Planning to reinvent your business, be your boss and earn through the plethora of online businesses? 

Well, if you are, then there are chances that Google, the most used search engine globally, is what you are going to use.

Now, there are a few free services by Google which are used in most professional working spaces while some of them are used by digital marketers to promote businesses locally and globally.

But the fact that you can avail these easy to use and economical services yourself even if you are one of the entrepreneurs with no technical skill is pretty awesome.

So, why wait? Discover and Get Started!

<div class="paragraphs"><p>List of all the Google Free Services explained below</p></div>

List of all the Google Free Services explained below

List of all the Google Free Services explained below

List of all the Google Free Services explained below


While using Google, these are basic office tools you might use.

Google Chrome:

Google Chrome browser is an open-source program for accessing World Wide Wide which can be customised a wide variety of third-party apps from its marketplace.

Google Calendar:

Got many important dates, various events in one day? Well, Google Calendar is a free Google service that not only allows scheduling but also organising and sharing events with two-way syncing to your phone or tablet.

So, you can stay on schedule with reminders, and get notified by email or receive text messages directly to your mobile phone about your meetings, client calls, demo, anything while all the concerned parties are notified.

With its interesting features, one can create different calendars for a different purpose (specific to a team, etc), schedule meetings with groups using "Find a Time" or "Suggested Times", add a Google Hangout to your event, browse interesting calendars, sync it with your CRM and do much more.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>GOOGLE FREE SERVICES FOR ENTREPRENEURS</p></div>
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Google Keep:

When it comes to organising thoughts, important addresses and other important stuff, there are many apps which can be used to manage notes what makes Google Keep a great option is its lightweight and super easy nature that comes handy while managing daily chores with its spectacular system for setting reminders that ties directly into other Google services.

So, when to create a note in Keep and set a reminder for a meeting with the client at a specific location, when the appropriate time or place arrives, you'll get a notification on phone as well as in your Inbox.


Gmail is Google's email application with 15GB of free storage (across Gmail, Google Drive and Google+ photos) which lets you communicate via SMS, voice or video chat.

Google Drive:

Google's cloud storage application, Drive stores files up to 10 GB while the plus files created with Drive apps don't use storage. The application hosts Docs, Sheets, and Slides apps to create online documents.

Google Translate:

While the application itself has been beneficial, you as an entrepreneur can add Google Translate to your website, with a free Website Translator plugin expands your global reach quickly and easily. You can easily translate your website into 60+ languages using Google's Translate.


Google Sites:

Create your free website with Google Sites. Yes, this free tool allows creating basic websites and project wikis by choosing from pre-built templates, and then customising the look and feel. You can also use Sites to share info on a company intranet or collaborate on a team project.

Google Blogger

Creative, relevant, and consistent content is the deal-breaker for online platforms. Google Bloggers is hence a great app not used to its full potential. You can start using Google Blogger for business and write about product updates or latest company news along with SEO assistance by Google and your content will get indexed more quickly on Google search.

Keyword Planner

Apart from the organic SEO, if you opt to start advertising on Google, then Keyword Planner will assist you with the very important aspects, keywords with an estimate of search traffic, and budget.

The keyword planner app allows not only to find out which keywords people are searching for more often based on geography, gender, interest, browser, mobile device and much more.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>GOOGLE FREE SERVICES FOR ENTREPRENEURS</p></div>
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Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is another useful product that you can use to submit your webpages as well as your sitemap to Google's index. The free google service to many website owners offers valuable information about Site Traffic, Site Health, Optimisation suggestions and various other resources.

Google Analytics

The feature that allows you to achieve the ultimate goal of any business, to attract more eyeballs and generate more leads, Google Analytics is a great free tool that tells us everything about our website visitors.

For brands that sell products or services online (like a cloud accounting software), their website is the only source from where the customer gets to know about the business.

And for it to be successful, the leads should flow consistently. Analytics report offers you with the source of traffic, which pages they spend their time on, their location, etc.

Google Trends

While every business needs to evolve with the changing times, staying updated through the great Google free tool to help you monitor industry trends with the popularity of certain terms, compare them against other keyword variations, analyze how their popularity varies over time and in different regions/languages and shows related keywords, which can help get new keyword suggestions.


Google My Business

Remember we mentioned promoting brands locally, well, if you have a small business based out of your own home or a business that should attract the locals say a salon, there are chances that you are missing out the recognition through the searches online.

With billions of searches being performed on Google every month, if your business is not discoverable on Google, you are losing out on a huge business opportunity.

But Google makes it easy for your small business to be listed on Google products such as Maps, Google+ and search engine through Google My Business, a free tool that lets you list your local business easily.

Google Forms

From having people perform the desired action, say sign a petition to at least be backed with their basic information for remarketing, this wonderful free tool, Google Forms is a simple yet powerful way to collect data using online forms. It can be used for maintaining sales leads, taking short surveys, conducting interview tests, feedback from the customers, etc.

Hangouts For Business, Stay Connected

The google free service that started as a simple communication platform for individuals, Google Hangouts today has a powerful video conferencing feature. Businesses use the feature for not only a conference call with overseas customers, present a webinar to users, host a QnA session online, interview candidates and even hold group meetings.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>GOOGLE FREE SERVICES FOR ENTREPRENEURS</p></div>
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