Facts You Should Know About INDIA This Independence Day

Facts You Should Know About INDIA This Independence Day

Facts You Should Know About INDIA This Independence Day

2019 has been a historic year for India. The country has witnessed a lot of changes in 2019. As we are getting close to the most patriotic day in India, Independence Day, let's get some facts clear. Each of these facts is essential for the children, youth and every other citizen of India to know especially with the recent changes taking place in the country

  1. It would be 73 years of Independence from the British Rule in India: Indian was a part of British colonization for more than 200 years that led to a long-fought battle for Independence which India finally receive on 15th August 1947. In 2019, India will be celebrating 73 years of being free from a British colony.
  2. India has 28 states: After scrapping out the special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of the constitution, India now has only 28 states. The article of the constitution gave special rights and privileges to the residents of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. After the formal presidential order, the constitution, flag, and rights of Kashmir are abrogated.
  3. Union Territories increased from 7 to 9: The Union Territories of India were 7 before 5th August 2019, but now, after the scrapping 370 section, Indian has nine union territories with Jammu and Kashmir being one and Ladakh being the other. The Union territory of Ladakh will not have a legislature like Chandigarh while the Jammu and Kashmir will have a unicameral legislature (with one house of parliament) like Delhi and Puducherry.
  4. ISRO completed 44 years of establishment: In 2019, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) once again created history after launching Chandrayan 2 into space. The mission holds significant value for India, as it will make India, the fourth country to have a soft landing on the Moon. From launching the most number of satellites in a single rocket to Mangalyan and Chandrayan-2, ISRO is one of the most important organizations in India. The organization was established in 1975 and will be completing 44 years of its establishment, this Independence Day.
  5. India continues to develop: According to the IMF, India is ranking on 51st position under the list of Financial Development Index. On the list of Economic Freedom of the World, India ranks on 95th position out of the 157 countries according to the Fraser Institute. India's current economic growth makes it the fastest-growing major economy in world which will ultimately help it hold the status of a Developed Nation.

India, the nation of culturally rich heritage and fast economic development, is growing unparallel to any other nation in the world. Celebrate this Independence day, by taking an initiative to learn and be aware about our own country.

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