XGen Plus: The next-generation email platform encoding the future of IT by decoding the language barrier for the world

XGen Plus: The next-generation email platform encoding the future of IT by decoding the language barrier for the world

XGen Plus: The next-generation email platform encoding the future of IT by decoding the language barrier for the world

Every once in a while, we hear about a success story that inspires us, motivates us and may change our way of life. These are the stories of change-makers and leaders and their going against the grain. Their inspiring leadership is not god gifted; rather it comes from risk-taking, apt decision making and strategies. They are driven by a higher cause and a complete conviction that you're acting for the good. These captivating leadership stories are rooted in true compassion and often in the face of adversity. The leader in this story is the reason why we believe in such disruptive stories.

His story is a tale of encouragement, perseverance, and caring all treasured together into a success saga. He is inspiring and instilling in those he leads. It is perpetual leadership at its best. As a change-maker, he is encouraging those who lead and is preparing a new generation of leaders. Avowed as innovator and 'Father of Internet' in Rajasthan, he was the first person to bring private Internet services first time in the state way back in 1999. He is none other than Mr Ajay Data, an Indian entrepreneur, got  elected as "Chair of UASG", and the first member from India to the ccNSO Council of ICANN.  And above all, the creator of the world's first linguistic email address mobile app and email solution for Internationalized Domain Names. He carries a sparkling aura and a smile which holds the power to enliven the whole conversation with him! Honesty, Simplicity, fairness and a universal mind add more stars to this fine gentleman and an earnest employer in almost every way you admire him as a role model. Dr Data isn't one for talking much about himself. He takes off his professional suit to eloquently share his thoughts with us on subjects off the beaten entrepreneurial track; his influencers, his journey, the difference and plans of Xgen Plus, with a note for the budding entrepreneurs.

Xgen Plus: A dedication to a great idea 

Ushering the era of Disruption and Innovation 

It's a strange world of language in which skating on thin ice can get you into hot water – Franklin P. Jones

Can one survive in the communications industry without knowing English? What about going beyond language barriers? The problem gets more unique in India with a billion people, 1652 languages and three-quarters of the workforce in agriculture. According to a team of HP engineers from Bangalore, over to meet UK journalists in Bristol as part of the celebrations around HP Labs' 40th birthday, "technology can help, but only if everyone can interact with it. The team also stated that around 10 per cent of Indians can conduct a transaction in English, which has limited the penetration of PCs to around 60 million. There's no further chance of growth unless that particular problem is solved."

Focused on revamping the IT communication space by introducing the world's first "customer-centric" product and service innovations in Enterprise Email Server spectrum. Victorious in pushing the boundaries and delivering superior solutions by leveraging the latest technology and unique products that offer end solutions against barriers in the email marketplace. Bajaj Allianz has been the thought leader in the insurance space introducing industry-first initiatives making insurance transactions a smooth experience. Taking e-mail marketplace to the next level, the frontrunner deploys latest technologies based on the concept of constant Innovation, Growth and Development. When it comes to ensuring hassle-free customer services, the company as a rule never holds back from taking risks that may translate into innovative solutions transforming the way emailing process is conducted. Since its inception, XGen has eyed to make innovative disruptions into its process and services to enhance customer satisfaction levels.

It has today evolved enterprise email solutions to a stage where it placed itself among the world IT leaders. Throughout these years, XGen Plus have anticipated key growth areas, sailed through technology fads, and constantly had its eyes on what the future has to offer – resulting in a successful product that has fulfilled the email needs of many Government's, PSU, companies and individuals. The company anchors on its fundamental principle of continuous innovation as a global leader in the email market-place by being a premium next-generation email platform and to serve the entire spectrum of organizations – from small businesses to enterprise, to multi-million user data centers – on the same scalable, secure and affordable platform. Currently Xgenplus is serving over 50 Million users globally, which includes millions of users who have created their email address first time in various languages & scripts.

