Advanced Micro Services Pvt. Ltd.

Pioneers in Industrial Electronics and Automation, Delivering Excellence and Driving Transformation
Malatesh Patil

Malatesh Patil

Managing Director- Advanced Micro Services Pvt. Ltd. 

Established in 1995, Advanced Micro Services Pvt Ltd (AMS) is a leading one-stop solutions company specialising in Industrial Electronics, CNC, Automation, Process Control, Robotics, and Medical Electronics.

With a team of experienced engineers and technicians, the company offers a unique range of services, including repairs, refurbishment, replacements, retrofitting solutions, reconditioning and Special Purpose Machines (SPMs).

Their expanded offerings also include SCADA, IIOT and statistical analysis of machines. Under the visionary leadership of Mr Malatesh Patil, the team of AMS strives for improvements, making quality a way of life. 

Driven by the mission to provide the most efficient and professional solutions of international standards, they aim to become the preferred service company by delivering a high level of customer satisfaction and setting a benchmark for the service industry.

Mr. Malatesh Patil, Managing Director, Advanced Micro Services Pvt. Ltd.

Hailing from Haveri, a town in Karnataka, Mr Malatesh Patil received his primary education there before enrolling in Sainik School Bijapur, a residential institution that prepares students for careers in the armed forces.

Mr Patil’s mother was a school teacher, while his father served in the Indian Army. After completing his schooling, Mr Patil pursued a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) Degree in  Electronics and Communications from Mysore University from BDT College of Engineering, Davangere.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Malatesh Patil</p></div>
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The Tale Of Inception

Driven by an unwavering desire for entrepreneurship, Mr Patil carried a belief in his own capabilities and a resilient spirit. Despite uncertainties about the specific path to pursue, he remained convinced of his potential for greatness.

Nonetheless, the ambition to create something of his own persisted, and he often discussed this aspiration with his school friend. After the completion of their degrees, Mr Patil came to Delhi for his job while his friend Mr Halaswamy Magod travelled to the United States for higher studies.

They decided to come back to Bangalore and start something of their own, and together, they established Advanced Micro Services as a partnership company.

While his friend focused on laser cutting technology, Mr Patil capitalised on his IT industry experience, envisioning a venture centred around the computer and IT-related services. 

As their entrepreneurial journey began, AMS started to take shape, reflecting Mr. Patil’s passion for delivering comprehensive services. Simultaneously, his friend nurtured his respective venture in laser-cutting technology.

Together, they embarked on a path of growth and development, fostering their individual entrepreneurial pursuits. Over time, their efforts bore fruit, leading to the company’s transformation into a private limited entity.

Mr Patil assumed the role of Managing Director, holding a significant stake within the organisation, while his friend continues to serve as a director, contributing to the ongoing success of the company.

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From Modest Beginnings to Industry Success

In their early entrepreneurial days, Mr Patil and his friend started their venture with just Rs.3,500  operating from a makeshift kitchen that transformed into a nighttime laboratory with plywood serving as makeshift workstations to repair motherboards and other electronic boards for their customers.

Mr Patil took charge of AMS, focusing on repairs, while his friend pursued laser cutting technology. With time, they expanded their operations to state-of-the-art repair centres in Bangalore, offering a wide range of services in electronics repair, replacement, retrofit, and automation.

Today, AMS has a dedicated team of 50+ members with a combined work experience of 600 years, contributing to the company’s growth and success.

Navigating the Challenges

Building a business from the ground up comes with its own set of challenges, and Mr Patil’s journey was no different. Without the presence of a supportive ecosystem or a safety net, he found himself navigating a new world alone, constantly questioning how he would survive each day. Mr Patil shares,

“The lack of belonging to a particular place, accompanied by a lack of financial support, created an uncertain environment where even securing the next meal became a challenge.”

Despite all these, his unwavering determination and endurance fueled a never-give-up attitude, enabling him to overcome obstacles and survive.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Malatesh Patil</p></div>
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AMS’s Strategic Shift: From IT to Industrial Electronics

Recognising the importance of adaptation, AMS has undergone transformative shifts, enabling them to stand out in the market. This flexibility and willingness to evolve have played a crucial role in their continued presence and success in the industry.

Initially operating in IT, they recognised the potential in industrial electronics and automation and made a strategic decision to shift their focus.

This shift was influenced by the challenges faced by Mr Patil’s partner, Mr Halaswamy Magod’s enterprise in laser cutting technology, where even minor repairs required professionals from Germany

They saw an opportunity to provide local support and troubleshooting. This move propelled them to pioneer the repair and replacement of industrial electronics, setting them apart in the market.

Their ability to seize evolving opportunities and stay ahead has positioned them as leaders in the industry. Mr Patil says,

“The failure to adapt to changing circumstances, technologies, and market demands have led to the demise of many of our peers in the industry.”

By leveraging their expertise and staying ahead of the curve, Mr Patil’s team has carved out a niche in the industry, positioning themselves as leaders in the repair and replacement of industrial electronics.

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Milestones of Excellence

Over their 28-year journey, the team of AMS has achieved significant milestones, showcasing their expertise and dedication. Reflecting on the concept of success, Mr Patil shares,

“Success, to me, is not solely measured by monetary gain, but by the ability to make a difference and provide unique solutions in the face of industry challenges. True success is becoming one of the few or the only company in a specific area of expertise where we can capture the world with our exceptional services.”

AMS achieved notable success by completing major repair projects for the Indian Navy in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar. Their work received high praise, with the Admiral extending a personal invitation to Mr Patil. Similarly, their contributions to the Allahabad Army workshop were highly valued.

Recently, they were honoured with the Icons of Karnataka award, and they are also slated to receive the Best Company of the Year 2023 award. These accolades reflect their remarkable progress and impact in the field of Industrial Electronics, Repair, Refurbishment, Automation, CNC Services & Solutions.

Future Outlook

Talking about the future of AMS, Mr Patil expresses great confidence in his company’s growth and global expansion. With a strong presence in pan India and increasing inquiries from overseas customers, he envisions his company serving the world.

The goal is to establish international offices in the coming financial year, further strengthening their global presence while delivering successful projects and creating a positive impact on a larger scale.

Leadership Insights

Advising young entrepreneurs, Mr Malatesh Patil shares,

“Running a business is not a 20-20 cricket; it’s a test match. Learn to be adaptable and endure the challenges that come your way. Complement your expertise by building a team with diverse skills in areas like marketing, technology, and finance. This gives your company the best advantage to scale up and grow rapidly. Remember, passion is essential to stay alive and thrive amidst competition. Remain frugal in your initial stage and assemble the best team from the start. Starting a business isn’t just about beginning; it’s about surviving and thriving amidst the challenges. Just starting is not enough; one must adapt and grow to succeed. Endurance, Grit, Patience, Unwavering hope and adaptability are key to success in the journey of entrepreneurship.”

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Malatesh Patil</p></div>
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