5 Upcoming Trends that will change E-commerce Customer Experience. 

5 Upcoming Trends that will change E-commerce Customer Experience. 

5 Upcoming Trends that will change E-commerce Customer Experience. 

4 min read

5 Upcoming Trends that will change E-commerce Customer Experience. 

Ecommerce has proved to be a revolution for online selling of products and if you are not doing e-commerce for your business you might be losing a projected sale of over $4.8 trillion worldwide by 2021.


Businesses who are investing in marketing strategies for e-commerce are already getting rapid growth. There were around 1.66 billion online customers in 2017 and this number is expected to reach 2.15 billion by the year 2021.

New and innovative trends are emerging in e-commerce and they are going to change the game of e-commerce forever. Get ready to apply these trends for the rapid growth of your business.

  1. Personalize shopping

When compared to traditional shopping, online shopping lacks personal interaction. There are no helpers to help you find products according to your preference for online platforms.

To cover this issue, big e-commerce giants are implementing strategies to enhance personalized shopping. It will help customers to select the product of their choosing.

By collecting data such as purchase history, searches, visited pages, and preferred brands, online stores can provide the best services according to the needs of the customer.

When you open Amazon app. you will find the products on the home screen according to your purchase history, searched products, and items in your cart. The given data is making online shopping more personalized.

One of the most important parts of personalizing shopping is direct and personalized emails. Data shows that personalized emails convert better than cold emails as they give six times higher conversation. There are higher chances that your email will get the customer's attention if it is customized accordingly.

Over 57% of online shoppers are comfortable in giving their information to the brands so they can get a great shopping experience.

There are many CRM (Customer relationship management) that will help you to understand customer's behavior and personalize their shopping experience.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>5 Upcoming Trends that will change E-commerce Customer Experience.&nbsp;</p></div>
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  1. AI or Chatbots

Big e-commerce companies are investing in technologies like chatbots and AI (artificial intelligence) so they can enhance the shopping experience of the customer.

These techs are capable of handling tasks that are assigned to a person like inventory management or handling queries of customers. They will assist a customer during their purchase and can also allow you to focus on other important tasks.

All the customer queries for the product or any complaint with the service will be answered by chatbots. They will learn continuously from the conversation with the customer and keep on getting better to solve any problem.

According to a report, almost 40% of the customers are comfortable getting an answer by an AI or a chatbot until they are solving the queries efficiently.

  1. B2B e-commerce

Well, e-commerce is not only for B2C businesses as B2B companies are also emerging as the latest trends in e-commerce. It is estimated that B2B e-commerce will have an increase in sales of up to $6.6 trillion worldwide by 2020.

There are not many platforms for B2B e-commerce as most of the business prefers to accept orders through direct selling, B2B e-commerce will grow in the coming years.

B2B businesses also desired to have a personalized way of searching for new suppliers to build connections.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>5 Upcoming Trends that will change E-commerce Customer Experience.&nbsp;</p></div>
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  1. Better Product Representation

It is not always like this. In earlier days, people used to be scared while purchasing online. There were payment issues, product size and description issues and fraud issues as well.

Till now, people are little conscious while purchasing from an online portal, they worry about the quality and size of the products. This is why e-commerce portals need an effective representation of the product description.

Before anyone makes a purchase, they need to interact with the product so they can clear all their doubts. HD pictures, reviews, and social media influencing are not enough. With the arrival of VR (virtual reality) and 3d printing, we can soon satisfy the customer in a much better ways.

One of the trends is product videos on online selling platforms; they are more engaging and informative than the usual images. What used to be just a product picture is now transformed into a more attractive video.

  1. Better retail experience

Since the introduction of e-commerce, the physical store is vanishing. Either they are going bankrupt or they are just changing according to time and customer's need. No matter how good or interactive the product description or online customer experience will be nothing can beat the in-store experience.

Because of this, many e-commerce sites are opening their physical stores to increase sales, and relationships with customers. Amazon recently opened their physical stores named '4-star' across the US, where people can interact with the top products themselves.

These stores required less manpower as they will be working mostly on AI. This new trend is accepted by many online selling platforms as well.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>5 Upcoming Trends that will change E-commerce Customer Experience.&nbsp;</p></div>
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