A Made in India Vision

Avowed as the first Email server Supporting EAI & IDN available on Government e-Marketplace(GeM), Xgen keeps it close to heart that on-premises email services become an essential and integral part of every unit handled by the Government of India. As a proud founder, Dr Ajay aforesaid, "The IT landscapes are highly competitive as well as innovative, due to its inherent quality of frequently changing technology. This change also brings new business opportunities in terms of upgradation of technology and reaching out to the audience in innovative ways. We are honoured and delighted to take up this new challenge and responsibility to provide XgenPlus world first EAI & IDN complied made in India Enterprise Email Server and solutions via GeM marketplace to all PSUs and Government. XgenPlus has been constantly innovating ways to reach out to the audience and to be at the forefront of Secured Enterprise Email solution and stay ahead of its peers. I am confident that with our innovative Email solutions, rapid deployment, expertise and 24×7 customer support, XgenPlus Enterprise Email solutions will soon be an integral part of IT security for Government and PSUs across India," he added.

Demolishing the dominance of English in terms of access and content

"The growth of the internet in non-English speaking countries is indeed phenomenal, however, the content on the internet is still predominantly available in English followed by Chinese" [sic]. Going by the words of Dr Ajay, "We are now witnessing a transformation which demolishes the dominance of English in terms of access and content as well. Innovations and "Universal Acceptance" efforts have prompted not only the development of content in regional or local languages but adoption of Domain Names and email addresses in local languages too." This shows the iron-milled aura of Dr Ajay, the creator who gave access to the World for Internationalized Email Address in 19 international languages including Cyrillic, Arabic, Thai, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean and 15 Indian languages through Datamail app, for whom sky is not the limit to achieve more.

 The start, its uniqueness and the initial challenges

"In a way, we are a unique company in the world which offers you the enterprise capabilities especially in India much needed for the enterprise market. "

The hurdles welcomed the project of Dr Ajay. The thought wasn't new, it has been tried to since a long time but people could not break and achieve as updated. Email address industrialization has happened but people could not achieve the same and yet we crack that port, found the solution and offered it to the world. Unlike others, we have really achieved to bring product from Lab to Land.

XgenPlus' expertise

IDN/EAI Compliant Enterprise Email Hosting Server

Approximately 80% of the World's Population is Non-English Speaking. XgenPlus is an enterprise email server for the global market, supporting millions of users with a unique capability to provide EAI (Email Address Internationalization) i.e Linguistic Email Address like संपर्क@एक्सजेनप्लसभारत (Email address in Hindi) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). It supports all basic & advanced facilities like POP, IMAP, Webmail, Calendar, Docs, IM, Contacts, SMS, Scheduling, Security, auto downgrading, Audio / Video calls and more.

XgenPlus allows organization and users to choose the desired email address to be in any language following the Unicode standard. Like an Indian Hindi speaking user can choose to have an email in HINDI and user from China may choose to have his email address in the Chinese language Mandarin script. The scalable architecture allows organizations to

scale from one user to millions of users, thus making it ideal for organization of any size and, without eating up much resource.


XgenPlus is offered in two options;

Client side deployment: For client side deployment, there are two licensing policies –CPU license and per user license. Organizations with high user base should opt for CPU license as it supports unlimited users and its cost starts from Rs 6.5 Lacs/-.  Organizations with small user groups can go for per user licensing policy, each user annual license costing Rs 500/- per annum (Less than US $ 7 per year).

Hosted options:The hosted option is for organizations who do not have a server infrastructure or who do not want the hassles of maintaining and monitoring a mail server. The XgenPlus mail server is hosted on the vendor's data centre and fee of Rs 999/- per user per annum is levied, there are more variants and options available. 


Specifically designed modules for organizations that not only require email communication, but a platform that is secure and can also be used for collaboration purpose. Offers advanced monitoring features along with standard features like rights management and messaging rules

Though there is support for Outlook or other mail clients, the main unique features that XgenPlus boast of are all there in the web mail client, which are unique and differentiates from other email solutions.

Product Portfolio

XgenPlus mail server provides you full control and governance on your email and communication.  It consists of UNIQUELY designed modules for Organizations, enabling them with features to improve productivity, security, user accountability and automated communication tasks through simple steps.

