Sunita Bohora Co-founder, New Era English School National Chairperson, JITO Ladies Wing

Sunita Bohora
Sunita Bohora

Sunita Bohora

Co-founder, New Era English School

National Chairperson, JITO Ladies Wing

“A Woman For The Women”- Making a Difference With Her Commendable Efforts, Ms. Sunita Bohora Changes The World To Be A Better Place For The Women

To be inspired is great, but to be an inspiration is an honour.” Ms. Sunita Bohora, Co-founder, New Era English School, National Chairperson, JITO Ladies Wing, acknowledges the honour she has been allotted by the people around and is humbly grateful for being considered worthy of being in the exclusive list of 25 Iconic Businesswomen. The prestigious recognition by her and her entire team has driven their mission to offer valuable contributions towards the Economic Empowerment of Women by leveraging “Knowledge and Compassion.”

Ms. Sunita Bohora further states that women are a plethora of talent and compassion, but their worth often goes unnoticed. She and her team are constantly working to offer the women their deserved recognition and make reasonable efforts to bring their potential, hidden talent and strength into the limelight. She also admits that while nurturing the young minds towards 21st century, it was also critical to have empowered women play a significant role in contributing towards an attempt to transform the mindsets of students to be ready for the emerging global opportunities.

Idea Of Joining The Industry And Taking The Plunge

Ms. Sunita is a Gold Medalist in the Master's Programme and has gained tremendous experience from her stay in New York. It was during her stay in the US that she realised the true potential of women and how one could change the world if she wanted. The woman is the creator and nurturer of life, but, ironically, her value often goes unrecognised by society.

This entire scenario instigated Ms. Bohora to do something for the women, and she came across an idea to build an institution where the whole faculty is comprised of women. She also had the deep insight that women can shine out with optimum talent portrayal if given an opportunity, and this is where she dived into making the world a better place for females.

She always wanted to establish an environment where women had equal rights and a role in the decision-making. A sense of belonging created through this can impact the overall development of women and the nation as a whole.

Ms. Bohora knew that if a woman felt trusted and respected, she could do wonders and deliver exemplary results. One can always bring out the best in any woman by simply changing her outlook. She reveals that the true sense of conviction in goals can act as a catalyst for the emergence of her survival instincts.

Ms. Sunita also admits that every woman is capable of multi-tasking, which makes her a superpower in the true sense. Being a woman is a source of strength since it includes compassion, understanding, flexibility, endurance. The institution's drivers have been women's empowerment and societal influence. As a result, these personal characteristics aid women in becoming self-sufficient. Some of them are innate, but many of them can be learned alongside other abilities.

The Establishment Of New Era English School

After seeing how students in the United States are given access to cutting-edge technology and a competitive environment, she realised that Indian students equally need the same opportunities to compete with their counterparts.

Consequently, she came up with the idea of building a high-quality educational institution that imparts superior principles to its students so that they might become "Citizens of the World" in the 21st century. To help students and parents realise their ambitions by providing resources and a supportive environment, the New Era English School was established.

The school also has an interesting tagline, “Preparing for Tomorrow …….Today” Because of this, the school thinks that students should acquire the necessary information, skills, and insight to serve as global citizens capable of seizing new opportunities both within India and internationally.

In addition, she serves as the current National Chairperson of the JITO Ladies Wing, which has more than 8,000 members and 62 chapters. There is a guiding principle that women who invest in themselves go further. Ms. Sunita saw these two promotion channels as an opportunity to spread this message among women to establish their own identities and live meaningful lives!

Ms. Sunita Bohora- A Person Worth Knowing!

Obstacles are put in your way to see if what you want is worth fighting for!” With such impeccable thoughts, Ms. Sunita can be rightly called a fighter and achiever. She, too, like many other women from smaller towns and rural areas, aspired to produce something worthwhile and create an impact. “But I had the doubt: Can I?” confesses Ms. Sunita that the thought constantly haunted her mind back then! So she decided to start the New Era English School and The Nalanda Academy in Nashik when her children were still little.

Over the years, the school has grown to more than 3,400 students, with 190 all-female teachers and a staff strength of 220. The Week Magazine recognised it as one of India's Top 10 Most Innovative Schools a few years back. Many people aspire to do something meaningful with their lives and develop a personal brand. Still, this journey is often full of difficulties, and Ms. Sunita wonderfully outshone with her passion in this challenge.

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The Success Stories Continues…….

Her success story doesn’t end here. Having been chosen as one of the distinguished Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Entrepreneurs, she was awarded a 100% scholarship to study at the prestigious Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM Bangalore). At the Goldman Sachs India Graduation Ceremony, attended by the Chairman and Co-CEO of Goldman Sachs, her venture featured among the Top 10 Business Growth Plan Competition. As a Goldman Sachs 10K Women Ambassador, she was selected for the program at ISB.

The technological revolution is extremely fast-paced in today's world. Moreover, the youngsters these days are exposed to global cultures. Ms. Sunita also had the idea of developing a more capable and future-ready version of herself, and this thought made her complete many online certified courses from Harvard University, Wharton School, Yale University, Stanford University, The World Bank’s WBGx program, MIT, Boston, Univ. of California, and Berkley.

She agreed that this was the best self-investment she triggered during the pandemic. Further, she quoted George Elliot, “It's never too late to be who you might have been,” and advised the JLW members to move ahead to grab their goals. She also revealed that she is proud that she shunned all the fears and finally emerged as a successful entrepreneur.

I got motivated by the thought that, Behind every successful Woman is Herself! So I said, let’s all work together to make a difference!” said the magnificent lady!

