a-tom.: Crafting Compelling Stories for Tomorrow

A Content-First Creative Studio of the New Age
Apoorv Chaudhary - Founder of a-tom. 

Apoorv Chaudhary - Founder of a-tom. 

A Content-First Creative Studio of the New Age

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In the digital age’s captivating landscape, capturing your audience’s ever-wandering gaze stands as the Holy Grail for every advertising and branding agency.

In this age of Instagram-scrolling aficionados, the era of lengthy advertisements has gracefully bowed to the ascendance of visual elegance.

Good advertising has the mesmerizing ability to leave a lasting impression on people’s minds even after they have scrolled past it. And behind the scenes, there are organisations whose dedication is fuelling the creation of these timeless adverts. 

Amidst Hyderabad’s bustling streets, a beacon of creativity was forged in November 2022. a-tom., a gem born from the visionary mind of Apoorv Chaudhary. 

a-tom: Storyteller for the Brands

Dedicated to crafting narratives that shatter convention, a-tom. stands as a beacon of creative innovation, where content reigns supreme.

At the core of a-tom. lies a collective of storytellers and passionate filmmakers united by a shared goal: seizing the audience’s attention through artistic creation.

Their singular focus is to birth advertising and promotional content with resounding impact, imparting clarity to brands through the art of captivating entertainment. 

The 15-member diverse team of young and talented creators at a-tom. infuse a rich diversity of perspectives and ideas, ensuring their stories resonate with an ever-evolving world. 

“If it’s not relatable, it’s not gonna work out,”- Apoorv Chaudhary

At the heart of every successful endeavour lies a dedicated leader. Apoorv Chaudhary, the founder and creative head of a-tom., embodies the essence of a true creative director.

His journey began as a performer on the stage and screen, gradually finding his place behind the lens. With 4+ years in media production, Apoorv has honed his craft and now is the maestro behind a-tom.’s appealing content, crafting narratives that capture the hearts and minds of millions. 

Throughout the project lifecycle, Apoorv dons multiple hats, seamlessly transitioning from the role of Creative Lead to scriptwriter, screenplay writer, and the guiding force on set as a Director.

He is a dedicated cinephile and spiritual seeker who loves talking about new ideas and puts his heart and soul into breaking the stereotypes. 

Capturing the Gaze: The Renaissance of Content Studio

Technological marvels have redefined the essence of advertising and marketing, and the conventional agency model, in which there was a massive gap between the consumer and producer, has surrendered to evolution.

To overcome this gap, a-tom. followed the concept of the content studio, where they offer end-to-end services to the clients. Apoorav Chaudhary asserts, “We’re neither just an agency nor just a production company, but a blend of both within one, but different.” 

This ideology sets a-tom. leagues apart from the competition, and their distinct approach has attracted renowned brands from various industries. 

a-tom. is like a treasure trove of opportunities, offering unique services to their clients. They conduct extensive research, monitor pre-existing relevant content, and pour their heart and soul into crafting a brand image that grabs everyone’s attention. 

Their key services include:

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Apoorv Chaudhary - Founder of&nbsp;a-tom.&nbsp;</p></div>
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Core Values

In the ever-shifting landscape of today’s dynamic world, success requires a strong foundation of core values that set a firm apart from the rest.

Much like a compass guiding a ship through stormy seas, a-tom. is driven by four core values: Malleability within the team, Shunning Corporate Conformity, Creative Liberty and Diversity.

Overcoming Obstacles

No entrepreneurial journey is without its share of trials, tribulations, and a-tom. is no exception. Recalling their journey, Apoorv shares,

“When we started out, we used to jump out of excitement during our brainstorming sessions after concluding with an idea/concept. But sooner or later, we realised that just the idea is never enough. In order to sell it or convince the client to buy it, you gotta come up with a full-fledged strategy about HOW & WHY, then comes WHAT.”

As the world grappled with the stormy tides of the COVID-19 pandemic, no sector remained untouched, including the advertising industry. During the pandemic, people’s reliability on digital platforms increased, but attention spans dwindled. This eventually led to the emergence of the era of short-form content, a swift and easy way to impart information. 

“Youtube shorts is one of the most diverse and most viewed platforms emerging recently. The audience has become content-smart in some way. They just don’t want to see another boring advertisement where someone is selling something. They want something relatable or entertaining that engages them,”

emphasizes Apoorv.

Flying Colours: Success So Far

Success, they say, is not a one-time destination but an ever-shifting voyage. Successful are those who keep on working hard to achieve their goals. Abiding by this very ethos, a-tom. has managed to create a mark for itself in the industry that other advertising firms will take some time to reach. 

Their recent campaign within the Electric Vehicle Mobility realm got featured and organically picked by industry stalwarts “Campaign India” and “afaqs”.

This feat in itself stands as a testament to their excellence, as they shared the stage with giants of commerce like Lays, Godrej, Licious, and many more big brands. 

Road Ahead

As the digital era unfolds, advertising is evolving rapidly. Traditional TV ads are becoming outdated as audiences shift to mobile phones and laptops. In this digital world, the focus is on grabbing attention and creating an irresistible “hook.”

Recognising this shift, brands increasingly opt for building a “pre-buzz” on social media, teasing audiences with intriguing content before revealing their big campaigns. You’ve probably seen these campaigns where celebrities’ peculiar actions spark curiosity, only to reveal they were clever advertisements.

At a-tom., the journey is a relentless quest for growth and evolution, focusing on fostering the right culture and setting impeccable standards. The company’s pursuit involves embracing fresh perspectives to infuse diversity into their work and unwavering dedication to ensuring client satisfaction, regardless of size.

“We believe in bringing a new revolution into the advertising industry. In the coming future, I see a-tom. making clutter-breaking, audacious content and telling compelling stories, and becoming a household name for brands to reach out to when they have a story to tell,”

says Apoorv.

Words of Wisdom

Advising future entrepreneurs, Apoorv shares,

“Just keep on trying to tell a story the way it’s not been said yet, irrespective of what the ticket size is. I believe that defines the success of any organisation. Whenever you see a good ad film or any crazy ad campaign idea, it influences you or sticks with you in a way. Just think about how it could reach out to you- someone would’ve come up with it, a team would’ve developed it, pitched it to their best and then would be the client who was ballsy enough to take the chance and trust these guys to create it. It’s a long & painful process, but worth it nonetheless.”

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Apoorv Chaudhary - Founder of&nbsp;a-tom.&nbsp;</p></div>
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Apoorv Chaudhary - Founder of&nbsp;a-tom.&nbsp;</p></div>
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