Decode Google Ads in Digital Marketing

Decode Google Ads in Digital Marketing
Decode Google Ads in Digital Marketing

What’s Google Ads for Digital Marketing?

Google Ads is an advertising platform by Google for its users to promote their brand inclusive of the individual or company with products, and services on Google web search, YouTube, and other platforms across the web.


Why Google Ads?

If you compare Google to any other search engine, it enjoys the highest percentage of users, whether it is through Google Web Services, or Google Maps, or Google Images or, YouTube. This clears up one fact, Google ads are the most powerful platform.

Before one starts to understand how Google Ads work, one has to understand how Google works. To simplify it, Google is a place where you can find an answer to a question. So, when I type “Decode Google Ads in Digital Marketing?”, it searches its database and shares results within seconds.

The point is, Google answers the question and these answers are displayed on SERP Search engine Result Page.

Now, ranking on this page for a certain query for your solutions would be amazing, wouldn’t it be?

Let’s understand Google Ads in Digital Marketing!

Difference Between Organic Results and Paid Google Ads

Digital marketing is a broad concept in which various strategies are included to target audiences through various platforms. Digital marketing’s biggest component SEO is divided into two parts, free and paid marketing.

So, you can get your website on the SERP through either paid or unpaid SEO or optimization of your website. Google offers organic results, which implies that no money is spent to make a webpage or website land on the 1st page of SERP. This includes on-page and off-page SEO efforts.

On-page SEO will include adding keywords, quality content, relevancy, and making the website user efficient. Off-page includes building backlinks. If you can reach #1 ranking or rank on the first page through these on-page and off-page SEO initiatives, then Google will ultimately put you on 1st page.

Why? Because Google wants to satisfy its users, so if there is a page that is offering the right solutions, has a good reputation, etc, it will put it on the SERP.

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Google Ads, A Way To Get To The Top of Search Results

But what Google puts on the top of the search results is paid ads. Now, earlier Google Ads was known as Google Adwords. But on July 24th 2018, Google Ads was introduced with a new name and logo and the URL changed from to, for the account holders.

Why should I choose Google Ads when there are free organic results?

Faster Than SEO: There is nothing better than organic SERP ranking with SEO efforts, however, if you are unable to increase reach, Google Ads will do it for you more efficiently.

Increased Brand Awareness: Imagine the first name users see after they search for a service or a product, your Google Ads, along with other marketing efforts like social media, will increase brand awareness.

Reconnect with Visitors: Missed a client by one click. If a user has visited your website, the Google ads is a great way to reinforce your brand’s image in their minds and the funnel can lead to sales this time.

Measure Your Performance: There is no secret sauce to Google Ads campaigns. Thus, you might have to revisit your campaign and understand what’s working and what’s not. Google Ads offers you several metrics to boost ad reach and convert leads into sales.

Several Features: Google Adwords is not merely a platform where you can create and post ads, it offers several features to enhance the advertisement.

How to use Google Ads for Digital Marketing?

Choose the Right Ad Types:

There are different types of ads that you can create with Google Ads for digital marketing. Google Ads Editor can support you with most of them, be it text, image ads or dynamic search ads, or video ads, or call-only ads, and the list goes on. Discover more about the Google Ads Editor here.

Bid The Right CPC:

So, it is clear that you have to pay for Google Ads, but with CPC or cost per click, you will be paying as an advertiser only when someone clicks on the ad. So, you are not paying for impressions or display of your ad on SERP. When someone clicks your ad, there is a high chance of them being a potential customer.

To ensure that you are benefitting from spending each time someone clicks your ad, take a look at this example:

If you spend $1 for each click on your Google ad, and one of the 10 clicks lead to sales of your $30 product. Then, you are spending $10 and getting benefited by $20.

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Detailed Targeting:

You can accelerate your reach and lead conversions by targeting the ads to the users by adding certain long-tail keywords to your ads. You can go one step ahead and target user’s geographies, time zones, the device they are using, etc.

Let’s understand this with an easy example: If you target someone searching for “coffee”, the results will be in huge volumes and CPC will be touching the roof while the competition might kill the chance of your ad working. But you are targeting someone searching for “decaf coffee new york” the chances are the searcher is going to become your next client.

Split Test:

When you convey your message through Google ads, you can test two different ad content and test which one is getting the better number of clicks. So, if you have an ad, maybe you can write a better one and Google Ads will let you test both to see which one has a higher number of clicks.

Click-Through Rate:

Speaking of clicks, CTR or Click Through Rate, as the name suggests is the number of people who clicked through your ad to reach your website divided by the number of people who saw your ad. The higher this number is, the lower Google charges you.

Google Ads gets complicated day after day and has various elements and trends. Keep learning, keep scaling!

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