
Who am I? Am I worth being known for my work? – A B Chakravorty

Kaushal Kumar

2014 is coming to an end and I'm all set for the launch of my second novel, Split Second, on January 1, 2015. But, hang on…who am I?

I have always been a poet. The love for rhyming words and expressing untold thoughts has been a passion since I was six. Prose, however came into the picture much later, in 2009, in the form of my fiction blog. I'd write short stories for my friends to read and talk about. It gave me some popularity in college; and I loved it. Eventually, the longest of those short stories got made into a novelette. I self-published it and was able to sell over 6500 copies through my own events across colleges in India. That was in 2012 and book was called 'The Best Person I Met In 2007′.

In 2013, I started to study facts about Psychology and Theoretical Physics, which would be the backbone of my second novel. And then, once the plot and the characters were ready to be written, I went ahead with the journey, from April to December 2013. This 206-page took me nine months to complete and be satisfied with.

So, my psychological thriller novel with a touch of Physics was out there; and I had to get it published. I pitched to all of the top ten publishers operating in India and was fortunate to sign a deal with Leadstart Publishing in August 2014. Editing, cover design, pagination and other things took a while and now we finally have the first dummy copy of the book on our hands. The final print and distribution is in progress right now, with just under a month to go for the release.

But then, the question remains. Who am I? Am I worth being known for my work? Well, that depends on how much you, the readers, love it. Let 2015 speak. Remember the name 'Split Second'.

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