Revex Media, Integrating Digital Media Services for Unsurpassed Business Growth

Revex Media, Integrating Digital Media Services for Unsurpassed Business Growth

Revex Media, Integrating Digital Media Services for Unsurpassed

Business Growth

In this age of digitalization, the world is filled with different digital marketing agencies who will promise you to deliver the vague metrics but not the real bottom-line results. There are very few firms which will go to the depth and work on final results and one of them is Revex Media.

Revex Media is not a standard digital marketing agency they are a business growth partner who provides the primary services in digital marketing. They are not like any other agency which provides just commodity-based social media services or pay per click management instead focuses on scaling the business by becoming digital growth partners.

They are helping clients with various services like inbound marketing, PPC marketing, Social media management, Digital transformation services (for clients who have been doing their business offline and wants to come online) and many more. They focus on how they can improvise the existing digital strategies of their clients to make them more effective as they want to build a growth ecosystem.

About the Visionary 

Utkarsh Arora is an entrepreneur, growth Marketer an optimistic leader. He was a medical student but he quits that stream and started his entrepreneurial journey because of eureka moments which made him realize that he is a business lover and can talk about it all day.

In the last few years he has grown from talking about business to serving companies, from answering site chat for lead generation to heading a large team in digital marketing and project management domains. During his journey, he has faced several ups and downs but his hunger to succeed never went out. He aspires to build successful businesses and help people around to achieve success in their life.

Inspiration and Initiation of Revex Media

CEO of Revex media Utkarsh Arora used to work in an agency as a Digital Marketing Manager where he had to deliver the results to the clients and after that, he also worked with a brand where he hired a digital marketing agency to get work done. Being able to understand the game from both sides made him realize that most of the digital marketing agencies are working just to deliver metrics, not results. Most agencies will promise you the impressions, traffic, subscribers but not the bottom line results which are important.

Therefore, they came up with the idea of having a Business Growth Servicing Firm which focuses on providing results and hence Revex Media was launched. They have trademark this firm as a funnel growth firm because they believe in building a culture where they involve themselves in the client's business and then provide value to them. They also believe that whenever someone hires them, the client is not outsourcing they are hiring an in-house team.

Adding Value with their Products and Services

Revex Media does not work as an ordinary agency; It is a community of growth partners who are just as passionate as you are to achieve your business goals with their experienced team, fresh thinking, data-driven culture and innovation. They work on an in-house agency business model; therefore, their services are not bounded. The reason why people hire an agency is because they don't have much experience in marketing or they don't want to take the pain of hiring and managing employees.

They have numerous clients and dedicated employees who are working on a particular client. They are following 1:1:1 approach for many clients in which 1 employee will handle 1 channel of 1 client. This approach provides tremendous growth as it allows performing more focused work according to the clients need.

Industry is in a desperate need for people who are specialized in a particular field instead of a complete digital marketing expert. Therefore, Revex Media has launched different internal agencies to offer specialization such as –

  • Revex Inbound – For B2B funded startups and enterprises,Revex Inbound is an innovative customer & revenue focused inbound marketing agency. Revex Inbound breaks the monotony and brings a custom-made new approach for each business to upscale their revenue and make their customers fall in love with their brand.
  • Revex Social – For startups and enterprises, Revex Social is a social media agency works on distributing emotionally striking and valuable content. Revex Social leverages AI technology to gather audience insights and the craft publish and distribute the content that connects with the audience.
  • Revex Ads – For startups and enterprises, Revex Ads is a data and conversion driven PPC agency. They focus on bottom line conversions for the brands leveraging the consumer data insights to make the most out of their media spend.
  • Revex Data – For growing startups and enterprises, Revex Data is a data-driven business solution provider works on enabling the firms to leverage data for making better business, marketing and product development decisions. we leverage our Funnel Growth approach to work from the customer touch point; starting to the end.
  • Revex Experience – For funded startups & enterprises serious about customer perception towards their brand, Revex Experience is a CRO, design & development agency that builds user experience focused digital products that increase the use time and conversion rates.
  • Revex Creative – For startups and enterprises, Revex Creative is a full blown Ad Agency where copywriting, video production and other production works are done.

So they are a digital agency which provides various verticals and combining with it an Omni-channel approach.

Coping up With the Ever-changing Environment

We believe Revex to be the symbol of growth. In order to provide growth, you need to stay at the top of industry, therefore, they have a weekly growth meeting in which every team member brings 5-6 ideas for the clients they are handling and how it can be implemented. To cope up with the ever-changing environment we need to build an ever learning culture. Anyone can use marketing tools but one needs to understand the market before marketing. These things are more important as it makes the work more exciting and allows them to stay on their toes.

Revex a Business Growth Ecosystem

Revex is planning to build a growing ecosystem in the next coming years. They are going to enter into communication with Revex Creative in which they are going to create personalized ads on mass level. In the next 5 years, Revex will be transformed from a digital marketing firm to a business growth ecosystem where any start-up or a corporation can come to enhance their business growth.

Along with Revex creative, they are going to launch Revex Academy, Revex Stack and Revex labs.

  • Revex Academy is going to be a digital marketing institute where they will not only focus on digital marketing instead they are  going to offer skill based courses.
  • Revex Labs is going to be an opportunity for start-ups to collaborate with the investors
  • Revex Stack will be a software consultant/development department.

Entrepreneurial Journey and Learnings

The CEO of Revex Media, Utkarsh Arora has made many mistakes in his entrepreneurial journey and learned some valuable lessons which no educational institute teaches. In the initial days of Revex Media, they on-boarded 25 huge clients but due to the lack of a proper process, they could not deliver their promise and hence, clients left.

Utkarsh Arora said that "98 per cent of the start-ups fail because they start with enthusiasm but fail to develop a process." He further added "Start with enthusiasm but create a process for everything as soon as possible. And yes, never give up!"

Advice for New Entrants

One advice that Utkarsh Arora wants to give to the new entrants in the industry is to start small and deliver your promise as it will help you in the long run.  Also, don't try to sell, be genuine and tell your clients how you are going to add value to their company.

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