Navratri 2023

Fasting A Spiritual Journey
Navratri 2023

Navratri 2023

Navratri, a nine-night Hindu festival dedicated to the divine feminine, is celebrated with immense fervour and devotion across India. This year, Navratri is celebrated from Sunday, 15th October 2023, to Tuesday, 24th October 2023. It is a time when devotees come together to honour Goddess Durga in her various forms. While Navratri is marked by vibrant dances, colourful attire, and lively music, it is also a time for spiritual reflection and fasting. Navratri fasting is not just a dietary practice; it is a profound spiritual journey that connects individuals with their inner selves and the divine.

Benefits of Navratri Fasting

Navratri fasting is observed during all nine days of the festival, and it involves abstaining from certain foods and practices. The primary purpose of fasting during Navratri is to purify the body and mind, allowing individuals to attain spiritual growth and inner strength. 

Here are some key aspects of the significance of Navratri fasting:

Physical Detoxification: The fasting period provides a break to the digestive system, allowing it to detoxify and cleanse. It is a time to consume light, sattvic (pure) foods that do not burden the body. This detoxification process helps individuals feel more energised and mentally clear.

Spiritual Awareness: Navratri fasting is not just about abstaining from food; it also involves abstaining from negative thoughts and behaviours. It encourages self-discipline, self-control, and mindfulness. Fasting helps devotees become more aware of their thoughts and actions, fostering spiritual growth.

Offering Devotion: Fasting is seen as a way to offer devotion to the divine mother, Goddess Durga. By abstaining from certain foods and desires, devotees express their reverence and commitment to the goddess. This act of self-sacrifice is believed to please the goddess and grant her blessings.

Symbolism of Nine Days: The nine days of fasting correspond to the nine different forms of Goddess Durga, with each day dedicated to a specific form. Fasting during Navratri is a way to connect with the divine energy represented by each form and seek her blessings for various aspects of life.

Fasting Practices During Navratri

Navratri fasting involves adhering to specific dietary and lifestyle practices:

Satvik Diet: Devotees consume a satvik diet, which includes foods that are pure, simple, and easy to digest. This diet typically consists of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and grains like rice and potatoes. On some days, people may opt for a complete fast, where they consume only water or milk.

Avoidance of Non-Vegetarian and Stimulant Foods: Non-vegetarian foods, alcohol, and stimulants like tea and coffee are strictly avoided during Navratri fasting. Onions and garlic are also considered rajasic (stimulating) and are generally excluded from the diet.

Multiple Small Meals: Rather than having large meals, devotees often eat several small meals during the day to maintain energy levels and prevent overeating when they break their fast in the evening.

Prayer and Meditation: Alongside fasting, individuals engage in prayer, meditation, and the chanting of mantras to deepen their spiritual connection and focus during Navratri.


Navratri fasting is much more than a dietary practice; it is a spiritual journey that allows devotees to strengthen their connection with the divine. It promotes self-discipline, physical and mental purification, and a heightened sense of devotion. As individuals abstain from certain foods and engage in prayer and reflection, they tap into the profound spiritual energy of Navratri, seeking the blessings of Goddess Durga for health, prosperity, and spiritual well-being. Through this annual ritual, Navratri fasting becomes a transformative and spiritually enriching experience for those who partake in it.

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