5 Innovative Strategies That Boost B2B Conversions

5 Innovative Strategies That Boost B2B Conversions

5 Innovative Strategies That Boost B2B Conversions

5 Innovative Strategies That Boost B2B Conversions

We often associate innovation with the products/services we develop. We put effort and resources into creating something wonderful only to market using traditional means. I mean, there is a website that talks about your latest invention, but is that enough to bring in the numbers you need for your business to thrive?

We no longer talk about the future being digital, the future is here. Today’s buyers aren’t just tech-savvy, they look at sales processes and solutions from a tech perspective.

How does your brand measure up? Are you investing in innovative, tech-savvy strategies to reach these prospective customers and convert them?

Here are innovative marketing strategies you can employ to seize the opportunities presently available for growth.

1.  B2B Microtargeting

<div class="paragraphs"><p>B2B Microtargeting</p></div>

B2B Microtargeting

There is a wide range of software tools on the market today that help brands interpret big data. These tools analyze data from different sources including search engines, CRMs, social media activities, and third parties to determine customer needs and wishes more transparently.

Not only does this allow you to identify and reach out to heterogeneous target groups, but to also design relevant solutions and communicate in relevant ways.

Top benefits of microtargeting include:

●     Detailed and precise target group definition to facilitate spot-on communication with would-be buyers.

●     Creating opportunities to better your content marketing strategy. As customer needs become clearer, you can pick up queries, interests, and content interactions to see what to serve more of.

●     Determining your brand triggers. You’ll understand which marketing campaigns elicit more reactions and encourage brand loyalty

●     Facilitating remarketing and lead nurturing to enable offer prospects relevant information at the precise moment they need it throughout the cycle.

2.  Real-time Website Personalization

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Real-time Website Personalization</p></div>

Real-time Website Personalization

Statistics reveal that up to 59 percent of these customers are influenced by personalization. If you want to influence your target customers your way then personalizing their experience needs to be top on your list.

How do you do it?

●     By offering relevant content suggestions. Based on the page your visitor is on or has been to in the past, you can suggest more content that suits their interests. This may ease their research and encourage them to continue interacting with you

●     Through geographical personalization. Where is your visitor browsing from? New York, Kentucky, or Madrid? This data is easily accessible and may help you serve content that matches their location

●     Offering tailored landing pages. How do your prospects come to your website? Through ads, social media posts, or email? Having this understanding reveals much about what the visitor is looking for and you can curate the page they land to match their interest.

3.  Co-hosting Webinars

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Co-hosting Webinars</p></div>

Co-hosting Webinars

Mono-hosted webinars are great but limiting in terms of reach since you blast emails, or create blogs, ads, and social posts to the same database. Co-hosting allows you to double your efforts since you’ll be reaching your partner’s audience as well.

The conversations will be more valuable as they will tackle different perspectives and you have room for a little banter to make the atmosphere more relaxed and inviting.

When choosing a co-host consider the following:

●     Who should you invite? Complementary brands that offer experience and expertise on products/services that may benefit both audiences. It’s also important to check on chemistry otherwise you’re co hosting experience may not so pleasant.

●     Plan the presentation. Create a roadmap to guide the event. Will there be a primary host or will you do things equally? How will you promote the event? How often? What copy and images will go into the promo?

●     Conduct dry runs. It will help you get familiar with one another and the equipment you’ll be using. Transitions will feel smoother, you’ll be more relaxed around one another and potentially get better results.

4.  Cold Calling

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Cold Calling</p></div>

Cold Calling

This strategy works best with the micro-targeting strategy we mentioned earlier. Today’s customers only want to be contacted, when necessary, aka when they need your solutions. With the help of data analysis tools, teams determine potential customers and place cold calls to them.

It’s efficient, time-saving, headache-saving, and may help you achieve better results. Whether you choose to hire a sales development rep or work with your in-house team, here are some skills these people need.

●     A good memory. Prospects want their circumstances personally considered, so it pays to be up to date on their needs and relate your pitch around that. You can have reference material handy to jog your memory just in case.

●     Be empathetic. Show your prospect you truly understand the frustrations they are experiencing. You can recount something similar that happened to you and how it felt. It helps build trust and relatability.

●     Be a listener. This goes beyond letting the prospect speak and on to having an engaged conversation and responding appropriately. It doesn’t matter how much you let them talk, if your responses sound rehearsed or robotic, you’ll put the prospect off.

●     Pitch positively. The issue of your competitor is likely to come up in which case you shouldn’t tear them down. As you rip into your competitors, your listener will subconsciously apply those very descriptions to you. They will start analyzing your offerings in the same negative light.

5.  Augmented Reality

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Augmented Reality</p></div>

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is fun and innovative. Brands that tap into this strategy gain a major competitive advantage over their competitors for several reasons.

First, you no longer need to carry stacks of stagnant papers to share with audiences or conduct dark-room presentations.

AR makes sales presentations interactive and dynamic allowing audiences to interact with your products virtually to see for themselves what your product is like and what it can do.

The 3-D experience feels very life-like for the prospects who are free to zoom in and interact with your products and may help speed up purchases.

You also have plenty of customization options that allow you to customize product lines to suit the prospect’s needs, brand colors, and logo. It eliminated the need for real samples or 2-D custom mock-ups that you might have worked hard to achieve and may probably end up in the bin.

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