NatureCode advocates the Ayurvedic way of amalgamation of mind, body, and soul therapy for a better and healthier lifestyle this Independence Day 2023

Love Nature, Love Your Health
Vani Ahuja Co-Founder & Director of NatureCode

Vani Ahuja Co-Founder & Director of NatureCode

In today’s time, taking the natural way is looked down upon because people think taking the chemical route is easier, faster, less expensive, and more effective. How true is that, though?

We, at Earth Soul Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. with the brand name NatureCode, don’t want anyone to put any chemicals in your body and that is why we want to give you natural methods that always take longer to show you the results but they aren’t temporary solutions, they promise you their lifelong benefits.


We want to give you simple yet sufficient Ayurvedic solutions for your health care and wellness needs. Our product range deals with anything that a child or an adult would need in their lives.

There is absolutely no desire of ours that nature cannot suffice. Mother Earth is more than sufficient for all its kids! Are you ready to get these superpowers and feel stronger and loved, of course - Naturally?

We at NatureCode honor mother nature by accepting her gifts and weaving our magic into them. We use Earth’s divine offerings to create sacred products that resonate with the deepest values and roots of humankind.

Ayurveda medicine is the world’s oldest holistic healing system. It is based on the belief that health and wellness is a delicate balance between mind, body, and soul. Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine and medication, based on experience and observation.

This system of medicine and medication is more than 3000 years old. According to a mythological story, Dhanvanteri was the first physician to use Ayurveda.

In modern India also, Ayurveda is being used. It has also reached outside India in countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia and other countries also take advantage of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda gives us a model to look at each individual as a unique makeup of the three doshas and to design treatment protocols that specifically address a person's health challenge.

When any of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) become accumulated, Ayurveda will suggest specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to assist the individual in reducing the dosha that has become excessive.

We may also suggest certain herbal supplements to hasten the healing process. If toxins in the body are abundant, then a cleansing process known as Pancha Karma is recommended to eliminate these unwanted toxins.

Ever since we have grown up, we have grown up in the arms of nature and that is why we see nature as a problem-solver, a multi-tasker, and a giver. It keeps on giving us beautiful and beneficial things that we tend to overlook at times.

Our wisdom mixed with Nature has created a product line that is natural and effective. Hence, our vision is to make these natural products reach people throughout the world, so that we can receive the love that nature has to offer us.

Ms. Vani Ahuja is the young and dynamic Co-Founder & Director of NatureCode. She brings a fresh approach to the table with her industry experience, leadership skills, and in-depth knowledge of business. Being born in a family of businessmen, Vani understood the nuances of business at an early age.

She knew that the beauty and health space had a lot of potential and she decided to harness the same but with an Ayurvedic and Natural twist to it. The young and passionate director also has a degree in Natural Skin & Hair care from Bristol, UK.

With NatureCode, Vani wants to empower beauty while laying emphasis on the inner beauty. She wants to decode the traditional methods of beauty, health and wellness and bring them back with a touch of modernity. She loves to travel around the world and discover the secrets of Ayurveda and Naturalism.

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