The CEO magazine’s digital platform gives you an easy access for reading the magazine

The CEO magazine

The CEO magazine

Global Audience Reach

The CEO magazine's Online Magazine publishing gives an easy opportunity to the readers beyond regional boundaries which allow them to read the magazines through online with the help of internet. Online publishing is a wonderful way to retain readers' interest and maintain loyalty even when readers move to another location. For readers, it is a favorable way of getting interest in reading in different circumstances. It is the fastest mode of reaching to the readers where it can be read with in only few minutes after publishing whereas print magazine takes at least 2-3 days after printing.

Flexibility For Magazine Content

The CEO Magazine is committed to serve a variety of contents to its readers. But, one of the limitations that print publishers have and need to work around is a fixed layout of content, which is drawn out by the number of pages allotted for a magazine. In our digital magazines, we provide contents with no limit and we serve contents on a regular basis to provide an interesting platform to the readers where they can get some additional benefits in the terms of variety of contents. Also, we do not incur any additional cost for paper and printing by adding pages to the digital magazine as with increasing the size of the print magazine.

Just A Click To Turn Print To Digital

The CEO Magazine provides you a soft digital reading platform where you can read the contents easily with easy operation of internet. You have to do just one click to turn over the pages and it looks like a print format.

Not a Threat to Print

On the behalf of a survey, online magazine should not be considered as a replacement for the printed copy of magazines. As per a study, it indicates that a big number of readers still want a printed magazine. Online magazine can be a soft option in different scenario but it does not stop readers to prefer printed copy, if available.

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The CEO Magazine India