B2B SaaS Keyword Research Tips -Ways to Improve SEO

B2B SaaS Keyword Research Tips -Ways to Improve SEO

B2B SaaS Keyword Research Tips -Ways to Improve SEO

B2B SaaS Keyword Research Tips -Ways to Improve SEO

Are you building the right SEO strategies for SaaS companies? In your B2B SaaS strategy, keyword research is the primary step. It is because if you end up targeting the wrong keywords, your content will attract no visitors or irrelevant search traffic at all. Therefore, it is crucial to get the step right. 

Understanding B2B SaaS Company’s Keyword Research

The process of B2B SaaS keyword research is regarded as coming across the right keywords your target audience will be using on multiple search engines to search for your product, the solutions offered, and the problem solved.

The process serves to be the backbone of the SaaS SEO strategy as you will be using the keywords identified in the stage across the on-page as well as off-page Search Engine Optimization campaigns. 

Some of the primary considerations while analyzing different search queries in the process of keyword research are:

●      Relevance: Refers to keyword related to the brand, solutions, product, or the interests of the audience.

●      Search Intent: What is the purpose of the user for using a specific keyword? Does the purpose match your goals?

●      Search Volume: How many individuals are searching for the particular keyword every month?

●      Search CTR: Are individuals searching for the keyword click on the respective results or just search for quick answers in the answer box of Google?

●      Ranking Difficulty: What other websites or brands are competing for the given keyword? Do you have proper search authority for ranking for the given keyword?

All the factors play a vital role in determining whether or not a keyword is right for your website. 

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Tips to Execute B2B SaaS Keyword Research

The process of keyword research for B2B SaaS companies tends to be slightly different than those for B2C companies. For instance, most SaaS-centric keyword categories tend to be dominated by high authority review sites that are difficult to outrank.

Some essential tips are:

#Claim the Keywords of Your Brand

The primary step in the process of keyword research is finding the keywords that are most commonly searched -including the brand name. 

If someone will search for your brand and the results do not reveal your websites in the first few results, you will end up losing traffic and raising queries on the reputation of the brand.

You will not have significant problems ranking for the brand name and the associated keywords if you possess a reputed brand name. Therefore, you can start by searching for your brand name, its different variations, and the different set of keywords associated with it.

Shortlist the available keywords, optimize the homepage, and other core website pages. Eventually, leverage the same in your content strategy. 

#Find Relevant Keyword Ideas with In-depth Competitor Analysis

What is the quickest way to come across profitable keywords for your brand’s SEO strategy? It is important to evaluate the keywords your brand’s competitors are ranking for as they have the presence of proven search terms that are driving traffic to the sites already.

#Search for Long-tail Keywords that are Informational

Informational keywords tend to be TOFU or Top of the Funnel keywords that help in driving the bulk of the traffic of the website. These are usually available as long-tail, low or mid-traffic keywords linked with different questions of the target audience regarding the fundamentals of the problems your product aims at solving. 

Long-tail keywords possess low competition. Moreover, targeting them helps your website to rank for different keywords automatically. To search for such keywords, look for the primary niche or topic on Google by advancing to the ‘People Also Ask’ section. 

You can go ahead with typing the keyword in the search engine to obtain further suggestions. You can also think of adding questions terms to obtain more ideas. Brands can leverage these keywords as starting points for the research process while using the same in the content strategy.

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#Search for High-Intent BOFU Keywords  

BOFU or Bottom of the Funnel keywords help in representing the search queries by end users having a higher search intent. These are usually advanced users who are familiar with the product and searching for particular use cases and solutions. 

Most B2B SaaS companies do not impose priority to BOFU keywords due to the overall low search volume. However, it is a big mistake. While these keywords will not help in driving ample traffic, still the users they are capable of attracting are willing to purchase. 

You will usually come across two types of BOFU keywords:

●      Free trial, pricing, coupons, and other keywords with the sales intent

●      Feature-centric keywords and use case-related keywords

The feature pages of the SaaS website play a major role in drawing the attention of users with a higher search intent. This is the reason why optimizing them individually for particular BOFU keywords is vital. 

#Make Use of SaaS Review Sites to Search for Keywords

SaaS review sites can be regarded as warehouses of relevant keywords. It is because they are known to rank for multiple keywords in different categories -including some of the most competitive terms. You would not like to compete with these websites as they have a higher authority.

However, you can learn effective on-page SaaS SEO strategies from them to come across relevant keywords for your website. You can leverage these keywords for conducting more research to help you find a myriad of unique content ideas for different stages of the content marketing funnel. All these terms can serve as excellent sources for additional keyword research.


Once you have completed a list of relevant keywords, the next step should be organizing them into dedicated topic clusters, finding useful content ideas, and starting the content creation process for your SaaS website. 

As your content will start ranking within a few months, you will receive more insights into the respective search queries your target audience might be using to find your brand. This will enable you to re-optimize the content or come up with more articles around the new set of keywords.

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