Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants

Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants
Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants

Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants

"When going gets tough, tough gets going. Every challenge is an opportunity for you to step higher on the ladder of excellency!"

– Neelam Vats shared her recent favorite motivation-steering words.

Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants

Neelam Vats exhibits the same passion as the fierce, action-oriented, and 'Karma' believer puts her leader hat on spearheading Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants, a dynamic and progressive full-service law firm.

A decade ago, the optimistic visionary approached the challenges of the industry and decided to command a firm that caters to those in need of legal advice on the lines of finding the silver lining in the dark clouds.

Nearly a decade later after its inception in July 2011, the New Delhi headquartered employs its resources strategically to exceed its clientele's expectations. As the law firm continues to hold expertise in their practice areas of corporate and commercial, regulatory compliances, M&A, Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances, Insolvency and Bankruptcy, and Employment and Labour.

Under the wise supervision of the Senior Partner, Neelam, Legal Orbit represents and advises various names including domestic companies, multinational corporations, financial institutions, government entities along private individuals concerning their legal requirements all over India as well as Internationally.

In the early months of 2021, we had a chance to connect with the Entrepreneur of the Month, Neelam Vats for our upcoming issue of 30 Women Entrepreneurs to watch in 2021 Who Inspire Us. Here's the excerpts from the interview grasping an insight into her journey from the very ideation of Legal Orbit, overcoming challenges, and leading a team:

The CEO: As a businesswoman, what was your mission at the outset? What is the change you are bringing with your brand today?

Neelam: Legal orbit initiated with a vision with which we wanted to set up a law firm that could be a cost-effective alternative to expensive law firms without compromising on quality.

As lawyers, we are barred from advertising our services and soliciting the work. Thus, the satisfaction of our existing clients and their further references to other clients is the key to us. By delivering the best services, we keep upgrading our brand name continuously.

Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants

The CEO: In the journey, did you deal with the challenge of acceptance? If not, what were the other challenges you overcame?

Neelam: Indeed, initially we did face a challenge of acceptance. Prior to founding this Firm, founding team members were associated/ working with the tier 1 law firm or the top industry players and working for some of the biggest brands.

As we endeavoured into our entity, all of sudden these brands became reluctant as we were not carrying the business cards of such tier 1 law firm or top industry players any longer. However, we were still the same professionals with a similar level of expertise, skills, and knowledge.

We witnessed an imperative challenge of starting a business, a challenge of acceptance. Eventually, with our perseverance and faith, we turned the tables. Times and situations have changed now and we have created a name for ourselves that is valued by our clients. 

The CEO: What are the mistakes you wish you could've avoided as an entrepreneur? How did you differentiate yourself and your brand from the competition?

Neelam: I have entirely and sincerely enjoyed my journey as an entrepreneur. I am of the robust belief that each of the mistakes I have made has been a learning process for me. Each entrepreneurial venture has its own course, and each entrepreneur makes their own set of mistakes.

For The CEO Magazine readers who are on their way to becoming future leaders, I would like to emphasise the fact, make mistakes because I did too but each of the mistakes gave me the wisdom to shape the organisation from a long- term perspective. In a nutshell, it was worth it and I feel shouldn't have been avoided.  

Legal Orbit has created an unrivalled position by being a team synonymous with an extending arm towards our clients. We act as their trusted advisors who are approachable to them at all times. We boast this unparalleled and enriching connection with our clientele as our Unique Selling Proposition or USP.

Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants
Law Offices of India redefines the tenets of legal services across India and Internationally

The CEO: How did you build your team?

Neelam: We work with a team spirit and believe in an environment where each member is respected and given a conducive and secured environment where he/ she can grow as a professional and is motivated to give his/ her best in every assignment.

The legal orbit team are different elements of the symphony we create within our organization to allow our dynamic clientele to have a seamless and hustle-free experience. I truly believe that making people feel an important part of the organisation sources the feeling of belongingness, which acts as an adhesive in building a strong team. 

The CEO: What are the activities that allow you to keep your team motivated?

Neelam: Lawyers, like any professionals, can be kept motivated by giving them quality work and the right payment for their services. However, we take a step ahead by ensuring that we discuss the professional and personal goals of each team member on a one-to-one basis.

The Legal Orbit management works as a mentor in charting out a stepwise plan for each member at the micro level and we align their goals with organizational goals at the macro level. Hence, we grow together stronger each day accomplishing our mission of helping our clients with their legal requirements while protecting their interest.

The CEO: How did you handle adversity and doubt? How do you plan on growing your business in the upcoming years?

Neelam: I perceive every challenge or adversity as an opportunity to climb another step on the ladder of success. Having mentioned challenges, COVID-19 indeed prevailed as an unprecedented time for businesses across the world. While it plagued various aspects of business irrespective of the profession, it was an eye-opener in terms of technology and its imperative need in this time of the era.

The workings of the business ecosystem have changed post-COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, we have also revised our business plan and look forward to upgrading our model by introducing more sophisticated technology and expanding our wings to more geographic locations.

Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants
Leeds among the India’s top engineering colleges

What does success look like in the current role and for the company? What do you do after each breakthrough?

Neelam: Currently, success for me, is a continuous journey of striving for excellence in whatever we do. For a company, as of now, expansion of our team and catalysing the growth is what I am looking at.   

I am an ambition-driven person. Thus, by the time I achieve a breakthrough, I already have my eyes set on my next target. And the cycles continue parallel to the growth and I don't usually ponder into questioning what's already done but prefer to look ahead. However, along with this virtue of karma, I never forget to be grateful to the almighty for every opportunity that comes my way. 

The CEO: If you were to answer a young female executive's question of 'How can I be a good leader?', what would you advise?

Neelam: To every female executive on the road to leadership. No matter which stages you have reached, or if you are just beginning, I would like to suggest you work on these two steps as you endeavour to lead.

The first step is to be a considerate human being then owning the responsibility for the failure/ mistakes of your team but giving 100% credit to them for the successful outcomes/ results.

The CEO: Do you believe in giving back to society, if yes, how?

Neelam: Yes definitely! The least a person can do is to take care of the people around you, be it your team members, your support staff at home, office, or building, anyone around you whom you find in need.

As an organization, we also extend a helping hand with our pro bono legal work for needy individuals who are referred to us by the NGOs we are in touch with."Have a goal but enjoy the roller coaster journey to your goal without postponing your happiness and family friends time; be grateful to almighty, and keep negativity and negative people away from you." – Neelam Vats

Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants
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Neelam Vats, A New Age Visionary Spearheading Her New Delhi Based Law Firm Legal Orbit Advocates & Consultants

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