World Health Day: Celebrate and Promote Healthy Living 

World Health Day

World Health Day

Celebrate and Promote Healthy Living

World Health Day: Celebrate and Promote Healthy Living

7 April is celebrated as World Health Day every year. It is one of the eight official global health campaigns of the WHO. The day sparks awareness, activities and media reports based on health issues.

It was started from the inception of the First Health Assembly in 1948 in Geneva by the WHO. Here, it was decided to celebrate World Health Day annually on the 7th of April. First World Health Day was celebrated in the year 1950.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>World Health Day</p></div>
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Even in this ultra-modern age, millions of people around the world still have no access to necessary health care. World Health Organization is a leading health organization working under the United Nation for addressing the health issues on the global level.

It has played a significant role aiming to make the world a healthy world. In the last 50 decades, WHO has brought critical health issues including mental health, climate, maternal and child care and in light and taken steps to fight from them.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>World Health Day</p></div>

World Health Day

World Health Day

The goal of celebrating World Health Day is to spread awareness about a specific health problem and highlights the priority areas. World Health Organization organizes different international, regional and local events to make people aware.

The Organization also comes up with a different theme each year to ensure that people are always learning new things about health. It picks each year's theme according to the current pressing health issue and dedicates the week to conferences and activities about the topic.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>World Health Day</p></div>
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Here, is the list of themes of World Health Day in the last ten years:

  • World Health Day 2014: "Vector-borne Diseases: Small bite, Big Threat"

  • World Health Day 2015: "Food Safety- From Farm to Plate, Make Food Safe"

  • World Health Day 2016: "Beat Diabetes- Prevent, Treat, Beat Diabetes "

  • World Health Day 2017: "Depression: Let's talk".

  • World Health Day 2018: "Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere"

  • World Health Day 2019: "Health For All – Everyone, Everywhere"

  • World Health Day 2020: "Support Nurses And Midwives

  • World Health Day 2021: "Building a Fairer, Healthier World

  • World Health Day 2022: "Our Planet, Our Health"

  • World Health Day 2023: "Health for All"

The World Health Day theme for the year 2024 is "My Health, My Right"

WHO use the anniversary of their founding day not only as an opportunity to celebrate healthy living but also highlight the current global health priorities, and, every year remind the world that every individual across the world should have access to health care.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>World Health Day</p></div>
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