Essential Features to Have in Your Satellite Communication System

Satellite Communication System
Satellite Communication System

Essential Features to Have in Your Satellite Communication System

Satellite communications for the maritime industry are crucial as they enable maritime users to maintain voice and data connectivity, no matter how far out to sea they are. The best satellite communications solutions will consist of several key features and can also be personalised to your specific needs. After all, every situation and operation is slightly different.

The world's top satellite communications providers know that vessels require a suite of integrated systems, products, and network services. Through this type of complete end-to-end solution, customers can obtain the satellite communication services they need. Read on for the essential features you should look to have in your satellite communication system.

1. Communication Services

Of course, when choosing a satellite communication system, you want to ensure that you are selecting one that incorporates all the communication services you need. Generally, this will include services such as email management and data transfer applications. These communication services are essential in order to keep the crew and the on-shore team connected and happy.

That being said, you also want to ensure that these communication services comply with IMO standards for cybersecurity and keep operational costs at a manageable level. For this reason, many vessels choose OptiSoft as it fulfils all of these requirements.

This comprehensive application suite offers users a broad array of communication services specifically designed for the maritime sector. These services include email applications (OneMailLite and OneMail Pro) that are ideal for either small or large vessels, a cutting-edge antivirus solution for remote networks (OneCover), and a bi-directional file-transfer service for seashore data replication (OneShare).

These applications are easily managed in the OptiSoft dashboard, a virtual portal for network management and apps administration. In addition, this cloud-based solution is equipped with a user-friendly interface that you can access on any web-enabled device.

2. Cybersecurity

No matter what type of satellite communication system you are utilising, it is crucial that it includes features to help maintain its security. Without the necessary satellite cybersecurity solutions, you are putting your operations and crew members at risk. Therefore, you want to work with a provider that offers a broad selection of cybersecurity solutions that are optimised for your niche. By implementing some of these state-of-the-art solutions, you can be assured that you are taking the necessary steps to safeguard your satellite systems from viruses and detect potential threats as soon as possible.

Furthermore, you want your cybersecurity package to help make your operations more efficient and ensure the authenticity of data transferred. On the topic of data, restoring data is an additional factor that should be addressed by your satellite cybersecurity solution. The best providers can ensure the continuity of your operations by enabling IT personnel to recover data after any interruption.

It is important to remember that the majority of cyber threats start from the misuse of personal devices. For this reason, if you are going to reduce the chance of cross-contamination, you want your solution to keep mission-critical and crew welfare networks separate with multiple access levels.

Similarly, you need to know that the software will be kept up-to-date as this is vital for maximum protection. Look for a provider that helps you stay up-to-date by providing remote software update patches while also duplicating data between ship and shore.

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3. Satellite Bandwidth Optimization

Bandwidth optimisation is essential for your operations as it enables you to utilise all the satellite features while keeping the cost down. However, in order to stay on top of your satellite bandwidth and ensure you are optimising it, you need to have a feature that offers complete visibility of your assets – OptiView is an IEC Telecom platform that does just that.

On the OptiView dashboard, you are able to access and monitor the current status of each satellite link you have in operation. You can then also generate a detailed bandwidth usage report that will allow you to compare each satellite link's status and assess bandwidth distribution between activities. This is an essential component of optimising your satellite bandwidth.

Furthermore, this platform gives you the option to conduct advanced filtration management. For example, you can control filters from wherever you are and disable users or adjust access settings whenever necessary. Moreover, when looking at your OptiView dashboard, you can set up credit limits to automatically suspend lines when limits are reached. This is another important way to ensure that you optimise your bandwidth, stay on budget, and control access.

4. Training, Customer Support & Maintenance

At the end of the day, you need to be able to know that you have the support required at all times of the day and night. For this reason, you want to prioritise finding a satellite communications provider who excels at ensuring customer needs are at the forefront of their solutions and services.

The best satellite communications provider for you can deliver the necessary training, customer support, and maintenance to you wherever in the world you are, no matter the conditions. It is from this point that they are able to ensure that they get the job done. From technical training to hardware deployment, upgrading value-added services, or logistics management, you want to know that your provider will do whatever it takes to keep your critical satellite-based communications systems fully operational at all times.

You may need training services for particular projects or complicated undertakings, or other specific activities that enable your operational team to become autonomous. When it comes to maintenance services, you may need equipment repair or replacement, corrective maintenance, preventive or scheduled maintenance, modifications and reconfigurations, spares provisioning, configuration control, or testing tools.

No matter what you need, the world's leading satellite communications provider has the knowledge and know-how required to keep you and your team members connected.

Are you in need of a new satellite communication system for your operations? Why or why not? What do you think the most important features are that your system should include? Let us know your views and any further insights you have in the comments below.

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