ISRO Launches Earth Observation Satellite CARTOSAT-3

ISRO Launches Earth Observation Satellite CARTOSAT-3

ISRO Launches Earth Observation Satellite CARTOSAT-3

ISRO (The Indian Space Research Organisation) is going to launch an advanced satellite that will observe and map the earth. Name of the satellite is CARTOSAT-3 and they are going to launch 13 nano-satellites as well from the US.

The Indian space agency has decided to launch CARTOSAT- 3 satellite from the second launch pad at the spaceport of Sriharikota on 27th November at 9:28 AM. This spaceport is located around 120Km away from Chennai. While updating schedule, ISRO said "Launch is scheduled at 0928 hrs IST on November 27, 2019"

CARTOSAT- 3 is the 3rd generation sharply advanced satellite which has a super-resolution image capability. On its 49th mission, PSLV-C47 is going to carry this satellite with 13 commercial nano-satellites from the US.

About the mission details of CARTOSAT-3

The overall weight of CARTOSAT-3 is over 1,600kg. It will take care of the increasing demand for the rural resource, coastal land use, large-scale urban planning, infrastructure development and land over.

The other 13 nano-satellites which will be launched from the US are also a part of the commercial orders with the department of space, NSIL (New Space India Limited). With these 13 commercial nano-satellites, there are 12 FLOCK-4P which has the mission to observe the earth and one of the satellites is named as MESHBED whose main objective is to communication testbed. As said by ISRO, The launch on Wednesday will be the 74th launch mission from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota and the life of this mission will be around five years.

The launch of CARTOSAT- 3 and those 13 commercial nano-satellites is the next mission of ISRO after their moon mission Chandrayaan-2, which failed to manage a soft landing on the surface of the moon and would have been the country's first had it been successful.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

ISRO is a space research organization of Indian Government and it is situated in Bengaluru. They have a vision to harness space technology for the development of the nation while following space science research. INCOSPAR also known as Indian National Committee for Space Research was established under the department of atomic energy and it was started under the leadership of our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in the year 1962. This all was because of a scientist Vikram Sarabhai recognised the need for space research.

In the year 1969, INCOSPAR changed to ISRO. Later the Indian Government created a space commission and DOS (Department of Science) and brought ISRO under DOS. The research activities began in India after the establishment of ISRO. DOS manages and gives reports about ISRO the Prime Minister of India.

The first satellite which was launched by ISRO was Aryabhata and it was launched by Soviet Union on 19th April 1975. Aryabhata was the name of a great Indian mathematician. "Rohini" was the first satellite that was sent to space by an Indian-made launch vehicle called SLV-3.

The Indian Space Research Organisation also developed two rockets i.e. PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) for placing the satellite into the polar orbits and GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) for launching satellites into geostationary orbits. These rockets have helped various communications, Earth observation and navigation satellites like GAGAN and IRNSS to get launched. ISRO used an indigenous cryogenic engine in a GSLAV-D5 launch of GSAT-14 in early 2014.

On 22 October 2008, ISRO sent a satellite to moon's orbit, Chandrayaan-1 which discovered that there is water on moon in the form of ice, later on, 5 November 2013, they sent a satellite to Mars which reached to the Mars orbit on 24th September 2014 under the mission of MOM (Mars Orbiter Mission). India was the first country to reach Mars in its first attempt and also the first Asian country to reach Mars.

ISRO also launched twenty satellites on a single-vehicle on 18th June 2016; later in February 2017, they created a world record by launching 104 satellites in a single rocket, PSLV-C37. ISRO launched Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle-Mark III (GSLV-Mk III) which is the heaviest rocket ever made by India on 5th June 2017 to launch a communication satellite in the orbit. With the help of this, India is now capable of launching 4-ton satellites into geostationary transfer orbit. ISRO also launched its second moon mission called Chandrayaan-2 on 22 July 2019 which includes an orbiter, lander and a rover so that they can study the moon geology and distribution of water.

Future of ISRO is very promising as they are developing Small Satellite Launch Vehicle, reusable launch vehicle, a space station, a solar spacecraft mission, Unified Launch Vehicle, human spaceflight and an interplanetary probe.

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