Xgen power can be experienced as it allows setting up the meeting with assigning role of Chairman, Secretary and resource management for Tea / Coffee / Room / Car / Projector along with management of Minutes of Meeting. A must have feature for Cooperates and Government.

XgenPlus is Ideal For: ISP / Hosting Companies / Larger Enterprise / SMB / BPO / Colleges and Schools / Government.

Xgen Say

Digital communications including voice and video are sensitive user data that need to be protected against unauthorised access. Data Xgen Technologies allows you to create a secure communications service across any network including public internet. The company makes your email address as your standalone identity for everyone, no need to share mobile or any other number to communicate in the system. Communicating across offices or continents is just an email address click away to make a high-quality Audio or video call.

Attendance Management &Remote/Field Force Management

XgenPlus Email App integrates with HR management and payroll system to mark attendance. This feature allows to manage employees' attendance and keep track of the team especially the marketing team on the field. Now employees can mark the attendance remotely from the app itself and share their location to team lead.

Xgen IM

Spike on your conversation with the real-time Xgen IM that enables Instant Messaging / File Transfer for Organization. XgenPlus has been upgraded with an Instant chat messenger in webmail that allows the user to chat and transfer text, audio, video files within an organization. Now it is easy to collaborate with the teammates without sharing mobile numbers and ensure privacy and security of data with Xgen IM. Also if team mate leaves the organisation, the data is still with the organisation and access to the data is out of the unwanted hands.

Calendar Sync

Sync XgenPlus calendar with the mobile, tablet & desktop calendar so that user can monitor & manage all the calendar events at one place. A user can create, edit, delete any event and instantly that event get sync automatically over the mobile local calendar.


Sometimes you are not prepared to read or reply to your inbox mail immediately. At that time, snooze option plays wonders. Snooze feature allows a user to temporarily disappear email for a user-defined time from the inbox and makes it reappear as a fresh email in the inbox when the defined time is over.

Delegated Access to Secretary

The email access can be given to Secretary upto specific folder or individual email. The Beauty of this feature is, this reply message will not be saved in Secretary sent folder. It will be saved in your sent folder only. So, whenever you access your email, can check all the replies that your subordinates/Secretary have done on your behalf.


This feature enables all the recipients to search that particular email by using that pre-defined TAG itself. This tagging functionality also clubs all emails together automatically with specific TAG irrespective of folder, sender or subject.

Link Validation

The feature is known as "Link Validation" controlled by Domain Administrator. Whenever user clicks a URL/ Link in the received email, it is checked against various security standards, phishing attacks and a Link Security alert is shown to the user as a warning to protect him from un-intended access of the malicious site.

Virtual Storage

Virtual storage allows user to store large files or files in regular use can be saved in Virtual Storage and these files can be "Sent as Link" to the recipients. This not only gives quick access to desired documents but also saved Sent folder space and quick delivery of emails.

Spam promo

User can set the filter as "Move spam or bulk mail to spam-promo folder", so after this filter, all promotional emails/bulk emails/spam emails will be sent to Spam promo folder directly. So the user will get only meaningful emails in the inbox.

Suspicious Email ID

If Sender and Body protocols are different in any email then it will show suspicious email ID with Red Colour. So if the user wants to take any action on it, he can take that.

With an innovative product line, the company has not only won many state / national levels awards but has clientele compasses Banks, National/State Security Agencies, and Manufacturing companies, Insurance and Advertising agencies, Agricultural and Architectural firms, Law and Accounting firms and almost everything in between.

Road Ahead

Idea is to revolutionize the communication of the organisation and also break the language. As XgenPlus is the only Indian Email Software product company competing with global giants, they believe that they understand the need much better and that's why they have millions of corporate email accounts being empowered by Xgen while they continue the development to enhance data security, privacy and productivity of the companies. The moment you empower people, the confidence goes up then they try to do things and achieve wonderful results.

With every addition to its feature, Xgen has been creating landmarks while empowering enterprises with unparalleled security and privacy to Data and increase productivity of team members.

Talk to an Expert: Send your number via email at sales@xgenplus.com with subject Talk to an Expert and you will be getting a call to discuss how to revolutionize your organization communication and ensure security and privacy of data.

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