Altcoins; Getting To Know About The Famous Ones

Altcoins; Getting To Know About The Famous Ones
Altcoins; Getting To Know About The Famous Ones

Altcoins; Getting To Know About The Famous Ones

Altcoins, all the cryptos other than bitcoins, are gradually getting famous. People have started to invest in them. This helps them widen their portfolio and enhance their chances to make larger profit margins.

Amongst thousands of altcoins out there, some of the most famous ones are Ethereum, Binance coin, Solana, Cardano XRP and, Polkadot.

The Internet is filled with information regarding Ethereum, which makes it easier for investors to get to know about it. However, there is not enough awareness regarding the other ones, which makes people buy bitcoin and Ethereum again and again.

As the investors don’t know the potential of other altcoins and the risks associated with bitcoin, they don’t get enough space in the market.

If you are a new investor and are interested in altcoins other than Ethereum, this article will give you a quick review of some of the most trustable cryptos. It will make it easier for you to decide and expand your portfolio.

1. Binance

Also known as BNB, Binance is the third most famous cryptocurrency after bitcoin and Ethereum. It initially started as a utility token. However, it was later turned into crypto, which managed to aid investors in getting great rewards for the money put into it.

The Positives

One thing that sets Binance apart from others and acts as the most lucrative point of investing in it is the speed of transactions. The transactions on Binance are quite speedy, which makes it possible for the users to make many of them in a limited amount of time.

Alongside the high speed, another feature of this crypto that attracts the users towards it is the low fees compared to other cryptocurrencies. This transaction fee has decreased to a considerable amount, which has made it one of the most sought-after currencies to opt for.

With the help of finance smart chains, also known as BSC, a platform on which it works, you can manage cross-platform activities.

The Negatives

A disadvantage associated with Binance is that it is quite centralized. This cryptocurrency is run as an entity that doesn’t have any formal headquarter. This company that works on profit creation doesn’t have enough utility apart from this specific ecosystem.

Another reason why people avoid opting for it is that it replicates the whole system of Ethereum and doesn’t offer much newness. Hence, they prefer going for Ethereum itself for the level of trust that it provides to the investors.

2. Solana

In the ecosystem of digital currencies, Solana has gained a lot of fame over the last few years and earned the fourth position. It has moved above the charts and surely has quite a bright future.

The Positives

Just like Binance, what makes Solana a reliable currency to opt for is the fast ecosystem that it supports. Using it, trading it, and making its transactions is quite efficient, wasting the least amount of time for the investors.

Alongside this, it, too, has quite a low fee structure. Still, it has quite a wide scope. The ecosystem is widely spread, which successfully hosts more than two hundred applications. This is surely something that sets it apart from its competitors.

Over the last few years, the confidence in Solana has increased, and people have invested in it quite a low. This has helped in making the market favorable for it. The current activities are highly in its favor.

Like Ethereum, smart contracts are also a prominent part of the operational structure of Solana.

The Negatives

However, the working system of currency, however, is in work currently. It is nascent, which means that people are usually indecisive when choosing it over other more trustworthy and famous cryptos.

A tweet by Solana foundation agreeing that its network has some level of instability affected the trust of investors over it.


Two of the biggest altcoins, Binance and Solana, come with their perks and disadvantages. Though they are not yet as trustworthy as bitcoin and Ethereum are, you can surely go for them if you are looking forward to enhancing your portfolio.

It will give you a wider presence in the market, offering you the ability to hold a variety of cryptos!

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