Quarantine has indeed increased traffic on social media websites. This gives many brands a chance to grow online with a Instagram strategy for 2020. Be it products or personal blogs, you have a chance to be visible now to your target audience. It is a great time if you offer an online service online or have a product you can deliver amidst the pandemic, well, then you have a chance to sell it more than ever.

What do you need? A promotional post? Is a picture worth looking at? An engaging caption? Hashtags?

Instagram, the popular image-based social media application is a personal favourite of many, the things there are changing and in 2020, there are various existing tools and updates, you can use.

  • Shoppable Influencer Posts: A new feature that is loved by both brands and prospective customers, launched in April 2019 by Instagram, shoppable influencer posts are posts that direct to get to the checkout page of a product on an influencer's post without ever leaving Instagram.

Other new features in Instagram Shopping category include:

Shopping Tab On Business Profiles: Business profiles, unlike private profiles, have a feature to sell any product, service by adding a link to their shop at the top of their profile page. So, if you click "Shop", you are directed to the brand's embedded store on Instagram itself and further checkout link to the main site if you want to buy.

Shopping Channel On Explore: Explore is a tab that mostly focuses on organically boosting content that the user might be interested in. In 2020, there is a new feature that appears on the top right corner of this explore tab, the white shopping bag at the top right corner of the picture where user can view direct products, click on the icon the user gets directed to the embedded site to purchase the item.

Hashtags: Using hashtags wisely and the inappropriate number has always been suggested, what are the new Instagram trends in 2020 that you can use? While the trends like Hashtags that can be followed, insights can track your hashtags, and hashtags on stories still make hashtags quite relevant in

  • Influencer Authenticity: Repeat After Me, Content is King. It was and it is especially when you are an influencer. In 2020, the generation is waking and the brands are one as well, They are ready to engage in conversations, that means you representing a brand should also not strived towards being "perfect" but towards 'authentic' content. The influencers are craving more authentic content to establish a connection.

Telling people both sides of a story, your genuine experience and even some of its pain points is great as it makes you appear honest and vulnerable.

  • Customized Brand AR Filters: Making the users stick longer on the application is also the AR (Augmented Reality) backed customized filters, which are going to be one of the biggest Instagram marketing trends in 2020. These numerous face filters, branded GIFs, and stickers that add life to your photos and backgrounds are trending on the application right now and many brands and influencers are taking benefits of the opportunity. What are you waiting for? Use this Instagram trend in 2020 now.

  • IGTV: This 2018 launched feature, which initially was a "fail" because it defied the whole "instant" element with long videos is now a hit. Instagram has invested heavily in the stand-alone platform giving brands a completely new channel to showcase their creativity. The big plan is to make it the next YouTube, so this is one to watch.

IGTV previews now appear on the regular Instagram feed and this is largely responsible for the over 1000% increase in IGTV views. Brands are now cross-promoting their IGTV videos on their feeds so the IGTV videos are more accessible. There's also been the introduction of landscape videos and its use for long-content videos.

Make your IGTV video, the trendiest of social media trends in 2020 stand out with an interesting preview and 'keep watching' text.

  • Interactive Instagram Stories: You cannot imagine Instagram without stories today, this add-on feature is not one of the most important ones, in fact after being brought by Facebook, this feature is now also available on Facebook as well.  The stories which remain on one's profile for only 24 hours and then get archived serves its purpose of making many stay on Instagram for long durations of time with interesting content by different people.

Using a poll, question stickers, countdown timers, and even external links, there is a whole list of the best types of interactive Instagram stories which you can use to make announcements and get feedback in different ways from your audience, so make sure you add this in your Instagram strategy for 2020 checklist.

Highlight your stories, especially if you are a brand with varied products or influencer with different services, the highlighted stories will stay on your profile and will be visible to visitors who can be introduced to your brand more easily.

We are sure as Instagram user, you might have noticed some of these trends. You must have heard growth tools like Stormlikes, and if you have found something new here, then comment down below, your thoughts on these Instagram trends in 2020 that you should include in your promotional strategy.

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