What Books Do CEOs Read? A CEO Reading List

What Books do CEOs Read?

What Books do CEOs Read?

A CEO Reading List

What Books do CEOs Read? A CEO Reading List

Whether it's handling a team, dealing with a difficult situation, or raising investment, CEOs and business leaders need a great number of skills and experiment. Here, books come in handy, they help you to learn from others' mistakes and run a successful business.

Many established and successful business leaders say books help them stay ahead. But when you Goggle, what books do CEOs read, you have a lot of options.

You don't need to sort through every business bestseller on your own, we have listed five best books for CEOs to learn. We don't want to make any promises, but picking up one of these books will surely help you and when you implement their learning, you get numerous leadership tracks.

Blitzscaling – The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Blitzscaling  </p></div>


The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies

Author- Reid Hoffman and Chris Yeh

Bestseller authors of New York Times, Rid Hoffman and Chris Yeh wrote this book, Blitzscaling. It is known as a practical guide for entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their businesses in a constantly evolving world.

The authors provide insights into the success stories of some of the biggest tech companies in the world like WeChat, AirBnB. Besides, the book also brings a set of practices that educated entrepreneurs and businessmen to rebate moles that accelerate growth.

How Non-Conformists Move the World

<div class="paragraphs"><p>How Non</p></div>

How Non

Conformists Move the World

Author Adam Grant

If you are looking for inspiration for your big-picture thinking, it is a great read for you. Authored by Adam Grant, this book will take you through how to come up with unique ideas, how to present them so people take interest in your ideas and invest in it.

 Besides, you will also learn overcoming self-doubt and encourage people around you to be sceptical in a good way.

Shoe Dog- A Memoir by the Creator of Nike

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Shoe Dog</p></div>

Shoe Dog

A Memoir by the Creator of Nike

Author- Phil Knight

Being the founder of sports giant Nike, Phil Knight has built his status as a legendary entrepreneur. Knight established the company in 1962 when he took a load of $50 from his father and started selling shows from his car.

In the first of his business, Knight earned $8000 and presents his company makes annual sales of about $30 billion.

In the Shoe Dog, Knight reflects his entrepreneurial journey from humble beginnings to a growing one. In the book, he talks about different risks, setbacks and early success.

Whether you want some lessons on overcoming adversity or building a brand, the book is full of insights and wisdom that a budding entrepreneur can learn.

The Innovator's Dilemma – When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail

<div class="paragraphs"><p>The Innovator's Dilemma </p></div>

The Innovator's Dilemma

When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail

Author: Clayton M. Christensen

The Innovator's Dilemma is regarded as an innovation classic. This book shows that even the most successful companies have to make losses.

The innovation experts, Clasy Christensen says that a successful company with the established product can get pushed back if the managers are not aware of how and when to move from the traditional business tactics.

 To grow and become successful entrepreneurs should explore successes and failures from different leading companies of the phenomenon of disruptive innovation.


<div class="paragraphs"><p>Disrupt-It-Yourself</p></div>



Author: Simone Bhan Ahuja

Simone Bhan Ahuja is the bestselling author and holds an innovative mindset. She believes that companies should focus on innovating themselves if they want to disrupt their industries.

In this book, Simone tries to provide a comprehensive guide on how a business can take advantage of the intrepreneurship. This is vital when people in a large organisation envelop entrepreneurial attributes.

Through hundreds of interviews and consultancy experience at Fortune 50 companies, the author presents seven principles on building, supporting and sustaining Entrepreneurship. She aims to support business leaders become more fluid, frugal and faster than ever before.

The CEO Magazine

<div class="paragraphs"><p>The CEO Magazine</p></div>

The CEO Magazine

The CEO Magazine

So, these are the best books for CEOs. If you want to keep yourself updated with the latest update of the business world, recent technological advancements, The CEO Magazine can help you here.

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Bottom Line

Although books, magazines and journals play a vital role in increasing your knowledge and skill, yet you cannot take the actual benefit if you are not implementing your learning in real-life.

The learning you get from the book, engage them in your daily life and evolve your thinking and bring habitual effort for self-betterment.

We hope you find this post interesting and informative. Share your favourite book in the comment section below.

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