer outreach activities.

Not every startup can design a full-fledged marketing engine internally as it requires considerable investment. They have limited financial resources, meaning that they need to make the most of their marketing dollars and justify the ROI.

That’s why digital marketing has become a savior for startups to connect, engage, and convert their target audience at a lower cost than traditional marketing. It allows them to map the ROI across each stage of buying journey.

While building an internal engine can make a significant dent in the working capital, partnering with a professional digital marketing agency can help them build customer-centric omnichannel marketing processes.

Omnichannel digital marketing: Pathway to sales success

Modern businesses are not about the products or services they are selling, but the solutions that they offer to make customers’ lives easier. No startup can take off successfully if they don’t have a holistic strategy for reaching out to its target audience.

Needless to say, the current business environment is witnessing the highest competition for people’s attention. There are big sharks already circling the waters, and startups need an intuitive and problem-solving communication strategy across all digital platforms.

Starting with a high-performing, mobile-friendly website to a strong content marketing strategy along with the best SEO service, SMO service, and performance marketing strategies, companies need all the vital cogs to move their demand generation vehicle.

Today, customers leverage multiple channels to research products/services and move seamlessly from one platform to another before making a purchase. Therefore, startups must be present across all these channels to engage with these customers effectively.

Businesses can start by identifying the correct mix of channels where their potential customers like to spend time. The selection of channels will also depend on the business location and business goals.

Once the startup is clear on which channels they are using, they can start with testing campaigns to determine the engagement they will get from each channel.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Digital Marketing- An Alchemical Elixir for Startups to Scale Business Growth</p></div>
Denave, A B2B Global Sales Enablement Company Focused on Driving Revenue Growth Through Services Driven by Technology

Prioritizing search engine optimization

A company’s digital journey often starts with search results. It is the primary and most effective form of engagement that can shore up an emerging business’s brand awareness, and in the long run drive lead generation.

Ranking high on the search engine results page is fundamental to getting the website noticed and receiving relevant traffic to the website organically.

The best SEO services are those that encompass a wide range of tactics, including content marketing, earning backlinks, digital PR, optimizing landing page experience, and more. Startups must embrace unforming branding to increase brand recall and deliver heightened customer experiences across channels.

Building brand affinity & customer-centricity with SMO services

Essentially, every person relies on social media to gather information about a product or a company. In the nascent stage, startups need a robust social media strategy to create brand awareness in the market. Social media marketing also allows businesses to become accessible and responsive to their customers in real-time.

Branding a business on social media helps users have complete knowledge of the brand. When leveraged creatively, social media marketing can enable startups to drive brand loyalty organically.

Depending on the audience type, use platforms like Instagram or YouTube or LinkedIn or any other to communicate knowledgeable information to brand users through videos, blogs, static posts, and live videos. Brands can extract user-generated content and feel the pulse of their customers’ tilting buying needs and behaviour.

With limited financial and technical resources, the ideal startup marketing should embrace the digital-first approach. The contemporary world is all about technology adoption and digital-friendly customers.

Developing and scaling your startup with online marketing will allow you to reach the right audience with the correct messaging at the right time. It will also enable you to track the right KPIs for better ROI. When the audience is scattered across multiple channels, it is critical to have an omnichannel approach.

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