
The SRCC Business Conclave

Kaushal Kumar

The SRCC Business Conclave: watch the leaders of today; engage with the leaders of tomorrow 

Shri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi– On Feb 7- Feb 9, The SRCC Business Conclave is hosting their management event bringing together a panel of experts. The event will be hosted by fifteen to twenty-five speakers and around1200 people would there to being a part of it.

The SRCC Business Conclave is India's Largest Undergraduate Management Festival.

The three-days management extravaganza that hosts immensely inspiring sessions, with key-note speeches by highly distinguished speakers- all tycoons from various fields such as politics, business, commerce and entertainment who come together and share their ideas on issues central to the Indian economy and the current state of businesses in India. The Business Conclave is a great opportunity to watch the leaders of today, engage with the leaders of tomorrow. Along with this, it hosts a list of meticulous and brain challenging events, critically testing business and analytical acumen and sharpness of mind. Each event at Business Conclave is exclusively and scrupulously planned to challenge your business skills and test the sharpness of your mind. The diverse competitions cater to a variety of interests in the spectrum of commerce like marketing, management, finance and HR.

This being the Ninth Edition of the SRCC Business Conclave, they aim to do all that's never been done before and surpassing all the expectations people have ever had on them. It's been our motto to become an inspiration in them and raise their own standards every year but this time, 'You set the bar, they raise it'.

Speaker Session

SRCC Business Conclave 2017 will witness a marvelous line-up of highly influential and inspirational speakers giving back-to-back power packed speeches, leaving each and every mind in the gathering awestruck and motivated. In the drive to expand the horizons of innovation in business and commerce, we attempt to create a difference by integrating the ideologies and thoughts of the leaders of today, with that of the leaders of future.

The three-days of the event include such interactions in varied formats being Key-note Sessions, Town-Hall Sessions, Knowledge Sessions and Panel Discussions; commencing with The Shri Ram Memorial Oration. The Dias is graced by legends of diverse fields like startups, entertainment, politics, commerce and more. It is a great opportunity as one great thing about the power of the spoken word is the fact that it has the power to change perceptions, and to create the life that one desires.

Gala Night
After a happening day of events and inspiring speaker sessions, Gala Night is what follows. A corporate themed mixer specially hosted to refresh the participants, organizing team and our event partners – Gala Night- An evening with the primary aim to facilitate networking amongst the brightest minds of the country.

It is an intimate event on a small-scale inviting all the event participants we have for the three-days of the Conclave. Venue being the campus front-lawns, it's an informal dinner with an unplugged soulful musical performance followed by a buffet-dinner. The entry for the Gala Night is on an invite-only basis.

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