International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Poverty is like a big curse on our society and it is important for us to get rid of it. In order to raise awareness to end global poverty, we celebrate world poverty day on 17th October every year. Formal name given by the officials for this day is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

This day aims to provide a great opportunity for the people living below the poverty line to talk about their struggles by giving them an audience who can hear and help them.

Origin of World Poverty Day

This day was first organised as the world day for overcoming extreme poverty in the year 1987 in Trocadéro, Paris to honour the sufferers of global poverty, hunger and cruelty. After five years in the year 1992, the general assembly of UN decided that 17th October will be celebrated as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. When the accords for the universal declaration of human rights were signed in 1948, the United Nations addressed poverty as a violation of human rights and decided to work toward the eradication of poverty.

Need for the End of Poverty

World Bank issued the easiest definition of poverty – a person earning less than $1.90 per day is below the poverty line. But poverty is more than just lack of money.

Poverty is lack of shelter, lack of access to medical care, unable to fulfil basic needs, hunger and malnutrition and illiteracy. Not only this but poverty is infant mortality and death of a child due to contaminated water. Poverty is a lack of freedom and representation. The core agenda for sustainable development of 2030 is to remove poverty from everywhere.

Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the UN adopted the agenda for sustainable development by 2030 which is commonly known as the sustainable development goals. This represents the efforts of the global community to transform the world for good and to reduce poverty to zero.

The sustainable development goals have expanded the scope of the world community's previous efforts to reduce poverty to zero. SDG is all about the end of poverty, saving our planet and living with peace and happiness.

People from around the world should unite to make this agenda successful. To build a sustainable future we need to find a way to meet current needs without sacrificing the resources for future generations.

Experience of Poverty

Being poor means you have to be dependent on others for your rights, freedom and overall living. It means any development or economic growth doesn't concern you. Living in poverty is no fun as you have to fight for even the basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, education, medical care and work opportunities.

A poor can never develop a growth mindset as they were thought to be dependent on the other person for their living. A poor person has no support, doesn't get involved in national or global interests and mostly sleeps hungry.

What People do on this day?

On this day of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, numerous non-profit organization and charitable groups are united to fight against poverty. There are also cultural events, concerts, signing petitions and holding a gathering that includes a moment of silence to pray for every poor around the world.

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