New Era English School (Primary & Secondary) and The Nalanda Academy (Kindergarten) Offers Educational Excellence

With a current student strength of 3400, the institution aims to provide affordable education (pre-primary levels to secondary school level) to working families in Nashik, India. Since its inception, the institution has been performing excellently in the Board exams and delivering 100% results.

The institution is solely run and led by women and positively impacts society. One of its primary goals is to provide jobs for women, while at the same time, the school supports education for female students by awarding various generous scholarships.

There are no gifts or capitation fees to be paid; instead, the school focuses on the philosophy of strength.

The Guiding Principles of New Era English School

At birth, every child is endowed with innate talents. Ms. Sunita believes in recognising and maximising a child's natural skills and abilities and knowing the students and allowing them to be genuinely exceptional in at least one area after their academic career is essential. However, she also admits that only a tiny percentage of people get to do what they enjoy, which is more likely to succeed in it.

If a student can make self decisions about their future, they are more likely to choose a career path most suited to specific abilities. In addition, a positive outlook on life and a sense of purpose in one's life naturally ensue due to the student's time in school. On the other hand, the strength theory states that a student must achieve qualifying academic credentials and acquire a unique interest in a specific subject or field.

As a result, it serves as a springboard for all future achievements.

Ms. Sunita Bohora And Her Entrepreneurial Journey

Define success on your terms, achieve it by your own rules and build a life you'll be happy and proud to live”! With tremendous confidence and thoughts, this enigmatic personality created her success on her terms and took all the support and criticisms to build the foundation of her dream. The one consistent part regarding her institution was the stand of the academic offerings that never for once degraded from what was formerly promised. Besides working on scaling up the number of students, the school also focuses on the 360-degree development of the students. Now that is what we call commitment with improvisations!

The New Era English School Has Dreams To Create Global Citizens

This school was formed to cultivate "Global Citizens" with a strong sense of "Bhartiya Sanskruti" (Indian culture). It aims to establish a dynamic learning atmosphere where the students may develop into ethical, responsible, and global citizens who are equipped and prepared to cope with the forthcoming disruptive and uncertain world!

One of the visions of this institution is to produce "Citizens of the World" who can compete on a global stage. With this goal in mind, the school attempts to educate students using a blend of American and Indian methodologies.

Overcoming The Competition in The Industry

The School's unique concepts, creative learning atmosphere, involvement of students in the process of learning, and commitment to excellent education have made it a sought-after educational institution. Moreover, this "affordable" high-quality English-medium school emphasises Bhartiya Sanskruti and American Methodology, making it distinctively superior to the other field counterparts.

The "American Methodology" can provide financial wealth, but if it is founded on "Bhartiya Sanskruti," it can also produce "Eternal Peace of Mind" and "Happiness" with those same worldly gains. The school never charged any donation or capitalization fee and consistently delivered 100% results in the Board Exams.

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The Challenges, Failures, and Lessons For The Team

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away," Ms. Sunita recalled this famous saying by Maya Angelou and narrated how her team coped with the overanalysing society and rebounded each time.

Knowledge is dynamic and ever-evolving! Ideas are unlocking the visionary outlook and are preparing themselves for future acceptance. One can only march with the race if he upgrades the knowledge base. New progressive pedagogies have taken over the obsolete passive and unilateral teaching concept. Unlike the conventional methods, now learning capabilities can only be enhanced if adequate liberty in self-learning is offered. Ms. Sunita and her team had their share of appreciation and criticism, but they continued the way they believed was right.

The New Normal Trend In Education Domain

“Learning for life” is a critical aspect in today’s world, and Ms. Sunita believes in offering a lifetime education to the students. With the support of Goldman Sachs 10K affiliated faculties, the New Era English School has transformed its pedagogy model for the better. The women entrepreneurs greatly inspired Ms. Sunita and encouraged her to make an impact. The team facilitates an engaging learning process for the students across the digital platform without losing the real core value of learning and growing.

The Consistent Fundamental Values of New Era English Schools

Nothing can beat the success of an establishment when the workers take pride in mutual support and reliability. Similarly, Ms. Sunita gives credit to her organisation’s success to the team of all-women members. They all look forward to providing 100% effort and delivering excellence. “The organisation takes care of our team members, and the team members ensure that our organization tops the chart and gets acknowledged nationally for its innovation and excellence in quality of education,” says Ms. Sunita.

On asked about her current engagements and focus areas, she said the organisation and the team are reorienting their ways to the evolving paradigm shift in learning and helping the students cope with the dynamic world where unlearning and relearning is the key to survival and growth. The teachers guide and nurture the students' creativity to adapt to the transformations in education and development. Ms. Sunita tells how her institution coped with the new set learning standards and welcomed improvisations with open arms.

The New Era English School takes care of the interests, abilities & learning styles of students. It is on its journey to make education more absorbable and value-oriented. They propose to present a fundamental paradigm shift and create a customised teaching-learning model per each individual child.

Some Words Of Advice To Young Entrepreneurs!

"I hate every minute of training. But I said, don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a Champion." Quoting the famous boxing champion Muhammad Ali, Ms. Sunita said that being an entrepreneur is not an easy task, and it demands a lot of dedication and hard work. But the rewards are genuinely fulfilling and are there to ease existence for the rest of one’s life. But the journey is not easy, and one has to overcome a lot of resilience and hurdles. What is necessary is to stick to the targets, and goal accomplishment automatically follows! Ms. Sunita ends the conversation with yet another famous quotation by Henry Ford, "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."

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