Top 10 Reasons Businesspersons Cannot Afford To Miss Writing A Book

Top 10 Reasons Businesspersons Cannot Afford To Miss Writing A Book

Top 10 Reasons Businesspersons Cannot Afford To Miss Writing A Book

Top 10 Reasons Businesspersons Cannot Afford To Miss Writing A Book

Writer:- Dinesh Verma

CEO, Pendown Press

As I am neck-deep into publishing and I help the front runners of the write a book, I find no reasons why businesspersons should not write a book. Rather there are innumerable advantages that Businesspersons can achieve through writing a book.

But, as I often see a natural aversion to book writing in business circles, , I have decided to mention the Top 10 Reasons why Businesspersons should write abook. I am so passionate about this that I have written a soon to be released book on this topic.

1. A Book will take you up in the hierarchy drive:

See the illustration about what I call the hierarchy of drive. I’m probably not the first to present this idea, and I believe there is magic in a book for almost anyone looking to grow a business and explode their income and impact.

The concept of the hierarchy of desire is that as your saleability increases in the eyes of your ideal client, so do your attractiveness and your charge. The magic is in how your book propels you from generalist or even specialist to expert, and eventually to a Leader/Authority and if you adopt the MM Methodology, then to celebrity status.

As I often say at Pendown Press, as you scale up in the hierarchy, you get transformed from seeking clients to . Being sought after.

2. A book will save you time:

I have heard many businesspersons saying that they are hesitant about book writing, as it will kill their time. They wonder from where they will make additional time, since even 24 hours are not adequate for their current activities only.

But, here, I will argue precisely the opposite. A book does not take time; rather, it saves time. Think about the introductory message you give to your prospects, some important instructions, some dos and donts, repetition of your mission and vision, your objectives, your client list, your way of functioning, your glorious history, your immediate & future plans, and everything else.

Have you ever spared some time to think as to how much time these take? And just one book to your credit will save all this time and repetition of effort. Moreover, if you have powerful and proven system of writing a book, it can be written in 5 to 11 hrs of time.

Always remember “system works, people don’t." I will share one more thing to corroborate my claim: A book does not take as much time as you are probably afraid of. Ms. Shefali Tripathi, could author her book ‘’Recruit Right in just 16 hours time, and the book has won him high regard from his clients and converted prospects into clients easily.

3. Writing a book will of course make you money also:

When you become an author, your credibility quotient will increase. You will become a perceived expert. People will start segregating you from the crowd. They will start associating themselves with you. You will become their role model.

And all these things will help you leverage your personal brand to make good money not only through book sales but other varied public engagements as well. Moreover, who doesn’t want to do business with authority.

4. A book will free you from the shackles of being Underpaid, Underestimated and Undervalued:

I have seen some otherwise brilliant businesspersons living in the shackles of being Underpaid, Underestimated and Undervalued. They have the idea but do not have the guts to work on that; they have not seen recognition, respect and acceptance.

But, I believe a book under their name will dispel the trust deficit among the customers and make that struggling businessperson see the light at the end of the tunnel.

5. A book to your credit will gain you credibility:

A book to your credit will gain you credibility in your field or create or a niche in a new field.

6. Writing a book will not only give you money but also clients:

Books for a businessperson will not be a primary earning source. The book will be your bridge to reaching out to and converting high –paying clients. Stay Focused, Earn High A book will help you market your product and services without directly selling them because the client sees you as an expert.

7. A book is a great way to connect with the influencers:

A book is a great way to connect with influencers like other authors, journalists, podcasters and bloggers who are competent enough to grow your network to propel your business visibility. Resultantly, it saves your time and resources spent on networking events.

8. A book is a Boon for Startups:

If you have just entered a particular field or are planning to enter, it will help to even the playing field between you and the experienced ones, making you respectable from the start and also give you more visibility to attract clients and investors alike.

9. A book works as your physical presence:

Your book works as your physical presence on the desk, bag, shelf, etc. of your audience. The book makes them think of you, reminds them about you, and drives them to contact you. Simply put, it will act as your visiting card with 100 X impact.

10. A best-seller tag brings magnetism to your business:

Having a best-seller in your name will increase your magnetism; people will keep getting connected with you almost naturally without much effort on your part. Finally, imagine the impact of being introduced as an Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. How wonderful would that be?

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