Why Red Fort is the Prime Location for Independence Day Each Year?

Why Red Fort is the Prime Location for Independence Day Each Year?

Why Red Fort is the Prime Location for Independence Day Each Year?

Why Red Fort is the Prime Location for Independence Day Each Year?

Each year, thousands of Indians celebrate Independence Day on 15th of August. This year, India celebrates 73 years of being free from the British raj (rule). India was ruled by the British for more than 200 years. During these years, India was ruled by different Mughal rulers who were the successors of Babur.

The history of Red fort also began with the 5th Mughal ruler Shah Jahan. He ruled India from 1592 to 1666. The ruler commenced the making of the fort after he decided to shift the capital from Agra to Delhi. The British looted and destroyed the magnificent structure in 1858 after making sure that Mughal reign ended. The Kohinoor, most precious diamond on earth was said to be the part of the building.

From countless ceremonies for the royals to the bloodbath leading to falling of empires, the building has witnessed the rich history of India. The red sandstone fort has stood strong for more than 300 years witnessing the might of the rulers to their decline and finally the foundation being laid of the Indian Republic.

The building had fine architecture and various artwork syntheses Persian, European and Indian art, the building was a perfect representation of "Heaven on Earth" as Shah Jahan desired. The British however decided to ruin each part of the fort that represented the Mughal Empire. More than 80% of the buildings in the fort were destroyed by the British to ensure their reign on Delhi and India.

The viceroy of India from 1899 to 1905, Lord Curzon ordered repairs and further when the British King and Queen visited India and due to that various buildings were restored. The Red Fort was one of them. The looted jewels and artworks were taken by the British and are even a part of various museums located in Britain. Even after various requests for restitution, the British government refuses to return the essential artworks representing the history of India.

Why Red Fort is the prime location for Indian Independence Day Celebrations?

This could be because it has become a tradition. After declaring the Independence on 15th August 1947, India's First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru raised the National flag from the Lahori Gate. The gate was named after its orientation towards Lahore. Each year, since 1947, the Prime Minister of India addresses the people of the country from the ramparts of the Lahori Gate.

Each year, when the live stream the speech from the Red Fort, everyone throughout the nation has the same feeling of patriotism and pride, the fort is one of the best representations of the lasting history of India's rich history.

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