6 Profitable Business Ideas

Best Small Business Ideas with Low or No Cost, That Can Make Money
6 Profitable Business Ideas

6 Profitable Business Ideas

Best Small Business Ideas with Low or No Cost, That Can Make Money

Owning a business might have always been your dream, or you may be looking for a change from your 9-5 office work or thinking about doing a side hustle to make you financially more stable. No matter the reason, starting a business is exciting, to say the least. 

When it comes to starting a business, many people believe that it needs lots of funds, office space, team and while all these things are necessary for a business, there are several small business ideas that you can start on a small scale, in a small budget and sometimes even without a team.

And don't worry; these small businesses, if run properly, will earn you great revenue with low investment. After all, utilising your own skills is the best business to make money.


Six Best Business Ideas That Make Money

If you are looking for ideas for top money making businesses, then you are just at the right place. We will be guiding you through some of the business that make money that you can start on a small scale or even online.

Food Truck

Food is one thing that is never out of demand. If you are good with cooking, then a food truck might be your way into the food and beverages industry.

And yes, we do know that there are already several good joints in nearly every geographic location possible; you can shine out among them by serving high-quality, unique, and convenient food options and attracting customers.

What is even best, a food truck is a low-investment business idea when compared to opening a restaurant or cafe. 

If even a food truck seems too much for you, then worry not, we have another solution for you. Most of office workers or students today are living away from their families and dependent on restaurants or canteens for their meals.

Delivering home-cooked meals in your neighbourhood can be the best way to financial gains by utilising your culinary skills.

Personal Fitness Trainer

If you are a fitness enthusiast and know a thing or two about exercise and bodybuilding, then becoming a personal fitness trainer is your way to go. As people become more health conscious, the demand for personal fitness trainers continues to grow.

All you need to do is possess the necessary certifications, you can offer personalised training sessions, design workout plans, and help clients achieve their fitness goals.

The best part, you don't even need to own a gym or specific fitness centre for this; you can just visit your clients and provide one-on-one sessions.

Home Cleaning Services

With the fast-paced lives in the metro cities, people have gotten so busy with their lives that they hardly get time for themselves, let alone cleaning and tidying their living abode. Busy lifestyles have created a demand for professional home cleaning services.

Professional home cleaning services are quite different from your regular dusting and mopping.

But if you invest in quality cleaning equipment, hire trustworthy employees, and establish strong relationships with clients, you can soon build up a loyal customer base by providing reliable, efficient, and thorough cleaning services.

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Mobile App Development

Are you good with coding? If yes, the mobile app development business can be a great way to earn money. With the rising demand for mobile applications, there is always a need for developers.

With big companies charging quite the sum for single app development, startups and small businesses are always on the lookout for developers who can do the same work at a low cost.

You can develop innovative and user-friendly apps for various platforms and either sell them or monetize them through advertisements, in-app purchases, or by offering premium features.

If you are good at what you do, it is possible to earn money 1 lakh per month with your venture.

Event Planning

One of the major trends in recent years I have witnessed is celebrating every small event with a big celebration. And with celebrations, first comes the planning.

While some people prefer to do it on their own, some prefer to go all out with the decor and food, and for that, they need event planners.

If you have excellent organisational skills with a flair for creativity, event planning can be a great idea for small business that make money. From weddings to corporate events, there is always a demand for skilled event planners.

Coordinate with vendors, handle logistics, and create memorable experiences for clients to establish your reputation in the industry.

Handmade Crafts and Products

If you possess artistic talent or have a knack for crafting, consider selling handmade products. Platforms such as Etsy provide a ready-made marketplace to showcase and sell your creations.

Selling handmade products is the best online business to make money. All you have to do is set up an online store or just a business account on Instagram, and you are good to go.

From handmade jewellery and scrunchies to home decor items and opening your own boutique, the possibilities are endless. With unique and high-quality offerings, you can attract customers who appreciate the value of craftsmanship.


Embarking on a small business venture can be both challenging and rewarding. Choosing a profitable business idea that aligns with your skills, interests, and market demand is crucial for success.

The good news is that there are numerous small-scale business ideas that can generate substantial profits with low investment. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast, a fitness guru, an organisational whiz, a coding expert, or a creative individual, the possibilities for you are endless.

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