Tzar Aerospace Research Labs

Transforming the Indian Aerospace and Defense Industry through innovation
Tzar Aerospace Research Labs

Tzar Aerospace Research Labs

Transforming the Indian Aerospace and Defense Industry through innovation

Tzar Aerospace Research Labs: transforming the Indian Aerospace and Defense Industry through innovation

Humans have always tried to push the natural boundaries to overcome nature. They have always dreamt of literally touching the skies. The history of Aviation dates back to around thousands of years during the introduction of the concept of flying kites.

The modern story of aviation started in America and when Wright brothers delivered their first flight and the solid basis to fly beyond the level of the atmosphere was laid during the Czarist rule. During the Reagan administration's Star Wars days, the aerospace industry developed rapidly.

The recent privatization of Indian aerospace industry opened up the doors for new-age startups to explore the sky market. When passion meets purpose, start-ups such as Tzar Aerospace emerge.

In 2016 Priyam Mohanty came up with an idea and research vision to design and develop a conceptual pilotless Hypersonic Research Aircraft with new computational approaches and methods and decentralize India's geographical startup cluster.

Apart from the vision, Tzar Aerospace specializes in the development, exploration, and commercialization of emerging aerospace markets and provides innovative, entrepreneurial aerospace solutions to commercial, civil, and military customers.

The firm's technical competencies include product/system development, aerospace system design, rapid prototyping, and business analysis with the scientific approach of the Systems of System based learning (SSBL) coupled with spatial reasoning.

Tzar Aerospace is engaging with global aerospace establishments for Engineering Services, Product & System Development, Education & Training, After Market Support and different Technology Development Programs (TDPs).

Here are the edited excerpts from the conversation between our editorial team and Priyam (Founder) of TZAR group who is planning two Ph.D. programs in Ivy League Universities.

The solutions offered and the uniqueness

We have hitherto filed 15 patents pending in Aerospace, Renewable Energy and Mechanical Sciences. According to the business intelligence reports SME ministry (GOI) awarded Tzar Aerospace highest rating (Score = 1, High) with high market potential for all 15 (Fifteen) inventions.

We work on India's shortcomings of technological advancement in aerospace and defense system and the global urgency for renewable energy, waste management to save the ecology with innovation and priority.

Our innovative next-gen products like Sub-Sonic Wind Tunnel Facility for Aircraft for Testing Aerodynamic Structure, Solar tree for smart cities and Solar Buoy for villages and coastal areas, Hospital & Women Menstrual Waste management, and Re-Toilets, Carbon nanotubes (CNT) Reinforced Polymer based superlight Wing structure, 3D printed working model of an Aircraft in CNT, Driverless Air Taxi and safe vehicle, and Drone-based Integrated Traffic Management System makes us unique.

Potential benefits of these products include reduced costs, increased safety, increased mobility, increased customer satisfaction, and reduced crime.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tzar Aerospace Research Labs </p></div>
Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing

Views on the market and the opportunities

The global aerospace industry's market value estimates about US$838 Billion according to an analysis carried by AeroDynamic Advisory and Teal Group Corp. Another analysis conducted by Global Market Insight estimates India's Aerospace & Defense Market size over USD 10 billion and is predicted to grow at an estimated CAGR of over 5% from 2017 to 2024.

Indian A&D industry expects around USD 100 billion of domestic and foreign investments in the coming ten years due to the Indian government's multiple policy initiatives. The government eased norms for the defense, permitting foreign companies to own 100 percent of domestic ventures with the approval of the government.

India is likely to be the third largest aviation market by 2025, and we plan to capture a quarter of the market share in five years. The country is forecast to have a demand for a record 2,100 new aircraft in the next two decades.

The challenges faced

The recruitment of aerospace, space and defense technology professionals will not be easy for us as they are not available in good numbers in the region.

In future, before making any decision to collaborate with another company working in the same ecosystem we will have to go through robust analysis. Eventually, to win customers trust and loyalty, we as a startup need to work aggressively to implement a customer-centric working philosophy.

The clientele and long-term relationship with them

We share information that helps the client understand what we do, which builds trust and confidence in the process. We have maintained a policy of professional openness and transparency in order to build a strong and lasting relationship with clients.

We don't believe in being a Yes Man as this approach becomes counter productive and damages our reputation with the client. Our realistic approach towards results, delivering the project in an aesthetic format, hand-delivering the materials and giving an in-depth walk through or demonstration enhances our rapport with clients.

For loyal clients, a token of appreciation and thanks after key business milestones or around the holidays can be an unexpected pleasure that strengths our professional relationship.

The Future

For future, the plans are underway to make equipment for industrial activities such as big construction projects, large industrial facilities for aerospace and space products.

The patents opened a doorway for us to head for the consulting domain and introduce academic institutions to create aerospace resources including aeronautics and mechanical engineering.

We are likely to achieve the coveted $1 billion unicorn valuation by the end of 2018. Our aim is to an ecosystem that creates opportunities based on talent and effort.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tzar Aerospace Research Labs </p></div>
Aerospace Industry in India: An Overview

Bursting the Myth of Sisyphus

Encouraging healthy competition is an effective measure to motivate employees. Creating a workplace culture of serious FUN acts as a catalyst in the performance and avoids mundanity among the staff. I believe the company's happiness lies in the happiness of its workforce.

The Recognition

  • Tzar Aerospace is engaging with global aerospace establishments for Engineering Services, Product & System Development, Education & Training, After Market Support and different Technology Development Programs (TDPs)

  • The firm received Letter of Intent for partnership with various overseas aerospace organizations

  • Signed a MoU with Central Tool Room and Training Centre, MSME Department, Government of India for joint training, design & development of flight vehicles

  • Signed a MoU for a Solar power plant project

  • Projected client and customers for the financial year 2018-2019, will be more than 25

The learning curve, failures and life's biggest dream

I learned from my parents, from international travel, and from my own evolution that you can always redefine yourself, a brand, a community or a company. I think that my greatest failure could be not aiming high enough, or not trying in the first place.

My biggest dream is to focus what truly matters to the growth and sustainability of my company. I want Tzar to be known for solving the most innovative, challenging and threatening problems of customers all around the globe.

A piece of advice for the budding entrepreneurs

I am guided by biological Spencerian view (Survival of the fittest) inspired by Darwinian principles applicable to internal and external environments.

The out of the box solutions are imperative in order to stay relevant in today's dynamic business landscape with awareness about the changes taking place all around the world with the right leadership team.

In my opinion, it will not be the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive, but the fittest who will, by being able to maneuver their way through disruption.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Tzar Aerospace Research Labs </p></div>
Aerospace Industry in India: An Overview

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