Press Release

CoronaVirus Lockdown Ziyyara Supports Free Online Learning


CoronaVirus Lockdown Ziyyara Supports Free Online Learning

It is no doubt that the world is changing. That the internet has changed the landscape of our education is an understatement. Where before our knowledge was limited to classrooms and textbooks, spoon-fed to us within an enclosed system in a specific way, today the internet has connected us with the world as well as a world of information, expanding our access to knowledge on a global level.

One might argue how wonderful a time it is for education in the world right now, with the internet and our ability to communicate with one another expanding alongside the technology of our digitalized machines and the World Wide Web. Unlimited by physical space we can now communicate with one other across the world from within the confines of our homes.

With growing concerns about coronavirus, this superpower has never been more important. Today, we remain in quarantine -many of us living life from home, unable to visit family or friends, increasingly unable to go to work or school.

We know how we can help.                                                                          

What we offer you is a unique online space for all your learning needs. This space will be a place to connect students with teachers across various subjects and professions, providing them with an online space specifically designed with optimum learning conditions. Our platform provides an online discussion board to enable seamless one on one discussions between student and teacher, with sessions recorded for the benefit of the student. Teachers & students can register from here to avail our services.

We recognize the ability of our discussion platform to help connect teachers with students. While Coronavirus asks that we remain in quarantine, isolating ourselves from one another and especially from crowds and gatherings. We need our phones and computers more than ever now to connect with the outside world as coronavirus increasingly makes countries shut the doors of their schools.

At Ziyyara we recognize the implications of these challenges. We understand all too well that our world is changing, and we want to change with it. Our children's education is after all their armor for the future. We realize how important one on one discussions are to the progress of their understanding of this world. And while we don't know when this crisis will calm down, we know how we can help.

At Ziyyara we pride ourselves in being able to offer the best software possible to enable smooth online discussions which can also be recorded for your convenience to return to -should you need to revisit it to clarify things again in the future. Our promise to you is to ensure the platform we provide is specifically designed to host those discussions seamlessly so that your students can continue with their education uninterrupted.

Here at Ziyyara we strongly believe that a good education is the foundation from which our world will grow from, and we would like to ensure that everyone, especially in light of the coronavirus crisis, has access to good knowledge and education.

To support this changing landscape that we live in, we would like to do our part. To do this we are providing schools with our platform for free to connect teachers with their students so that they might learn within the safety of their homes.

We would like the education and progress of the world to continue, and we hope you share this belief in us.

What we offer is an online platform where professional teachers across a vast array of subjects and students in the same school, can meet in recorded to discuss topics and maintain progress in their subjects and to continue their progress within the school curriculum.

We believe that school should not be halted our slowed down, no matter the situation the world is in, and so we would like to provide our platform to students and teachers from around the world so that even though teachers and students may be limited to their homes, it doesn't mean that education should be limited at all.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity then please sign up to Ziyyara and we can connect schools teachers and students together on our platform, enabling real time, one on one discussions with teacher and student as well recorded discussions where the student is able to recall previous explanations to check something again or understand something better.

We invite schools to sign up for this opportunity free of charge. So that the education of our youth can continue despite the isolation required of us because of the coronavirus. Any teacher and student of the same school will be able to meet within our platform to discuss school subjects and to continue the journey of education.

We understand that school is not always easy and with our platform we are sure will reach the optimum level of understanding, so you are able to keep on track with the curriculum.

Let the journey of your education continue with Ziyarra.

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