Hustle Culture: Toxic Productivity Is Not the Way to Success

Hustle Culture: Toxic Productivity Is Not the Way to Success

Hustle Culture: Toxic Productivity Is Not the Way to Success

Hustle Culture: Toxic Productivity Is Not the Way to Success

4 min read

Working long hours with little sleep and lots of caffeine to keep you going through it— many believe that these are the essential elements for success. People often say that the harder they work, the more they can achieve and the more successful they’ll be. This way of thinking is often called “hustle culture,” and it’s widespread in society, influencing how we work and even how we spend our free time. Hustle culture praises working hard and always staying busy as vital for advancing one’s career and feeling valuable, but it’s worth asking if this way of doing things really delivers the results it promises.

In the past few years, there have been continuous stories about burnout and a cultural shift against what many consider an excessive focus on being productive. People in the United States now work less than they did before the pandemic, and their views on work-life balance have changed. Trends like “quiet quitting” and “lazy girl jobs” reflect this change, where people are moving away from trying to be super productive and instead are giving more importance to setting healthier boundaries.

What Does “Toxic Productivity” Mean?

Toxic productivity is when people think they always have to work hard to do well. This can make them very tired and stressed. The idea is that working super hard all the time will make you successful faster, but that’s not always the case. The push for toxic productivity, like in hustle culture, can harm your health in the long term.

Why Do People Admire Hustle Culture?

Hustle culture gets a lot of attention because successful entrepreneurs are often praised for working non-stop without breaks for themselves or their families. These people are seen as role models for those who want to start their own businesses, but they might not realise that focusing only on work can be harmful.

Social media plays a big role in this. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook allow influencers and celebrities to show themselves working really hard, which can make it seem like the right way to be. This can affect the mental health of younger people who look up to them for guidance.

How Hustle Culture Can Hurt Mental Health

Hustle culture is everywhere, with people working very hard to achieve their goals. But this constant focus on being productive and successful can really harm mental health. There are several negative effects of Hustle Culture on a person’s well-being.

Stress: Hustle culture can make people feel very stressed and anxious when they can’t meet their work goals or deadlines. The constant pressure to perform at their best every day can lead to a cycle of worry and fear.

Guilt: Some folks who follow a toxic hustle culture may feel guilty for taking time off or relaxing, especially when they see others on social media working non-stop. This can make them think that breaks are lazy or unproductive.

Losing Interest: When someone never takes a break and always wants more, they might start to lose interest in everything. Nothing seems satisfying anymore, and this can harm their mental health.

Too Much Positivity: Pushing oneself too hard leaves no room for making mistakes. Even small errors can feel like disasters. This unrealistic positivity can make it hard to set achievable goals.

Health Risks: Working too much without rest can lead to exhaustion, causing both physical and mental problems. Lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and stress can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of illness, even serious diseases.

Imbalance Between Work and Life: Hustle culture makes it hard to balance work and personal life. It focuses too much on career success, often neglecting relationships and self-care. Activities like exercise or relaxation techniques are essential for mental health but may be ignored.

How to Break Free from Hustle Culture

Breaking free from hustle culture can seem like a big challenge, but it’s something anyone can do. It means changing the way you think and act and making good habits that prioritise mental well-being over always being productive.

Here are some tips on how to break free from hustle culture:

Reassess Your Approach: Start by changing how you see your time. Understand that your time is valuable and should be used wisely. Look at how you do your work and find things that can be done more efficiently or handed off to others. Use technology and tools to make work easier. Focus on important tasks, and don’t forget to take breaks.

Embrace Weekends: Weekends are there for a reason – to relax and recharge after a busy week. Make a rule for yourself: don’t work on weekends.

Respect Time: End your meetings when you said you would, or even a little early. Set realistic timelines, not ones that are too ideal. This not only helps productivity but also shows respect for your colleagues’ time.

Be a Role Model: Show others the importance of balancing work and personal life. This is crucial in industries working with young people. It’s about sending the right message about work-life balance.

Build a Positive Workplace: Changing the way you approach work might be challenging, but it can lead to better productivity, fewer mistakes, and happier employees. It also encourages creativity, innovation, and a positive work atmosphere.


If you want to break free of hustle culture, setting boundaries and clear expectations with colleagues, taking regular breaks, and making self-care a priority is important. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Everyone has their own pace in achieving goals, so focus on what works best for you.

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