Editor’s Note: An Outlook At Law Firms Amidst Pandemic in 2020

Editor’s Note: 25 Outstanding Law Firm Making Impact on Legal Industry 2020
An Outlook At Law Firms Amidst Pandemic in 2020
An Outlook At Law Firms Amidst Pandemic in 2020

25 Outstanding Law Firm Making Impact on Legal Industry 2020

“Law and Order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered.”

Dr. B. R. Amdedkar

Editor’s Note: An Outlook At Law Firms Amidst Pandemic in 2020

Law in India has transformed from being a part of religious scriptures to the era of legal technology breakthroughs.

While India has a recorded legal history from the Vedic ages to secular law by ruling dynasties of ancient India in 16th – 19th centuries to a common law system by Britishers ruling India before Independence, to Law after Independence with the Constitution of India, the guiding light in all matters executive, legislative and judicial in the country written by Dr B. R. Amdedkar.

The top law firms in the country, which have been seeking justice for its clientele in diversified areas, have over the years won many battles with changing times under the esteemed leadership of experienced lawyers.

As India among many other countries is fighting the battle against pandemic Covid-19 in 2020, the unprecedented challenge in the disrupted industries with derailed businesses has indeed been adopting the technology.

While the legal sector has generally not been adherent to accept new technology that can save time and money and has tenaciously clung to traditional ways of doing things, in 2020, the Indian legal industry cannot escape the colossal impact on market, businesses and working life.

As an impact of Coronavirus, it is exposed to propel law into the digital age and reshape its landscape inclusive of consumers, providers, academics and the judicial system.

In the “25 Outstanding Law Firm Making Impact on Legal Industry 2020” issue of The CEO Magazine, we are bringing the top law firms in India and lawyers who are complying with the need of the hour, legal technology. These law firms have shared many aspects of the industry and their services along with how they are contributing to the swift, comprehensive, top-to-bottom re-imagination of the legal sector.

We have aimed to cover every possible story that embraced the challenge of digital transformation to deliver the best services by interaction with clients beyond the brick and mortar walls of their offices.

We, The CEO Magazine's editorial team hope that you enjoy the read and share your valuable opinions with us. We would love to hear from you. Your feedback is helpful to us in shaping future issues that are most meaningful to you. You can contact us at editorial@theceo.in for the same.

An Outlook At Law Firms Amidst Pandemic in 2020
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